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Fun / foon Tokyo
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
"It's me, send money" scam in Japan
Topic: Japanese life
'It's me' scammers dupe same woman twice
Mainichi/MDN, April 21, 2004
WAKAYAMA -- A woman fell victim to a pair of "it's me, send money" fraudsters twice after the scammers told her that the money she had deposited into their account was not enough,.... 54-year-old woman from Naga, Wakayama Prefecture, received a call ....from a young man who said he had been caught by a moneylender and was going to be taken away if he didn't pay..... the woman deposited about 1.4 million yen into the account. Later the same man called back and said the amount the woman had deposited was not enough, so the woman reportedly deposited a further 1.5 million yen into the account.
See also Captain Japan on this "ore ore sagi" scam.

Posted by trek/taro at 4:15 PM KDT
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