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Fun / foon Tokyo
Friday, March 12, 2004
Japanese babe take the offensive!
Topic: Japanese life
Gov. Fusae Ota
...and SDF babe going to Iraq

Osaka gov. urged not to award prize at sumo tourney over sexism
Kyodo / March
OSAKA, Japan
- Osaka Gov. Fusae Ota ... to halt awarding a prefecture-funded prize to the winner the Spring Grand Sumo Tournament to open in Osaka... the refusal by the Japan Sumo Association to let women enter the ''dohyo'' wrestling ring is ''unfavorable'' from the point of view of gender equality.
GSDF force to head for Iraq mission
Kyodo / March 12
A female member of Japan's Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF) is seen .. to head for Kuwait ... About some 10 female members will join the mission for the first time.

Posted by trek/taro at 10:29 PM JST
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Book Examines Japanese WW2 Biowar Program
Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:10 a.m. ET
NEW YORK (Reuters)
- A secret Japanese Army unit, dubbed Unit 371, sprayed Chinese villages with bacteria, spiked their wells with disease and laced their food with germs, perhaps killing up to a million Chinese in World War II, a new book says.There could be over 700,000 or even one million" lives lost to Japan's biowarfare program, Daniel Barenblatt, author of "A Plague Upon Humanity," said in a recent interview.
The book, published in the United States by HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., tracks Japan's development of biological weaponry from 1931 to 1945 and its use of these weapons -- bubonic plague, typhoid, anthrax and cholera -- on civilians, many of them in China....
"These are poor people who are for the first time telling their stories. They, at first, thought it (their illnesses) was an act of nature. Many had no idea what was happening to them," said Barenblatt.

Posted by trek/taro at 6:23 PM JST
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Where Can I Find Big Shoes in Tokyo
Topic: adviceS
Shoes? Easy, but your selection is limited.
(You should just buy them in your home country.)
Try Iseten Shinjuku 6th floor, Sports Authority, CostCo Japan, etc.
Washington --- the most "famous" big shoes store of Japan not cheap
Varied footwear available in larger sizes
5-7-7 Ginza
The popular American athletic shoe chain

in Parco

See my friends' advice at
Metropolis [Tokyo] Looking Good: Big is beautiful
Fun not serious help

Or read the thread
"The haggis that is sold in Tokyo is very expensive."

Posted by trek/taro at 2:56 PM JST
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Thursday, March 11, 2004
Toyota with dextrous fingers, lips & blows
Topic: Japanese Tech
robot blow job

"a lung function that allows it to blow"

A robot sways and plays 'When You Wish Upon a Star' on the trumpet
AP - Thursday, March 11, 2004.
.. Toyota Motor Corp. shows the robot in Tokyo ..The 120 centimeters (47 inches) tall unnamed robot has a lung function that allows it to blow the horn with dextrous fingers and mechanical lips.

Posted by trek/taro at 8:51 PM JST
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Todai gang bang?
Topic: Japanese life

read more

Posted by trek/taro at 8:49 PM JST
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NHK is giving Big Bird the big bird
Topic: Media
Japan's public TV broadcaster, NHK, is giving Big Bird the big bird...

Japanese Big Bird NHK to discontinue airing 'Sesame Street'
Yomiuri/ Mar 10 "Sesame Street," a children's English-language program broadcast by NHK on its educational channel, is to end April 3, due to policy differences between NHK and the U.S. production company on the focus of the program, an NHK spokesman said..."(The production company) Sesame Workshop has been asking us to broadcast the program in Japanese for several years.."

Posted by trek/taro at 3:56 PM JST
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The real "Last Samurai "
Topic: Media
Samurai Lady Quixotic presidential bid by scion of samurai?
--The Asahi Shimbun, March 10 (IHT/Asahi: March 11, 2004)

Irina Hakamada, a candidate in next Sunday's Russian presidential election, likes to wear black. She calls herself 'a scion of samurai,'' and the media has labeled her the 'Samurai Lady.''....
.... Hakamada stands out. She is a vocal critic of the government, charging that Russia has become a society that keeps itself together by falsehood and terror. ... In her campaign speeches, she says, ``Don't keep silent. Let us raise our voices.'' Failing to do so, she warns, could bring a return to the Soviet era.
Her father was Mutsuo Hakamada, a deceased former member of the Japanese Communist Party, who sought asylum in the Soviet Union in the days when being a member of the party was enough to earn the death penalty in Japan. (?!)

