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Fun / foon Tokyo
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
iPod zombies stalk the 52nd floor of Roppongi Hills
iPod zombies stalk the halls of the Mori Art Museum....
iPod on Tokyo street iPods provide museum audio-guide
Macworld UK, 24 Feb

... Tokyo's brand-new Mori Art Museum launching an audio guide service using Apple's iPod. Visitors to the museum can borrow one of 20 iPods at no charge, and listen to an audio guide of the current exhibition...

Posted by trek/taro at 11:13 AM JST
Updated: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 11:15 AM JST
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'waitresses in Japan wear their kids in a pouch'
roo pouchThis is not in the least bit true, at least for the past 60 years. If anything, Japanese women take more time off after birth than any developed county on earth.

Sometimes I gotta wonder where people get these zany ideas about Japan?

The waiting game
..few Australians choose to pursue the restaurant waiting game as a career. But professionals do exist
The Sydney Morning Herald. / February 24, 2004 - 10:08AM
...Lela Radojkovic, manager, Restaurant Balzac...
"The burn-out rate is very high... if you're a woman, you usually quit to have babies. You can't bring your freakin' kids to the restaurant. I love what I do but I also obviously want to have kids one day - what then? I hear that some waitresses in Japan wear their kids in a pouch for the first six months, so maybe that's the go."

Posted by trek/taro at 10:54 AM JST
Updated: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 1:07 PM JST
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Hey, let's build a supercomputer after school
According to the BBC the US Armyis building a second version of Earth on computer to help it prepare for conflicts around the world.
LOOK OUT World Domination Simulator!!!
Earth Simulator
Hey, gang, let's make our own supercomputer
CNET - 24 feb

... The No. 1 spot on the list is held by the Earth Simulator in Japan,
which can run at more than 35 teraflops, or 35,000 gigaflops. ... raduate course in do-it-yourself supercomputing at the University of San Francisco. On April 3, his students plan to assemble the first "flash mob supercomputer" in the school gym.
... a home-brew computer powerful enough to be added to a list of the world's 500 fastest computers,

Posted by trek/taro at 8:46 AM JST
Updated: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 8:48 AM JST
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Monday, February 23, 2004
Social Security swap agreement signed

Social welfare agreement signed

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: After years of discussion, the Japan and USA have signed an agreement that allows nationals of one country working in the other to gain credits for their social welfare contributions. ...A person working for years in Japan then returning home, would not be able to gain credit for a pension program in either country, despite having paid substantial contributions.
According to the Nikkei, the new program allows US
nationals in Japan and Japanese nationals in the USA to stay out of the host country's social welfare contribution program for 5 years, and instead contribute to their home country program. If they plan to reside in the host country for longer than 5 years, then contributions move to the program in the country of residence, and are also aggregatable once the person returns home.
Via: T E R R I E 'S T A K E -- A weekly roundup of news & information from Terrie Lloyd-- ---General Edition Sunday, 22th February, 2004 Issue No. 267

Posted by trek/taro at 11:09 AM JST
Updated: Monday, February 23, 2004 11:13 AM JST
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Odd Princess of Japan
Princess Masako

The Royal baby-machine balks not talks

I was watching this on NHK's Morning Show and noticed that Princess Masako wasn't talking and the clock in the upper-right of the screen is removed whenever the royals are shown. Also I've just found out that there are NO unflattering pictures of Princess Masako {雅子 皇太子妃} on the Internet. I'm gonna have to fix that problem, sheesh.

