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Fun / foon Tokyo
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Jpan: "Robots -r- us"

The key consideration is: Who is going to use these robots? The answer is obvious -- the swollen generation now nearing retirement age. These people are going to need help from wherever they can get it; their children will certainly not be up to the task of providing the needed amount of physical and medical care, as well as companionship, diversion and, yes, fun, in the home, in nursing-care facilities and in hospitals. As the developed world's populations age, the question of who is going to look after the growing ranks of elderly is no longer purely academic.
The way many researchers see it, robotics technology is nearing the point of genuinely popular usefulness just in time.

The Japan Times: Nov. 14, 2004
Robots and us

Posted by trek/taro at 8:51 PM JST
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Green Ogre and Japanese Grudge
JPN Shrek
Is the Face of America That of a Green Ogre? 2004/Nov/14/
...American films spotlighted at the festival, whose chief purpose, it seemed, was to please the widest possible audience...
...Along with weapons, movies are among our most lucrative exports to a waiting world, and in the last seven years or so, it has become clear that the expected audience for nearly all American-made studio movies, the audience they are designed and created for, has shifted from the 50 states to the global marketplace. This change in perspective has, naturally, resulted in a change in content: nuances of language or the subtleties of comedy do not translate easily between cultures, but action or fantasy or animation is immediately comprehensible, even if you live in, say, Japan, which is the country that most big studios long to reach....
..In the past, cultures would influence one another through film. The sensibility of the French New Wave and the Hong Kong action picture affected countless young Americans. But that sort of broad foreign influence seems to be waning. As I write, the biggest hit in America is "The Grudge," which is a remake of a Tokyo horror film directed by Takashi Shimizu. He has already directed the original and three sequels in Japanese. Although it received poor reviews, "The Grudge" made nearly $40 million on its first weekend and will probably become a global sensation. In the late 60's and 70's, horror films had the scope of "Rosemary's Baby," which raised the genre to a meditation on urban anxiety and rampant ambition. It is doubtful that anyone harbors similar hopes for "The Grudge." If this is the new global cinema, it could give the term "horror film" new meaning.

Posted by trek/taro at 2:35 PM JST
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Ya can't marry Japanese Princess Sayako anymore
Japanese Princess to marry, become a commoner
Princess Sayako, the 35-year-old daughter of Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, is set to marry Yoshiki Kuroda, a Tokyo metropolitan government official.

With the marriage, Princess Nori will become a commoner.

Posted by trek/taro at 12:00 PM JST
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"Japan Branded Thievish, Dizzy with Bulgarian Wine"
Japan Branded Thievish, Dizzy with Bulgarian Wine
Sofia News Agency, Bulgaria - 13 Nov
Japan's market is flooded by Bulgarian-made wine, labeled as a Japanese product, according to local reports.
A blend of 95 percent Bulgarian bulk wine and 5 percent of wine made in Japan from reconstituted Australian grape concentrate can, incredibly, be labeled as "100 percent Japanese Wine" ...

Posted by trek/taro at 2:08 AM JST
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Believing in Shinto has become "almost meaningless" to Japanese
Japan's ancient religion struggles to adapt to modern times
Nov 13 The Associated Press / ISE, Japan----| The steady crowds cross an arched bridge and follow a pebbled path into a forest of towering cypress trees, bowing before a simple gate that stands between them and the holiest place in Japan ? the inner sanctuary of the Grand Shrines of Ise
....The masses who come to this [national shrine] city on Japan's central coast once would have been called pilgrims.
Today, they are mostly just tourists. They offer quick prayers, buy a pocket-sized charm or two and head off to their next destination.
Such is the heart of Shinto, Japan's native religion. As old perhaps as Japan itself, Shinto is a rich mixture of folklore, reverence for all things natural and the Japanese nation itself.
But to say one believes in Shinto has become almost meaningless: For most Japanese, the worshipping side of Shinto is relegated to a small cadre of priests and their helpers, most of whom inherited their jobs from ancestors. ...more----

Posted by trek/taro at 12:07 AM JST
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
Japan Sumo Asso. Chairman charged with sex assualt

Sumo boss Kitanoumi faces assault, sexual harassment charges
japantoday > crime /Saturday, November 13, 2004 at 07:40 JST
A 28-year-old woman working at a Tokyo restaurant has reported to police that Japan Sumo Association Chairman Kitanoumi assaulted and sexually harassed her ...
....Kitanoumi was the youngest to be promoted to yokozuna in 1974 at 21 years and two months old. He won 24 Emperor's Cups before retiring in 1985 and created the Kitanoumi stable....became the association chairman in 2002.

