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Fun / foon Tokyo
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Get smarts! (Japanese way)
Hi honey, want some English injections?

Teacher busted for molesting girl with 'smart treatment'

MDN, Feb. 18, 2004 / YOKOHAMA --
A cram school operator who molested a girl after claiming he was a doctor and had a special treatment that would "make her clever" has been arrested...fictitiously told students at his school that he was a qualified doctor and had a stethoscope and X-ray images in his office.... told her he would treat her to make her clever before undressing and molesting her...

Posted by trek/taro at 4:57 PM JST
Updated: Thursday, February 19, 2004 5:01 PM JST
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Friday, February 20, 2004 - 3:24 PM JST

Name: AssLicker

Well, sperm is good for you. A kind of 'brain food' actually. Great for the skin as well. That's why those old Chinese dudes learn to orgasm without ejaculating. They don't want to waste all those nutrients on some ho. I think Hiroji Koki the innocent yet hanged war criminal was also into that.

Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 12:52 PM JST

Name: AssLicker

OK Correction his name was Hirota Koki

"(ko'kc hc'rota) , 1878-1948, Japanese statesman. He graduated from the law school of Tokyo Univ. A career diplomat, he served as ambassador to Russia (1930-32) and as foreign minister (1933-36). He became prime minister in Mar., 1936, and followed army dictates. His regime saw increased military spending, government interference in the economy, growth of aggression in China, and the signing of the Anti-Comintern Pact. He resigned under army pressure in Feb., 1937. Later he was (1937-38) foreign minister and president of the cabinet planning board under Fumimaro Konoye. In 1945 he negotiated to keep the USSR from declaring war on Japan. After the war he was arrested as a war criminal, and in 1948 he was convicted and hanged. "

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