Baby pressure too much for royals
AFP / February 23, 2004

JAPANESE Crown Prince Naruhito has used his 44th birthday to ask for an end to the pressure on his wife to have a second child. The Imperial Household Agency said in December that Crown Princess Masako, a 40-year-old former elite diplomat, would cancel her official duties for a few months to rest up.
Besides the stress of being crown princess, "there has been a lot of pressure on her regarding the issue of our successor", Naruhito told a news conference held prior to his birthday today..
--->Also see the very odd Princess stamps

Posted by trek/taro at 10:04 AM JST
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Sunday, February 22, 2004
Japanese "Love by Mail"
Japanese Love Mail Japan?s Internet dating services: The weird and the dangerous
Tokyo Weekender / feb 20
....Men can pay a fee to have access to the mobile phone numbers of schoolgirls. Often, the male callers arrange to meet the girls, who sign up voluntarily and register their phone numbers. The Japan Internet Association (JIA), a non-governmental organization, reports that one in three high school girls own a mobile phone that has Internet functions. ...more than 30,000 Japanese men pay \500 per month for the privilege of sending romantic e-mails to a computer that responds with pre-programmed scripts. It?s called ?Love by Mail.?
The male subscribers get to choose a virtual girlfriend from a diverse lineup of women including bartenders, flight attendants, office workers and teachers. After making their selection, they begin to date these cyber gals via e-mail. When asked to explain his attraction to his virtual girlfriend.....
Another unnamed subscriber proclaims, ?I dated Hiroko (virtual name) for a while, and I have to confess I became very attached to her. It was hard sometimes to remember Hiroko wasn't real. She would argue with me and ignore me the same way as all my other girlfriends.?
See also the BBC Click Online story.

Posted by trek/taro at 10:09 PM JST
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Elvis is alive in Japan

Ladies and gentlemen - elvis pongi! - live from the rabbit hutch

Via f'ed

Posted by trek/taro at 4:32 PM JST
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Cho cute Japanese

Shamlessly ripped off from the grrrreat Nekobaba site.

Posted by trek/taro at 3:51 PM JST
Updated: Sunday, February 22, 2004 3:51 PM JST
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twisto Toshio

Be sure to click on the PDFs of this twisto artist, Toshio Saeki .
It's art, so don't go whinging about it being NSF, Not Safe for Work. The artsy wallpaper is kool too Download

Posted by trek/taro at 12:58 AM JST
Updated: Sunday, February 22, 2004 12:59 AM JST
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Saturday, February 21, 2004
Have you seen a Lert?
magan kid terroristsWhat a farce...the Japanese police haven't clue about terror and won't know what to do if they found a terrorist since their guns are never loaded. Sheesh.

Japan raises security alert against possible terror attack - - Associated Press / Feb 21
Tokyo - Japan ordered riot police to patrol airports and guard nuclear plants and beefed up security at other key facilities nationwide, in a precaution against terror ..the alert sent a shiver through global financial markets, knocking the Japanese yen to a 10-week low against the US dollar on Friday.

Posted by trek/taro at 6:46 PM JST
Updated: Saturday, February 21, 2004 6:50 PM JST
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Alien flu invasion via wild ducks!
alt textI've been watching the mass murder of poultry all day on Japanese TV because I'm home sick with some sort of damn flu. Arrrr. Now I'm on the lookout from those mucking ducks!

Hygiene center destroys 83 chickens from shrine amid bird flu scareTSU, Feb. 21 Kyodo ...Mie prefectural government said Saturday they have destroyed 83 pet chickens kept by a local Shinto shrine due to public concerns over bird flu, although the birds were healthy....The shrine did not want the presence of the birds to scare away visitors amid growing public fears over avian influenza, they said.

Killer bird flu hits new speciesToronto Star / Feb 21... Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan ? all keen to keep the virus from their borders ...likely spread by wild ducks....

Posted by trek/taro at 6:26 PM JST
Updated: Saturday, February 21, 2004 6:30 PM JST
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D'oh! Japanese nuke plant burns, AGAIN!

alt textalt text

D'oh! 'Nucular' terror the Japanese Way

This is the third nookyooler fire in Japan: it must be Homer Simpson has found a job in Japan. I used to think Japan was the only country anal-retentive enough to successfully run nuke plants in terms of maintenance and quality security but this is getting laughable. The fire was caused open burning of trash next to the nuke building. Sheesh.

Fire breaks out at Japanese nuclear plant

Seattle Post Intelligencer, Feb 21
TOKYO -- A fire briefly broke out Saturday on the roof of a Japanese nuclear power plant that was shut down for regular inspections ...

