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Fun / foon Tokyo
Wednesday, July 7, 2004
Dinner of Death VS death for dinner
Topic: Me
Quicktime movie of my "fugu" poisonous blowfish for dinner this evening in Kannai Yokohama.

A "while" back I wrote this about my first encounter with THE FISH OF DEATH, FUGU...

It?s another gray day at Japan Inc. It?s a gray Monday morning for moaning, stretching and staring at battleship gray metal desks and concrete walls .
Ah, but last night ...
I was thrashing in the middle of Roppongi crossing baying at the moon. Two hundred and fifty thousand yen flopped out of my back pocket and whirled about in the wind as my date was hobbling about in her red miniskirt trying to fetch the bills. I was howling - laying flat on my back I could see her see-through pink lace panties. I definitely had found a friend in fugu.
An interesting fish, the fugu ...
The CIA uses its poison for dartguns. Japanese girls feed it to their men to get them "inspired". The blowfish, which is what fugu is called in English, was sliced up to be eaten raw at a neighborhood bar. The terribly charming Emiko had taken me there for a little hot sake and English conversation. Between her giggles and my gropes, she ordered the night's adventure, fugu, from a knife wheedling cook who had full control over my life. If I died from the little rubbery fish hors d'oeuvres, it's the cook's legal right under Japanese law to commit suicide. It seemed like a fair deal to me.
After fugu, she poured four bottles of hot sake into me , poured me into her husband's 4x4 pickup and sported me down to Six Trees, Roppongi, Tokyo's partyland. We were snarfing a couple of cheeseburgers while watching a Hamasaki Ayumi video when the fugu took hold. I felt hot flashes and then full-blown menopause followed by metamorphosis and a big blur that eventually dumped me at my desk at Japan Inc.
Fugu! Who needs drugs when you can eat little slices of raw death? But sitting here in my gray uniform, sprawled prone on my gray desk top, surrounded by gray walls and my gray job,
Well there you have it. I've only a few hours here to catch some sleep at my desk.... I?ll have to prepare myself for the evening's meal of more sake and something safe like. shirokarai, fermented raw squid guts.

Posted by trek/taro at 9:20 PM KDT
Updated: Thursday, July 8, 2004 10:07 AM KDT
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Wednesday, September 8, 2021 - 1:03 PM KDT

Name: "Omega aqua terra"
Home Page: http://

Rolex SA?è una società?svizzera?(con sede a?Ginevra) importante nella produzione di pregiati?orologi da polso, nonché una delle più grandi aziende operanti nel settore dell'alta orologeria. è controllata dalla Fondazione?Hans Wilsdorf, ente di beneficenza e non-profit (con relativi benefici fiscali) riconosciuto dalla legge svizzera. Replica Orologi Conta ventotto società controllate nel mondo e un'organizzazione di 4.000 orologiai in cento Paesi, con incassi stimati per il 2010 intorno ai due miliardi di euro e una produzione annuale di orologi di circa 1.000.000 di pezzi.?La Rolex è il maggior produttore di cronometri certificati costruiti in Svizzera; Patek philippe replica basti pensare che nel 2005 più della metà della produzione di orologi certificati?COSC?(Contr?le Officiel Suisse des Chronomètres) appartiene al gruppo. Il 3 maggio 2011 è stato annunciato il nuovo CEO del gruppo Orologi Rolex, il quinto da quando è stata fondata nel 1906, l'italiano Gian Riccardo Marini (precedentemente CEO di Rolex Italia), che prende il posto di Bruno Meier. Sommergibile Panerai Dal 17 giugno 2015, per raggiunti limiti di età, a Marini succede Jean-Fédéric Dufour. 

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