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Fun / foon Tokyo
Sunday, April 4, 2004
Missing Bach transexual found out after 80 years hidden in Japan
Topic: Japanese life
Missing Bach original piece found after 80 years
TACHIKAWA, Japan (Kyodo) April 4
....part of a musical score composed by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), which had been missing for about 80 years but has been found among the possessions of the late Japanese pianist Chieko Hara, at his school in Tachikawa, western Tokyo, on April 3.

The real news was uncovered by Kyodo Press, was that the "late Japanese pianist Chieko Hara" was actually a beguiling transexual.

Posted by trek/taro at 1:39 PM KDT
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Saturday, April 3, 2004
Topic: Japanese life


See the full-size JPEG at$77

Posted by trek/taro at 1:30 AM JST
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Friday, April 2, 2004
'Japan became rich before it became old' China won't
Topic: Japanese life
Demographic obstacles in Asia's way
Straits Times / Fri April 2- -
.....Japan is the worst example of an ageing Asian country. In 2025, 30 per cent of its population will be over 65. It will have 'nearly as many .... the economic consequences of Japan's ageing population may not be as dire as predicted... Greying Japan's economy is bound to slow, but that doesn't mean it won't grow at all....
.... that China may suffer worse economic consequences from its ageing population. Nearly 300 million Chinese, or 21.4 per cent of the population, will be over 60 in 2025. 'To put the matter bluntly, Japan became rich before it became old; China will do things the other way around.'
.....problems in China: a virtually non-functioning pension system; a one-child policy leaving a one-to-one ratio between elderly parents and the children obliged to support them; and the combination of relatively less healthy ageing and the relatively more arduous nature of work in the country leaving fewer older Chinese productive...

Posted by trek/taro at 3:17 PM JST
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WTF with Japanese 'corokke' in Kenya?
Topic: Japanese life
1.) The average daily wage in Kenya is $1.75. 2.) Kenyans know how to spell, "croquette". 3.) Potatos are grown cheaply in the highlands of Kenya.

Japanese 'corokke' shop opens in Kenya Kyodo - Friday Apr 02 11:05 AM SGT
Africa's first Japanese "corokke" shop has opened in Nairobi, with the Japanese operator realizing a longtime goal of taking a step into the African market.... At the shop, one dumpling, which the company says is made only from premium Japanese potatoes, sells for 50 Kenyan shillings (less than US$1).

Posted by trek/taro at 2:47 PM JST
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Nekura VS Neo-masochists in Nippon
Topic: Japanese life

The Dark Subculture of Japanese Youth

Yo Yahata, Sekai (monthly magazine), Tokyo, Japan, February 2004; From the April 2004 issue of World Press Review (VOL. 51, No. 4)
Recently, there is a growing trend for some young people to lean toward a spirit of something we may call ?the dark.? ....the term ?gloomy old men? (nekura) gained popularity with stand-up comics, and the previously lauded workingmen with brows knit from their laborious efforts fell out of favor and were no longer respected. The worker?s masochism of people who used to believe that ?as long as I endure, someday I?ll be rewarded? has ceased, and I believe that in its place we now have the neo-masochism of young people who tend toward ?the dark.?
....working masochists think that they (the suffering workers) are nobler than those who relax and enjoy their lives. Neo-masochists think they (the innocents) are nobler than the sullied, worldly people.
But the elements they have in common end there. The endurance of the working masochists soon changes into resentment. The intensity of this identification as a victim tends to put distance between the masochists and the people around them.
The neo-masochists who expose their bleeding wrists in public are unlikely to ask, ?Who put me in this situation??