Posted by trek/taro at 5:26 PM JST
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Friday, February 20, 2004
Your subway stalker: VAAM+ advertising

I never noticed this while I was in the new Minato Mirai subway but it sounds CREAPful enough for me....via the dottocomu blog:

"A glimpse of the future: interactive ads? experiment into interactive advertising in the new Minato Mirai subway linking Tokyo's Shibuya with Yokohama: it will have a system set up in a concourse tunnel that detects pedestrian movements via a brace of TV cameras and uses the information to alter the images (art, local information, and advertising) projected on the tunnel walls..."

Posted by trek/taro at 3:59 PM JST
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Japanese Korean sex slave photos burned

Sexslave photos burned

And here's the "COMFORT" pix...

Lee emphasized she has no plans to exploit comfort women for commercial means, her photographs and mobile images are going to be offered via books and mobile service, leaving the public unconvinced.

Lee who had been denying rumors that she had nude photographs taken in Palau until acknowledged that there are pictures of her bare chest and released some pictures during the news conference. Lee is scheduled to leave for Japan to take more photographs for the second part of the three-part project.

Posted by trek/taro at 12:38 PM JST
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Thursday, February 19, 2004
"GET'S" has become a Japanese fetish in ads

"GET'S" has become a Japanese fetish in advertising

Posted by trek/taro at 10:39 PM JST
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Get smarts! (Japanese way)
Hi honey, want some English injections?

Teacher busted for molesting girl with 'smart treatment'

MDN, Feb. 18, 2004 / YOKOHAMA --
A cram school operator who molested a girl after claiming he was a doctor and had a special treatment that would "make her clever" has been arrested...fictitiously told students at his school that he was a qualified doctor and had a stethoscope and X-ray images in his office.... told her he would treat her to make her clever before undressing and molesting her...

Posted by trek/taro at 4:57 PM JST
Updated: Thursday, February 19, 2004 5:01 PM JST
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Sneak JPN Attack on Wonder Woman!
Wonder Woman and sneaky Japanese
(30/9/1977) -- A Japanese man with psychic powers that are enhanced electronically has a vendetta against Wonder Woman who prevented his saving his brother 35 years before during the Second World War. The Amazon princess will have to avoid her demise on a mine field pushed by the psychic powers of the crazed Japanese!
Translated from L'UOMO CHE POTEVA MUOVERE IL MONDO ( 30/9/1977 )... La principessa amazzone dovra evitare di finire su un campo minato, spinta dai poteri psichici del giapponese!
See COMMENTS for more pictures

Posted by trek/taro at 1:08 PM JST
Updated: Thursday, February 19, 2004 1:14 PM JST
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Does sushi sex exist?

LINK NOT SAFE FOR WORK (unless you're the pervy boss)

Posted by trek/taro at 8:42 AM JST
Updated: Thursday, February 19, 2004 8:42 AM JST
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Wednesday, February 18, 2004
I don't know what is is, but I like it.

It's a NI_KO_BAN sign

Posted by trek/taro at 6:54 PM JST
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JPN's youth least gender prejudiced in the world!

Jpanese youth are the least gender prejudiced in the world!????

Survey reveals Japan's youth least aware of gender
Daily Yomiuri, Japan - Feb 18

....Japanese youths' lower sense of gender difference also was evident when 69.7 percent answered positively to the question "Do you think men should protect women?" Positive responses in the United States and China were between 80 percent and 90 percent. ....
"Do you think women should act with pure femininity?" only 28.4 percent of the pollees from Japan replied yes. However, 58 percent in the United States, 71.6 percent in China and 47.7 percent in South Korea answered yes.
... "Do you think men should act in a manful manner?" 43.4 percent answered yes in Japan, compared with 63.5 percent in the United States, 81.1 percent in China and 54.9 percent in South Korea.
... "Do you think people should avoid premarital sex?" About 33.3 percent answered yes in Japan, while 52 percent did so in the United States, 75 percent in China and 73.8 percent in South Korea.

Posted by trek/taro at 12:40 PM JST
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