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Fun / foon Tokyo
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Whoa! $12M for an RSS bunch of crappy blogs?!
Topic: Japanese Tech
My friend, Gen Kanai, is saying on his weblog [August 24, 2004] that $12 million in venture capital is being dumping into often-offline-&-buggy, RSS blog search engine, Technorati.

Gen Kanai wrote:
Technorati = $12M?!

Draper Fisher Jurvetson does a $6.5M Series A of Technorati at a $12M valuation.

Now.... it's a waiting game for Bloglines and Feedster.

Technorati gets fed VC dollars

Posted by trek/taro at 3:14 PM KDT
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Monday, August 16, 2021 - 3:05 PM KDT

Name: "Herve Leger Gown"
Home Page: http://

Formerly, Lederhosen Were Worn For Hard Physical Work; They Were More Durable Than a Fabric Garment. Today, They Are Mostly Worn As Leisurewear. Today, Lederhosen And Dirndl Attire Is Common At Oktoberfest Costumes Around The World.Herve Leger Metallic Bandage Dress Beer Costume Were Once Widespread Among Men Of The Alpine And Surrounding Regions, Including Bavaria, Austria, The Allgau, Switzerland, The Autonomous Italian Region Of Trentino-Alto Adige/Sudtirol (Formerly Part Of Austria-Hungary) And Alpine Area Of Today's Slovenia. But They Were Not Usually Worn In Southwestern Germany Or Switzerland.La Couturiere Parisienne, However, Claims That Lederhosen Were Originally Not Exclusively a Herve Leger Dress Bavarian Garment But Were Worn All Over Europe, Especially By Riders, Hunters, And Other People Involved In Outdoor Activities. Plus Size Swimsuit May Have Been a Unique Bavarian Invention. The Drop-Front Style Became So Popular In The 18th Century That It Was Known In France As à La Bavaroise, "In The Bavarian Style 

Sunday, June 23, 2024 - 7:43 AM KDT

Name: "yunbgleean24"
Home Page:

Nihoyat O‘zbekistonda ishonchli bukmekerlik kontorini topganimdan juda xursandman, shu tufayli men sportga pul tikishim va pul yutib olishim mumkin. Buning sababi, men  saytini topdim va ushbu bukmekerlik kompaniyasining sharhini o'qib chiqdim va shu erda men sportga pul tikishimni va pul yutishimni angladim. Agar siz qiziqsangiz, unda siz ushbu bukmekerlik haqida ko'proq o'qishingiz mumkin. Axir, bu erda siz batafsil ko'rib chiqishga e'tibor berishingiz mumkin, u erda siz bonuslar va tikish turlari haqida bilib olasiz.

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