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Fun / foon Tokyo
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Crime/trauma scene cleanup job is better than teaching English in Japan
Oh, gross: A job I couldn't bear
Dallas Morning News (vile "free" subscription required), TX -
09:18 PM CDT on Monday, August 16, 2004

Michael Tillman's students have to be tough. During a class last week, the group shouldered in close for a sober view of training exhibit A, a beat-up mattress soaked to the springs with partially congealed blood and studded with flecks of tissue and bone. They listened earnestly as the lecture commenced. I edged toward the door and fought a powerful urge to vomit.
It wasn't the worst the students would see and smell that day – they had yet to cover "decomp," Mr. Tillman's brisk shorthand for the natural effluvia produced by a corpse in the later stages of decay --- and they were paying $1,400 apiece for the privilege....
One woman who said she has an undergraduate degree in literature from Texas A&M told me that she spent the last five years in Japan teaching English. She wants a career change, and she figures that decontaminating trauma scenes is a valuable service.
"Someone has to do it," she said matter-of-factly. "If you think you can handle it, you can help people who can't."
read the full text here....

Posted by trek/taro at 2:13 PM KDT
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Monday, August 16, 2021 - 3:38 PM KDT

Name: "Replica Orologi"
Home Page: http://

Rolex è l’orologio di lusso più conosciuto al mondo e il?primo marchio di orologeria svizzera nel 2019. Se chiedi a qualcuno che incontri per strada chi è Panerai Replica nove su dieci ti saprà rispondere, ma la percezione che hanno la maggior parte dei consumatori è che i segnatempo coronati siano sinonimo di orologeria ai vertici, Rolex daytona replica quando in realtà lo sono ma per la qualità che peraltro bisogna ammettere è difficile da raggiungere a questi livelli. Nonostante le strategie di cent’anni fa del fondatore?Hans Wilsdorf?sarebbero oggi ancora più che vincenti, Imitazioni orologi la notorietà del marchio non è frutto di piani di marketing ma di fatti che la storia dell’orologio riporta senza possibilità di fraintendimenti. 

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