Posted by trek/taro at 10:50 AM JST
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Thursday, April 1, 2004
If you're at H-08, where are you in Tokyo?
Topic: Japanese life

Tokyo's subway revamped to make it more foreigner friendly
Thursday April 1, 6:05 PM
Tokyo's subway network has had a spring makeover, receiving a new mapping system aimed at making it easier for foreign visitors to find their way around.
As of Thursday, the Teito Rapid Transit Authority which operates eight of 12 subway lines in the capital, has changed its name to Tokyo Metro Co., and has assigned a letter of the alphabet to each line and numbered each station in sequence.pan class="gensmall">

Posted by trek/taro at 9:05 PM JST
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"Bodey" Style Water(tm)

Coca-Cola Japan and Shiseido to Jointly Launch New Brand "aroma works"
Tokyo (JCNN) - Coca-Cola Japan and Shiseido jointly announced on March 25 that the two companies will collaborate to promote a new brand focusing on fragrance "aroma works" starting in April.
As an initial step, Shiseido will introduce body lotion "Body Stylish Mist" while Coca-Cola will bring to market refreshing beverage "Body Style Water" on April 21.
Pix via here

Posted by trek/taro at 5:05 PM JST
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Hey, where's the funeral? ( black-suited new hires)
Topic: Japanese life
The April Fools, Japan Inc's newly hired employees are out in force today in their black "recuit suits" (リクルートスーツ)
Tomoko Recuitcute suitsmanners for suits
textsuit pointers
Osaka guidelines for new hires
The friend which is strong in job hunting
One body of handicapped person employment guidance

Posted by trek/taro at 4:18 PM JST
Updated: Thursday, April 1, 2004 4:19 PM JST
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Second major (besides just studying Japanese)
Topic: adviceS
Question: I'm a Japanese major right now: Any suggestions on a second major that will open up more doors than my current major/minor?

Find and take one of the US Foreign Service Exam pre-tests. If you score reasonably well, start following the suggestions for working for the US State Dept who are hiring big-time right now and for the near future in asian languages. Damn, I wish the State Dept was hiring like that when I was in my early 20s (I scored above the 90 percental and still it wasn't good enough). In the same vein, Chinese or Arabic would be be a good 2nd major if you are really into language study.
If you're un-techie but into writing, language and Japan, maybe you might like taking coursework in "corporate communications", technical journalism, and the like. If you pass the official "Level 2 Japanese" test and have a tech. writing degree many Japanese companies will hire you (hell, if you pass Level 1 Japanese" and got a techical writing degree I'll hire ya).

Posted by trek/taro at 1:35 PM JST
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Japan is a "Loser Dog Nation"
Topic: Japanese life
Junko Sakai--->
Junko Sakai is bigtime in Japan and now NEWSWEEK is featuring her in their April 5 edition, page 9.

Letter From Tokyo: Loser Dog Nation
By Kay Itoi / Newsweek International / April 5 issue
This may be the year of monkey, but Japanese will remember 2004 as the Year of Loser Dogs, thanks to an ongoing national debate.
It started with Junko Sakai's book, "Loser Dogs Barking," out since October. Single and childless women in their 30s or older are makeinu, the author declared. It doesn't matter how successful, beautiful or happy they might be. They're all "loser dogs."
...nearly a third of Tokyo's female thirtysomethings are single. But the figure is 44 percent for men. (Loser dawgs?) Yet nobody blames them.
...Sakai's book has sold 150,000 copies---a big hit
... that's why "Loser Dogs Barking" has sparked such an uproar. Just as loser dogs can't live up to what society expects of them, so Japan can't deliver what's expected of it...Call us Loser Dog Nation.

Posted by trek/taro at 10:28 AM JST
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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Japanese 'maneki-neko' , or beckoning cat is full of pooh
Topic: Japanese life

"An employee of Disney Store Japan shows off Winnie the Pooh stuffed animals dressed in 'maneki-neko', or beckoning cat"

Posted by trek/taro at 4:27 PM JST
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taro friends
Topic: Me
My friends are more fun than this site....

Rob Pongi's lovechild,
Mo Kin
If that don't float your boat, there's always....

Today is ARSON DAY!
Topic: Japanese life


You folks in the Real World you still have time to celebrate March 29th:
ARSON DAY! when my favorite J-babe of all time, Yaoya Oshichi, started the Great Fire at Sugamo Temple.

