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Fun / foon Tokyo
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Robot salarymen of Japan

And their perfect "
robot rehab in Osaka Japan clinicRobo-Rehab in an Osaka clinic

Posted by trek/taro at 2:50 PM KDT
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Monday, September 18, 2006
True love, Japanese style

Posted by trek/taro at 12:59 PM KDT
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
River of concrete
This sewer of concrete, Ninhonbashi, is considered the starting point of all journeys in Japan.

Posted by trek/taro at 10:49 AM KDT
Updated: Sunday, September 17, 2006 10:53 AM KDT
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Banzai! Gov. 'Blinky' Ishihara, again!

Ebullient Ishihara to seek 3rd term
09/01/2006 THE ASAHI SHIMBUN--- Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara has made clear he will seek a third term to help prepare Tokyo for the "End Days" ...

Posted by trek/taro at 1:34 PM KDT
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Tokyo toilets
Tokyo high-tech toilets are the most advanced in the world!

Posted by trek/taro at 1:21 PM KDT
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
The real Fun/Foon have moved to
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: ant You So Hard (Boy?s Bad News) by EAGLES OF DEATH METAL Live on Jay Leno
It's not my two cents worth but rather my 3Yen's worth of info on Japan, at

(This blog is no longer updated.)

Posted by trek/taro at 11:01 PM KDT
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Friday, March 18, 2005
Killer Japanese air-con gallery
Japan Factiod No. 2,235: 19% of people killed in the Hanshin Quake were killed by their crappy airconditioners.

Japanese air conditioner photos
via BoingBoing
... a slideshow of photographs by Huschang Pourian, a designer living in Tokyo. Pourian is exhibiting his photographs of air conditioners ...
.... elements like tubes and wires destroying this order, going through walls, spreading chaos and confusion. Connected to these were white boxes with fans inside. I suddenly fell in love (visually) with these air conditioners and started chasing them....
But air conditioners are not just beautiful. Beside the fact that
they make our lives much more comfortable....more...

Posted by trek/taro at 2:49 PM JST
Updated: Friday, March 18, 2005 2:51 PM JST
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
LUNINESCENT GREEN SWINE: Why not it's St. Pattrick's Day?
LUNINESCENT GREEN SWINE: Why not it's St. Pattrick's Day?
I?m for anything that helps organ transplants. Hell, I?ll take a body transplant right now? even with a green pig if it would give me more mobility than I have now, hee, hee.
Still the ?sound? of this research is brings a chuckle to the end of my long day.

TOKYO, March 16 Asia Pulse - A group headed by Akira Onishi of the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences has developed a pig that exhibits a full-body green luminescence ?.
The researchers think that the animal?s glow will be useful for the testing and observation of organ transplants.

Also check out the ?prior art? at Alba, the fluorescent bunny.

Monday, March 14, 2005
FG Forum crash redux, March 13, 5:30pm

So now we are homeless again. FG down

FG Forum has crashed yet again on March 13, 5:30pm.
Go to the TokyoDV to read all about it.

Posted by trek/taro at 7:51 PM JST
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Oh no! Not again! New FG Post Bug? (March 8th, afternoon)
Mood:  down
Is there a new FG post bug?
I cannot seem to post anything right now but as American Oyaji said, "only this time [the FG] seems its pulling up OLD threads as well now."

Posted by trek/taro at 1:30 PM JST
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
Underground Geo-Site Project 3

Read the story here at Captain Japan's TOKYO UNDERGROUND.
See the video at the TDV Feature: Tokyo Underground Geo-Site Project 3.

Posted by trek/taro at 7:31 PM JST
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
The F'ed Gaijin Site is now ALIVE and stable

The FG alive and now stable,
Please go to subpage with the long address at

and avoid the top page at

Posted by trek/taro at 11:44 AM JST
Updated: Tuesday, February 8, 2005 1:22 PM JST
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Since the FG Forum is dead...


Ok, ok, it's Jan 25 and the FG Forum is deader than Monty Python's Parrot. We should expect the FG to be back up until Feb 1. Anytime before that is gonna take some serious cash. Hey, maybe my "eyeball" story killed it, hee, hee.
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The eyeball story...
Japanese Makeup Lesson in Eye Torture (Read the article)

A common sight in Japan are women (and
men) blithely towelling on makeupas they barrrel along riding on
Japanese commuter trains. However, for some strange reason I never see
them do this:
Image Hosted by
The most popular plastic surgery procedure for Japanese and Asians the
so-called ?double eyelid? surgery to make slanted eyes rounder.
Continuing on the same vein that I mentioned on Friday the 21st in Vibrator glasses for a ?taller? nose to raise the bridge of the nose, here?s a ?Makeup Lesson? for eye gluing and taping to simulate round eyes. See it as makeup lesson as a video and here as still pictures in plain HTML as shown below:
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Via Weekly Teinou 蜂 Womanほか which is the Japanese side of Geisha Asobi Blog in English

Posted by trek/taro at 9:19 AM JST
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Plug your iPod into your "idog" so it can dance to your Big Mouth Billy Bass.
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Hey for about 3,980yen ($38.60) I?ll dance for you. Seriously, this is no better the very passe? dancing Santa doll and the the singing Big-MouthBilly-Bass?. It?s gotta be weird that this ?idog? is designed so you can jack your iPod into its leg.
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Tokyo ?Japanese toy maker Sega Toys Co., Ltd.?s new pet dog robots, ?idogs,? dance in tune?. Depending on how the robot dog feels, ?idog? plays creative sounds. Owners can speak to it, sing for it, plays music for it, and it communicates back with melodies. It can also dance if connected to a music player at a jack at its leg?