(I can't say whether that statement is true about the death penalty for being a Commie, it sounds "off" to me).

Posted by trek/taro at 11:55 AM JST
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Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Take a leak, take a 1.6 kiloliter leak
Topic: Japanese life
Ohhhh, I gotta take a leak.
This is near where I sea kayak every summer break during OBON.

Ehime reactor leaks 1.6 tons of radioactive coolant water
The Japan Times / March 10

MATSUYAMA, Ehime Pref. (Kyodo) About 1.6 tons of radioactive coolant water poured Tuesday morning from a pump at the No. 3 reactor of the Ikata nuclear power plant in Ehime Prefecture, Shikoku Electric Power Co. said.

Posted by trek/taro at 1:06 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 8:18 PM JST
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Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Live action CUTIE HONEY film
Topic: Media
Ok, here a good one....CUTIE HONEY is now gonna be a live action film.

live Cutie Honey

Hot and new Cutie Honey


        Old-school Cutie Honey

Old-school Cutie Honey

Posted by trek/taro at 12:40 PM JST
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Congrads you're a BUCHO: now work for free
Topic: Japanese life
mad bucho
TokyoNow: Nearly everyone's a manager at this company
Tuesday March 9, 7:30 AM / Kyodo

Half of the 60 or so full-time employees of a manufacturing company in the Tokai region of central Japan hold managerial positions, which strangely enough, saves the company money.
Initially, the company aggressively persuaded more than a dozen union members in 1999 to become managers, telling them that management could not afford to pay them overtime.

Posted by trek/taro at 11:23 AM JST
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And Japanese call this
Topic: Japanese life
sakuraIt's that time of year again. The TV "news" constists of nothing but blithering about blooming. ARRRRG! We got to put chicken wire around the TV to protect it from me throwing things at it when the "Flower Front fake news comes on again and AGAIN! ARRRRG!

This is NOT news.

'Sakura' set to blossom early
Japan Times, March 9

It set off a flurry of phone calls to weather officials. The big story: Japan may be on its way to one of its earliest cherry blossom seasons ever. ...

<---translation of the haiku on the right
Without seeing cherry trees
Middie-aged men forget depreession
Got drunk and become alcoholic.

Posted by trek/taro at 10:03 AM JST
Updated: Tuesday, March 9, 2004 10:13 AM JST
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Even the magnolia in Japan lack something
Topic: Japanese life
magnolia march 6 2004It was snowing yesterday but today the magnolia is blooming. Oddly, the magnolia in Japan does not have the cloying scent like my grandma's COZY INN in Hot Springs Arkansas. This time of the year you cut the air with a butter knife it was so thick with magnolia fragrance. You view the picture of the magnolia and other dorky flowers in bloom here.

Posted by trek/taro at 8:51 AM JST
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Monday, March 8, 2004
Robo soapland for the elderly: 'I like both ways'
Topic: Japanese Tech
Ok, this ain't "news" except to hard-up-for-a-story gaijin reporter but it's still interesting. I've actually had this done to me in the J-hospital 8 years ago by some very bored night nurses as entertainment...their washing maching had 6 portholes in the sides that they reached into to scrub my various bits in addition to the auto-soap job.

Japan elderly take spin in people-washing machines
NT Times / March 7

MACHIDA, Japan -- With an electronic whir, the machine released a dollop of "peach body shampoo." Then as the cleansing action kicked in....
...a littl more hot water, please?". Futuristic images of elderly Japanese going through rinse cycles in rows of washing machines may evoke chills. t ... Several elderly women living in Katsura-ryo said they rather enjoyed their robotic baths.
"It automatically washes my body, so I am quite happy about it," said Kuni Kikuchi, an 88-year-old.... "These bubbles are good for the massage effect."....Eiko Suzuki, 73, generally agreed, saying: "I like both ways. "

Posted by trek/taro at 4:02 PM JST
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Bird Flu Suspected in Deaths of 10,000 Chickens at Kyoto Farm

Chairman of farm that suffered bird flu outbreak in Japan commits suicide
The Star, Malaysia - 8 March

TOKYO (AP) - The chairman of a Japanese poultry farm that suffered an outbreak of bird flu last month and his wife were found hanged on one of their farms ...

