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Fun / foon Tokyo
Friday, July 16, 2004
Tortured Bobby Fischer Japanese jail

Fishing for Fischer
Via the The Daily Dirt Chess Blog
July 15, 2004
....Bobby Fischer's scrofulous website has just added the news that he has been detained at the Narita airport in Japan. ....

Bobby Fischer's site
"The World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer has been viciously attacked brutalized seriously injured and very nearly killed when he was illegally detained and arrested by the Japanese immigration authorities at Narita international airport in Tokyo Japan. Also the Japanese immigration authorities at Narita international airport have illegally detained Bobby Fischer at the Narita airport jailhouse.
Furthermore in collusion with the U.S. government the Japanese immigration authorities have confiscated and destroyed Bobby Fischer's U.S. passport. Bobby Fischer is still in jail at Narita airport in Tokyo Japan. Bobby Fischer does not wish to return to the Jew-controlled USA where he faces a kangaroo court and 10 years in Federal prison and a likely early demise or worse on trumped political charges. Nor does he wish to remain in a hostile brutal and corrupt U.S.-controlled Japan.
He urgently requests at immediate offer of political asylum from a friendly third country. Any country wishing to offer Bobby Fischer political asylum should do so immediately

MY COMMENT: Who'd think that Bobby Fischer would end up a wasted freak is Japan ranting pro-Hitler pro-911 Holocaust-denying droll (his mother was Jewish, but he denies it). I've hard that Fischer Nazi bend to chess that according to Kasparov is a game where your "ego must destroy your opponent's ego" but WTF?????

Posted by trek/taro at 1:47 PM KDT
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Wednesday, September 8, 2021 - 12:43 PM KDT

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