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Fun / foon Tokyo
Friday, March 19, 2004
"Comic" currency intervention via manga
Topic: Japanese life
Japan's currency intervention takes sinister turn in 'manga' comic
Thursday, March 18, 2004
(Mar - 1Cool 21:03 PST TOKYO (AP) --

The plot is sinister: U.S. officials trick Japanese authorities into intervening in the exchange market to buy the falling U.S. currency -- not to save vulnerable Japanese exporters from the dangers of a high yen, but to keep America's economy from sliding.
This story line from a comic book ["Golgo 13"] now selling in Japan may be implausible. Nonetheless, it highlights growing fears here over seesawing currency fluctuations.
...The story suggests that the White House has concocted a diabolical trap so Tokyo will cough up a massive amount of cash to finance ballooning deficits for the U.S. budget and global trade balance while preventing a crash in U.S. Treasuries.
Big Comic editor Naosumi Nishimura says "Golgo 13" appeals to Japanese readers because it is a fantasy based on realistic portrayals of current events.

Posted by trek/taro at 2:57 PM JST
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