Posted by trek/taro at 9:46 PM JST
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"Pacific Overtures": First "Japanese" production on Broadway
Note the fake "gaijin" noses on the nearly all Chinese cast.Miyamoto makes Broadway debut
(Kyodo) - Nov 13, 11:13 am
Amon Miyamoto has become the first Japanese producer to make a foray into a Broadway musical with the New York launch of the preview of "Pacific Overtures" Friday night.

Genuinely Ugly Americans, as Viewed by the Japanese
NYTimes: July 11, 2002
The coming of Commodore Perry and his troops to the shores of Japan has always been a showstopper in Stephen Sondheim and John Weidman's fable of gunboat diplomacy and cultural transformation. Those who saw the original Broadway production still marvel at the immense paper dragon of a ship created by the fabled designer Boris Aronson.
But Mr. Miyamoto and company have devised their own highly original coup de theatre for the occasion, and it, too, is sure to linger in the memory. The ships are seen only as fleeting, ambiguous shadows. But the Americans, whose grotesquely stylized appearances here were inspired by 19th-century Japanese poster art, are canopied by a vast American flag that shoots across the theater's ceiling amid a flash of eye-searing light.

キャスト Cast
B. D. Wong Reciter <語り>
Michael K. Lee Kayama <香山>
Paolo Montalban Manjiro <万次郎>
Joseph Anthony Foronda Thief Councilor <首席老中> ・ Ming Lee Second Councillor <次席老中>
Yoko Fumoto Tamate(Kayama's Wife)
Alvin Ing Old Man・Priest
Francis Jue Madam・
Dutch Admiral Eric Bondoc
Evan D'Angeles Observer・Warrior
Darren Lee American Admiral・Sailor
Hoon Lee Sailor
Telly Leung Boy・Observer

Posted by trek/taro at 3:37 PM JST
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Friday, November 12, 2004
Not-so-blind gaijin and the Japanese pink elephant
imomus' liveloserjournal

The blind gaijin and the Japanese elephant

People from other cultures who write about Japan often sound like The Blind Men And The Elephant. Everybody seems to be talking about a completely different Japan. Some change their opinion over time, arriving with a firm grasp of Japan's trunk but leaving clinging to its tail.
'Japan is very like a wall', said the first blind foreigner. Alex Kerr in his book 'Dogs and Demons' tells us that Japan is ruled by a corrupt and inefficient bureaucracy.,

Posted by trek/taro at 6:06 PM JST
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Like my Japanese lovelife, "odd-parity" discovered

Experiment Confirms Existence of New Electronic State in Superconductors

Penn State online / 11 November 2004

The existence of a new electronic state in superconductors, materials that can carry an electric current without resistance, has been confirmed experimentally according to research to be published in the 12 November 2004 issue of the journal Science... "We have established direct evidence for the existence of an odd-parity superconductor, which previously had been theorized but never demonstrated in an unambiguous experiment"...
...In addition to their scientific interest, superconductors have a number of practical applications. These include superconducting magnets, which have enabled the development of high-resolution magnetic-resonance imaging in medicine, and superconducting wires, which transport electrical power without loss due to heating of the cable by electrical resistance.....
....This research was funded by the United States National Science Foundation; the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; and the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology; and the Japanese 21st-Century Centers of Excellence.

Posted by trek/taro at 3:58 PM JST
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Japanese sportsman doesn't like sporting photos? Sheesh.
Ok, let me get this straight: a public figure Ok, let me get this straight: a public figure--a jock no less-- does NOT want great publicity about him kissing a mega-babe. Sheesh.

Japanese football star Nakata wins more compensation over kissing photo

11 November 2004 1821 hrs
TOKYO - Japanese footballer Hidetoshi Nakata has won 1.2 million yen (11,215 dollars) after taking to court a magazine which reproduced a photo of him kissing a famous actress as it reported on another lawsuit by the sports star.

Posted by trek/taro at 1:57 PM JST
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
French army in Japan defends Republic and Beaujolais
NARITA, JAPAN: A Japanses custom officer checks a wine bottle of the French 2004 Beaujolais Nouveau at the Narita International airport, some 60 kilometres west of Tokyo, 11 November 2004. AFP/Getty Images
AFP/Getty Images

JAPAN: French residents living in western Japan wearing World War I French Army uniforms gather at the foreign cemetery in Kobe city, western Japan 11 November 2004 to commemorate the Armistice Day ceremony marking the end of World War I.