Since life insurance pays for suicides, ChickenMan and Okaasan were must likely trying to make their children's lives better and debt free by doing this. In Japanese eyes, traditionalists would say they made the best sacrifice for their kids.
See also...""Okaasan, ya wanna hang out with me?"

Aliens have landed!

Black ships outside the city!
Pale aliens with long proboscises present their demands

Today in History - March 8
Associated Press

On March 8, 1854, US Commodore Matthew C. Perry made his second landing in Japan; within a month, he concluded a treaty with the Japanese. ...

Posted by trek/taro at 10:18 AM JST
Updated: Monday, March 8, 2004 10:25 AM JST
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Sunday, March 7, 2004
A Mexican in a skirt beats Japan's champion boxer for WBA title
Topic: Japanese life
Did anybody see on TV this cute Mexican flag skirt that this boxer was wearing when he took the title from the Japanese champ?

A Mexican in a skirt AP News
"...champion Hideki Todaka, left, and Mexico's challenger Julio Zarate fight during the World Boxing Association (WBA) bantamweight title match in Saitama north of Tokyo, Saturday, March 6, 2004. Zarate defeated Todaka by 2-1.... "

Posted by trek/taro at 1:10 PM JST
Updated: Sunday, March 7, 2004 1:11 PM JST
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Never bet on a snoring sumo
sleeping sumo Wrestling With Sleep Apnea
From: About Sleep Disorders / march 6
A while ago I wrote an article about the number of football players who suffer from sleep apnea. Now another study, this one conducted in the Douai Memorial Hospital in Tokyo, reveals that many Sumo wrestlers also suffer Sleep Apnea... if the wrestler suffers from obstructive sleep apnea, he lacks the concentration needed for the sport. This may be causing injuries. Apnea is also causing wrestlers to lose more matches than is normal or to miss tournaments.

Posted by trek/taro at 12:14 AM JST
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Saturday, March 6, 2004
Why the Peace Sign in all Japanese photos?
Topic: adviceS
"Edoolittle" on March 5, 2004 07:19 PM wrote in the Conclave Project...
Q: "So What is up with the two digit peace sign and why is it so cool?"

A:yoko ono peacesign
It was introduced to Japanese via hippy 60s and the Viet Nam War (and in an odd way the 5th Beatle, Yoko Ono promoted it). Since Japanese like to PRETEND to be pacifists, it stuck.
peace signpeace signpeace signpeace signpeace sign

Posted by trek/taro at 11:28 PM JST
Updated: Saturday, March 6, 2004 11:46 PM JST
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Titties even some obligatory Japanese content...
Topic: Media
Here's the R-rated trailer for the film "The Girl Next Door" with titty-bouncy left in and even some obligatory Japanese content...
Via "The Sun Online is the only website in the whole world where you?ll be able to get a sneak preview of the film with all the naughty bits left in."

Posted by trek/taro at 10:36 PM JST
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What shiny balls? Japanese "hikaru dorodango"
Topic: Media
shiny mud ballshiny mud ball handsshiny mud ball kids SHINY MUD BALLS:
Kyoto Professor Taps into the Essence of Play

Japan Information Network

At elementary schools, kindergartens, and preschools all across Japan, kids are losing themselves making hikaru dorodango, or balls of mud that shine. Behind this boom is Professor Fumio Kayo of the Kyoto University of Education. Kayo is a psychologist who researches children's play, and he first came across these glistening dorodango
...after trying many times, Kayo found that he just could not make a shiny mud ball. Once, he thought he had succeeded, but after a few days the mud ball lost its luster. Through 200 failed experiments and an analysis using an electron microscope, Kayo was finally able to devise a method of making dorodango...

Posted by trek/taro at 10:03 PM JST
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