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Fun / foon Tokyo
Monday, March 15, 2004
'Busy-ness' bad. Japan needs to slack.
Topic: Japanese life
"...busy-ness is part of the problem"
IT needs to slow down: guru
ZDNet Australia 15 March 2004

"The busier you are the less able the company will reach their long term goals. When you take the 'slack' out of your organisation you don?t have time to change," DeMarco added.
While admitting that his answer to this problem was simplistic, DeMarco highlighted Japan?s efficiency-obsessed economy in the 1980s as an example of his theory.
"We saw what Japan was doing in the economy in the 80s and we flinched. They worked harder, longer and were better educated?as we found out this didn?t work out so well for Japan. Since 1990, Japan hasn?t been so great," DeMarco said.
He explained that while Japan still had the high work ethic of the 80s, and were still "brilliant and very bright," their over-efficient processes had been at the core of one of the longest recessions in history.

Posted by trek/taro at 10:32 AM JST
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Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 4:45 PM JST

Name: Marked Trail

See Knowing the Lay of the Land: A Look Inside the Typical Japanese Office

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 4:47 PM JST

Name: BuddhaBoy

Now imagine my first day, pulling open the blast-proof doors of a former WWII factory and seeing a vast sea of 600 desks of the Maybe-the-Largest-in-Japan Inc's "Software Factory"...random wires and pipes hanging from the ceiling, no central heat/cooling, no windows, chain smoking zombies....all in a Fortune 50 corporation. The film "BRAZIL" was more enticing .

Wednesday, March 17, 2004 - 4:50 PM JST

Name: taro

Japanese offices are much more "friendly" than cube farms. M dad when visiting said he'd gladly trade his office to have Mega-Bimbo, my former ocha-girl, sitting so close, "she might as well be sitting on your lap."

Actually, we had one fellow gather a half dozen typing stands and hundreds of books around himself. With those typing stands that hold a sheet to be retyped in the air at the proper position and the stacks of books he built an effictive cubicle around himself. He stayed in his own "Cubicle" for several months and never came out until the company finally had to shoot him with tranquilizer darts and drag him away to own room in the happy home.

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