Posted by trek/taro at 4:37 PM JST
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"Turret gods" of Okinawa guard over Falluja Marines
US troops move toward FallujahNov 10 The Christian Science Monitor / By Scott Peterson

...Marines riding in light armor can be superstitious, and some travel with what they call "turret gods" - voodoo-looking dolls with feathers and beads hanging from their heads, picked up at their home base in Okinawa, Japan. The "gods" hang among photos of girlfriends and family, which are considered "guardian angels" in their own right....

Posted by trek/taro at 12:53 PM JST
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Unidentified submarine spotted in Japanese waters
Unidentified submarine spotted in Japanese waters off Nov 9
- An unidentified submarine was briefly spotted in Japan's territorial waters off Okinawa early Wednesday but it later departed the area, ...

Posted by trek/taro at 1:37 PM JST
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World's oldest "students" protest in Tokyo
TOKYO, JAPAN: Member of a left-wing students' group [Zengakuren] raise their fists as they shout slogans during a demonstration near the American embassy in Tokyo, Tokyo, 09 November 2004, AFP/Getty Images

Posted by trek/taro at 9:20 AM JST
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Hinckley Hearing
Prosecutors Want To Limit Outings

Washinton Post
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, November 9, 2004; Page B01

Lawyers for John W. Hinckley Jr. and federal prosecutors argued yesterday over whether the presidential assailant's ongoing relationship with a former mental patient could make him dangerous if he wins extended and unsupervised visits to his parents' home in Williamsburg.

Posted by trek/taro at 11:15 PM JST
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"Photocapacitor" aka solar cell and battery combined by Japanese reseacher in Aoba, Yokohama
Here's a "Photocapacitor" aka solar cell and battery combined by Japanese reseacher in Aoba, Yokohama near my house, He has put a solar cell and a battery into one structure..
A new type of solar cell / 4 November 2004 (Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 3932).
Scientists in Japan have made the first device that can convert solar energy into electricity and then store the resulting electric charge. The "photocapacitor" designed by Tsutomu Miyasaka and Takurou Murakami at Toin University in Yokohama could be used to power mobile phones and other hand-held devices ....

Posted by trek/taro at 4:58 PM JST
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Eco-globe Bra holds 2 Japanese boobs / globes with corn, hemp & paper
Mon Nov 8,11:49 PM ET / REUTERS... model Yu Misaki shows off the Eco-globe Bra, which has cups that join together to form a palm-sized green globe...The brassiere, licensed for the Expo 2005 Aichi Japan and not for general sale, uses environmentally-friendly materials such as corn, Deccan hemp and paper which can all be recycled.

Posted by trek/taro at 3:32 PM JST
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Monday, November 8, 2004
Hey, where's the fire buddy?
Fire engine fatally runs over man walking on sidewalk
(Mainichi Shimbun, Japan, Nov. 8, 2004).
... Investigators are questioning Sasaki on suspicion of professional negligence resulting in death.

Posted by trek/taro at 1:02 PM JST
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Friday, November 5, 2004
Gwen Gothic Lolita's Malice in Wunderland
What you Waiting for? Gwen Stefani's rehash video of an Alice in Wonderland meets giggling Japanese school girls fetishization.
In the song I heard, "gwen ha suru no which means Is gwen doing - or will gwen do it?
Does anybody have an idea if the fake school girls are actually somebody famous in Japan?

Posted by trek/taro at 10:21 PM JST
Updated: Friday, November 5, 2004 10:55 PM JST
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"Please up the Volue. ..." (sic engrish)
This Japanese webpage site for the infamous crook, Muneo Suzuki of the Liberal Democratic Party is Hall-of-Fame material for bad site design

Japanese ex-political heavyweight fined, given two-year jail term?
A once-influential Japanese lawmaker from Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's ruling party was handed a two-year jail term and fined 11 million yen (US$104,000; euro 81,000) Friday on bribery and perjury charges.
Muneo Suzuki, formerly a heavyweight in the most powerful faction of Koizumi's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, was arrested in June 2002.
Tokyo District Court judge Shoichi Yagi found Suzuki guilty Friday on two counts of bribery, one count of hiding political donations and one count of perjury, said court spokesman Hideaki Wada.

Posted by trek/taro at 4:57 PM JST
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