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Fun / foon Tokyo
Sunday, November 28, 2004
GUTS! (Japanese "guts pose")
In Japanese, the engrish term "GUTS!" (ガッツ) and striking a "guts pose" (ガッツポーズ) for a photo have a special and deep meaning, hee , hee.

Check out Mr Guts! Make you own "guts pose."Make you own "guts pose."

Posted by trek/taro at 3:34 PM JST
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
Swallowing a roll of toilet paper, murderer remains quiet

Man arrested over murders fails in tissue suicide bid

OMUTA, Fukuoka -- A man under arrest in connection with the murder of four here had attempted to kill himself by swallowing a massive amount tissue paper in a detention cell at a local police station, prefectural police said.
Following the incident, he was rushed to hospital where he refused to be treated. He has since kept silent about why he swallowed paper.

Posted by trek/taro at 11:45 PM JST
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Two thousand fans in one Tokyo high school gym
About 200,000 similarly-designed clay figures are on display on the floor of a Tokyo high school gym during an exhibition titled 'Asian Field' by British sculptor Antony Gormley, Saturday, Nov. 27, 2004 / AP Photo, via fiiker photostream

Posted by trek/taro at 11:16 PM JST
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Friday, November 26, 2004
Another concrete example of Tokyo life
Topic: Concrete Japan
concrete Tokyo

Posted by trek/taro at 4:53 PM JST
Updated: Friday, November 26, 2004 4:54 PM JST
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Calling al-Qaida, pleeeease! Comiket Dec 29-30 Tokyo


Comic Market 67 (Wed, Dec 29 - Thu, Dec 30, 2004)

Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo; Japan biggest comic market....a sea of otaku - a two-day event that brings in about half a million of Japan's best.
Engrish photo essay

Posted by trek/taro at 3:02 PM JST
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Attack of the bad Ukrainan sushi !
Viktor Yushchenko in 2000 (left) and 2004>

Man of two faces: Yushchenko's mystery ailment

The Sydney Morning Herald., November 24, 2004 - 1:54PM

As Ukraine's popular pro-Western opposition leader claimed victory in hotly contested presidential elections, the mystery surrounding an appearance-altering condition that twice prompted him to check into a Vienna hospital persisted.
Yushchenko accused the Ukrainian authorities of poisoning him. His detractors suggested he'd eaten some bad sushi. Adding to the intrigue, the Austrian doctors who treated him have asked foreign experts to help determine if his symptoms may have been caused by toxins found in biological weapons.

Posted by trek/taro at 11:33 AM JST
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Japan Association of Corporate Executives to PM Koizum" 'CUT OUT THAT FACIST SHRINE SHIT!'
My photo taken in front of Yasukuni Shrineshit shrine
Japan's Kitashiro Urges Koizumi to End War Shrine Visits
Nov. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi should stop visiting a shrine China say symbolizes Japan's militaristic past as it hurts business ties, Kakutaro Kitashiro, chairman of the Japan Association of Corporate Executives said.
``There is concern it will hurt business ties between China and Japan,'' Kitashiro said at a briefing on Tuesday, according to the business lobby's Web site.....more....
モ?ベッタ..."Only you can prevent alien Mind-Control. Ask me how! "

Posted by trek/taro at 10:19 AM JST
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
Tokyo's $13,000 'hedonist dinner'
120yen or less for each serving.
cup ramen
This Cuisine Will Cost You
Tokyo's $13,000 'hedonist dinner.'

FORTUNE / Wednesday, November 3, 2004
...Tokyo hotel is charging for the "Hedonist Dinner" this December. The pricetag? $13,000.
The Hotel Seiyo Ginza in Tokyo enlisted wine expert Robert M. Parker Jr. and legendary (and previously semi-retired) French chef Joel Robuchon to plan the feast. The wine list will feature eight rare historical wine---including an 1864 Lafite and a 1961 Latour a Pomerol (total bar tab: $200,000, according to Christie's). Just 22 seats are available, and the hotel will confirm only that "several" are filled and that it expects the meal to sell out.

Posted by trek/taro at 5:20 PM JST
Updated: Thursday, November 25, 2004 5:21 PM JST
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Have a happy Mishima Day

Today is the the day.
November 25, 1970, 三島由紀夫.

Posted by trek/taro at 3:53 PM JST
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Bic Camera's Slaves in Tokyo

Bic Camera searched over failure to pay for overtime

Japan Today, Nov 25---TOKYO -- The Tokyo Labor Bureau on Thursday searched the offices of Bic Camera Co on suspicion that the discount retailer of electronic appliances failed to pay its employees for overtime.....the company based in Tokyo's Toshima Ward failed to pay a total of 2.5 million yen in overtime allowances for floor managers...