Posted by trek/taro at 9:10 AM JST
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Friday, January 21, 2005
Decades in Japan---How did you do it?
Topic: Me
Q: Taro, you've lived decades in Japan; how did you do it?

I'm chemically unbalanced, hee, hee.
Billions of folks' brains are pumping depression juices. Not me.
Prenatal -- I was calm and non-kicking.
As a baby, I was all smiles, gurgling and never cried.
Grade school-- I was a happy camper.
Teenage flew past me by without any angst and college was a breeze even when I was being arrested at protest marches.
Now, I live in a concrete slum with salary zombies and I'm smiling---- See. Unbalanced, hee, hee.

Ok, here's the box score on 23 gaijin that have worked for me, with me, and preceded me for the 30 years my office has existed. You do your own odds.

Escaped in less than week 3
Escaped in less than 12 months: 7
Left under heavy medication in 5 years: 8
Suicide: 3
Retired: Me, goofing off on the job right now.

I'd say the odds favor "escape" as the best option for gaijin in Japan.


Posted by trek/taro at 2:33 PM JST
Updated: Friday, January 21, 2005 2:49 PM JST
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Gorki rules!

via the soon-to-expire BBC's "Global Hits" Thursday, January 20, 2005 8:42:14 AM
...the Cuban government views rock as the quintessential artistic expression of capitalism.
And if you use rock to criticise the Cuban revolution, you may just find yourself in a heap of trouble.
That's pretty much the story of Gorki Luis Aguila Carrasco. He goes by
Gorki to the twenty and thirty-somethings of his generation.
For them his appeal is obvious.
Gorki IS a rebel.
This tune by Gorki comes from the CD he recorded just before he was
arrested in April of 2003.The track is entitled Trova Ovation.
"I don't want to be a blind king's puppet," sings Gorki. "I pee in his soup and give him grief."
....Their logo is a sickle and a
hammer, and the hammer is a penis and the sickle are the lips of a
vagina. But it's very well done...


Posted by trek/taro at 8:51 AM JST
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Colonel Sanders, the Buddha
The New Yorker, book reviews, Jan 17, 2005
John Updike takes on a book review of the
surreal Japanese author Haruki Murakami in the latest The New Yorker:
I?ve real most o of Murakami but didn?t even know this novel. An
inportant point about Murakami is that his novels are the least
?Japaneseque? of authors?if tell a Japanese that you worship Murakami?s
work, they nod their head and say, So ka (since Murakami is the most gaijin like of modern writers).
Haruki Murakami?s dreamlike new novel

?Colonel Sanders, in his white suit and string tie, appears?.as a
fast-talking pimp. The Colonel, questioned by the startled Hoshino
about his nature, quotes another venerable text, Ueda Akinari?s ?Tales
of Moonlight and Rain":

Shape I may take, converse I may, but neither god nor Buddha am I,
rather an insensate being whose heart thus differs from that of man.

?To quote Colonel Sanders once more:
?Listen, God only exists in people??s minds. Especially in Japan, Gods
always been kind of a flexible concept. Look at what happened after the
war. Douglas MacArthur ordered the divine emperor to quit being God,
and he did, making a speech saying he was just an ordinary person.?

Posted by trek/taro at 3:44 PM JST
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
Anti-Bush bracelets, AP , Jan 14
....Selling blue bracelets that say "COUNT ME BLUE" ...
....Fairway, Kan., offers blue bracelets that say "HOPE" ...
... Moscow, Idaho, is even more direct; their black bracelets proclaim, "I DID NOT VOTE 4 BUSH"
anti-Bush bracelets

Posted by trek/taro at 5:05 PM JST
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Friday, January 14, 2005
The 'blank where the Japanese live'
Topic: Japanese life

Novelist Kenzaburo Oe once told journalist Patrick Smith that the West has just two images of Japan: The Japan of samurai, geisha and Zen on the one hand, and the Japan of Sony Playstation, anime and high-tech efficiency on the other. "Between the two, there is a blank where the Japanese live,"

--- Bruce Rutledge, "Kuhaku & Other Accounts from Japan" Chin Music Press, 2004

Posted by trek/taro at 10:30 AM JST
Updated: Friday, January 14, 2005 1:56 PM JST
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Yep, I am a paid Japanese transvestite.
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Me
In Japan, every foreigner seem to have a side scam. I have a lucrative business consultanting job for a foreign fragrance company one evening a week.
One hard part of the work is to find Japanese people for their fragrance focus groups and product evaluations. Therefore, I am called in the "sample-n-evaluate" their new products for them. On fragrance surveys I have to emulate the responses of their marketing target, 20-something Japanese female. Yep, I am a paid transvestite.
Fragrances go into all sorts of products that I test and evaluate. Besides getting paid for sniffing their Ty-D-Bowl Man having has way with Toilet Duck in test toilets, I often get paid for testing shampoo, hee, hee.

Posted by trek/taro at 10:11 AM JST
Updated: Wednesday, February 2, 2005 10:45 PM JST
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