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Fun / foon Tokyo
Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Japan has plenty Hitler art fans

Japan to display Hitler painting

BBC News, UK - Feb 4

... A spokesman for the film's Japanese distributor acknowledged that displaying a picture by the dictator may fuel allegations that Japan was indifferent ...

Posted by trek/taro at 3:14 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, February 4, 2004 3:24 PM JST
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Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 4:29 PM JST

Name: Marked Trail
Home Page:

Distributor scraps plan to show Hitler's painting during filming ...
Mainichi Shimbun, Japan - Feb 5
Fearing an international outcry, a major film distributor in Japan has abandoned a plan to display Adolf Hitler's painting of a church during the showing of the film "Max"... Max describes the story of a fictional art dealer who gets acquainted with Hitler in Munich before Hitler went into politics.

Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 4:51 PM JST

Name: Marked Trail

The work, showing a church in Vienna, was to be displayed at a Tokyo theatre on Saturday to promote a film loosely based on Hitler's life - the Max.
- BBC (4 Feb 2004)

...displaying the painting of Vienna's Karlskirche, also known as Saint Karl's Church, by the dictator may fuel allegations that Japan was indifferent to racial sensitivities...

"The showing of the watercolour is meant to back up the message of the film - to show that Hitler had a human side to him and that is all the more reason why he is terrifying because a despot could be born again," said spokesman Daisuke Kobayashi.

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