Posted by trek/taro at 3:36 PM JST
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B-25 bomber for Tokyo dropping pumpkin pies!
B-25 Bomber dropping pumpkins
Zen And The Art Of Pumpkin Bombing
AVweb, CT -Nov 24
... Our bomb runs were flown with the accuracy of Doolittle over Tokyo -- meaning I believe I could've hit a target the size of that city. ...
....The B-25 descended slightly and, just before the target zone, opened its bomb bay doors and from its belly countless orbs dropped, arcing toward the target, and quickly decelerating behind the bomber.
A single pumpkin impact sounds like a distant mortar round. First, there's the sight of the explosion and then the sound hits you with a "Fwump!" I'm told that a watermelon comes close, and a bushelful of zucchini can make you take notice. But the pumpkin is surprisingly concussive when it smacks dirt. Now, imagine a whole bellyload of pumpkins tumbling from a bomber and raining upon the target, striking within microseconds of each other: "Fwump, fwump... Fwump! Fwump-whump...!"

Posted by trek/taro at 11:12 AM JST
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Mitsuoka Motors' micro-engrish

It delivers the feeling of being stoked to you as the Santa Claus does."

Mitsuoka Motors

Posted by trek/taro at 9:17 PM JST
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Ainu or 3 Japanese Wise Ones?
Middle school girl, producer strive to preserve Ainu music
OBIHIRO, Japan - Akemi Takeyama (C) and her mother, Miyuki (L), play Ainu traditional instruments ''mukkuri'' in Obihiro, Hokkaido, on Oct. 17.(Kyodo Press)

Wise Monkeys - See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak
No Evil in the Nikko Toshogu Shrine (17th Cent). In Japanese it's literally "see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing" mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru in the proverb "San-en."

Posted by trek/taro at 8:32 PM JST
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Merry XXX-mas, Japanese style
Getty Images -- Nov 24TOKYO, JAPAN - NOVEMBER 24: Triumph International's newly released lingere set... bra and underwear come with a lock attached to the shorts and a key for the woman to give the key to her beloved.

The set will only be available from November 25 through December 25 for the Christmas season.

Posted by trek/taro at 7:19 PM JST
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Yummy-ko's "Honey Bunny" and Japanese kink art

Posted by trek/taro at 6:31 PM JST
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Monday, November 22, 2004
Useless as Japanese salarymen, househusbands proliferate


Econ, societal changes in Japan nurturing househusbands

(Kyodo) Monday November 22, 9:05 AM--- Changes in Japan's economy and workforce have been accompanied by corresponding changes in society, with one unexpected trend -- an increasing number of men saying sayonara to the traditional role of a salaryman and hello to the unconventional one of househusband....

Posted by trek/taro at 1:02 PM JST
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Toxic Avenger's Tokyo Sewer Adventure: G-CANS!

G-Cans: massive underground water system in Japan

Wo okeyeh on Sunday, Nov 21 wrote...

...mind-bogglingly complex underground. The G-Cans Project is a massive project, begun 12 years ago, to build infrastructure for preventing overflow of the major rivers and waterways spidering the city (A serious problem for Tokyo during rainy-season and typhoon season...
....The G-cans site is all in Japanese, but if you click around the menus a bit, there are animations and diagrams of how the system works...Supposedly the G-Cans project is also meant to be a tourist attraction, and can be visited for free. very cool.

Posted by trek/taro at 11:57 AM JST
Updated: Monday, November 22, 2004 12:00 PM JST
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Sunday, November 21, 2004


New York Post, Nov 21
In case you haven't noticed, Gwen Stefani's got herself a new entourage: four Harajuku girls who follow her everywhere.
The four - who may or may not be named Love, Angel, Music and Baby - save her from drowning in the video for "What U Waiting 4," the first single from her solo debut album. They trail behind her and vamp for the camera at public appearances. In interviews, they sit, all in a row, behind Stefani, frequently tilting their heads, alternating facial
expressions and shifting in their seats - always in sync. ...
..."That became my muse for the entire album ... thinking about these Harajuku girls," Stefani told MTV's "The Leak."
Stefani adds to the oddness. On a recent appearance on MTV's "Total Request Live," Carson Daly asked Stefani about the girls. Stefani quizzically replied, "You can see them?" and claimed they are a figment
of her imagination.

Ok, I was bored and aimlessly channel surfing. Boy, did a doubletake when I heard Japanese in the background: "wen ha suru no" (which means Is gwen doing - or Will gwen do it?).

YIKES! Gallianoed Gwen Stefani's 80s rehash and the Harajuku Girls ook slightly like they're wearing Hogwarts (Hufflepuff) uniforms?

Posted by trek/taro at 6:56 PM JST
Updated: Sunday, November 21, 2004 7:00 PM JST
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Kaki King's K-Kool K-Bar like on the Guitar
Kaki King
Acoustic guitar star Kaki King polished her wild/distinctive technique in the New York City subway.

Watch King perform live at NPR, November 21, 2004

BURN BABY BURN! (Shlock humor studio that produced

Kadokawa movie studio burned down in TokyoJapan Today, Nov 21
A fire broke out in the Kadokawa-Daiei movie studio in
Chofu in western Tokyo early Sunday morning, burning down one of the
studios ...more...

Posted by trek/taro at 1:56 PM JST
Updated: Sunday, November 21, 2004 2:01 PM JST
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