Posted by trek/taro at 8:50 AM JST
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004
An amazing 10% of Japanese teachers can speak engRish
Topic: Japanese life
English teachers lack language skills, survey says
Yomiuri Shimbun / March 30

Only about 10 percent of public middle school teachers and 20 percent of public high school teachers have passed the Practical English Proficiency Test at pre-first level or higher, according to a survey by the Education, Science and Technology Ministry.

Posted by trek/taro at 2:05 PM JST
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Let's LOMO lucky!
Topic: Me
LOMO Climax Party
Sunday March 28, 2004
See: Let's LOMO lucky!Transendental LOMOtext
My car is charming texttext

See the entire Photolog at
tarotokyo photolog

Posted by trek/taro at 10:56 AM JST
Updated: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 2:08 PM JST
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KILLER DOORS attack and kill thoughout Japan!
Topic: Japanese life

Boy dies after being stuck in revolving door in Tokyo
More... (Kyodo) TOKYO, Japan ....

My comment: These are no ordinary revolving doors, that you push but rather huge, compartments turned by a motor that fit up to 8 persons.
According to TBS TV news this morning (March 29), there have been 59 REPORTED cases of these powered doors attacking people.

Posted by trek/taro at 10:23 AM JST
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Monday, March 29, 2004
Japan's Dead Zone
Topic: Japanese life
Spreading ocean "dead zones" top list of threats at UN environment forum
Kyodo / Monday March 29, 1:54 PM
So-called "dead zones," oxygen-starved areas of the world's oceans that are devoid of fish, top the list of emerging environmental challenges, the United Nations Environment Program warned Monday ...
Dead zones have long afflicted the Gulf of Mexico and Chesapeake Bay, but are now spreading to other bodies of water... appearing off South America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand....

Posted by trek/taro at 3:53 PM JST
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
Get eikaiwa "certifiable" for $295, hee, hee
Topic: adviceS
Schools around the world need you to teach English
Teach abroad for only US$295 | CAD$400
Online TEFL Course
A cutting-edge and convenient way to learn the latest TEFL methodology utilizing modern technology.
* Learn a transferable skill that?s in great demand
* Gain confidence and increase your versatility
* Fund your travels to exciting locations
* Embark on a fulfilling new {FG} experience

Posted by trek/taro at 12:59 PM JST
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Akebono is a cheater
Topic: Japanese life
210cm, 350+kg Akebono vs 185cm, 110kg Musashi... guess who wins?
Feast your eyes.

Akebono pile driver beats on the head of Musashi and is red carded in the 2nd Round. Restarts the 2nd Round with meaningless weak hits at Akebono fat. The 3rd Round has Akebono SLOWLY walking around and Musashi gamely neko punching fat.

Decision: Musashi wins on points 'cause Akebono is a cheater.

I guess Akebono had to figure out a way to lose since he was winning against a Japanese, hee, hee,
Musashi, Japan's K1 Champion VS Akebono
See the results posted on the official site at

K-1: Former yokozuna Akebono bites dust again in K-1 fight

Saturday March 27, 8:42 PM

Former sumo grand champion Akebono lost his second straight bout since making his K-1 debut last year when he was defeated by Musashi in a unanimous decision in the K-1 World Grand Prix in Saitama on Saturday evening.

Pix via Nekobaba

Posted by trek/taro at 11:00 AM JST
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Saturday, March 27, 2004
Japanese ladies love lushes
Topic: Japanese life
Note this picture is from the Wasada University famous "Super Free" drinking/rape club.
Women teed off by teetotalers
(Mainichi and wire reports, March 27, 2004)
Young Japanese women are almost 10 times more likely to prefer a boyfriend who drinks than one who abstains from alcohol, according to a survey by brewer Takara Holdings Inc.
Takara's survey found that 60.6 percent of women in their 20s or 30s wanted a boyfriend who boozed as opposed to just 6.6 percent who preferred he either didn't drink or was easily intoxicated.

Posted by trek/taro at 11:46 PM JST
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