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First Terra Star Newsletter



November 5, 2002

Vol. 1

Greetings! Welcome to the 1st issue of the FREE Terra Star International Newsletter for Terra Star website visitors and friends. This newsletter intends to feature information on personal & planetary transformation, spiritual prophecy, earth changes, health, youthing, mastery of 3D, trips to sacred places around the world, creations by friends, superconsciousness, ascension, angels, mermaids, dolphins and faeries…and many other things besides these. It is not a monthly newsletter….it just flows from me to you when the timing feels right. Please feel free to pass it along to others who might benefit. Namaste.

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In this issue: 1) An article by Ashie Nielsen 2) An awesome offer from the Dancing Dolphin Press of Maui, Hawaii 3) Maui Weddings 4) Interesting links 5) Upcoming Event
MAHALO NUI LOA!! Translation from Hawaiian: Thank you very much!

Introduction by Ashie Nielsen

I am so excited about the powerful Shift we are currently experiencing because I can read between the lines (as you can too) and divine the Good News: we are on our way back Home. After hundreds and perhaps thousands of incarnations after the Fall, this last cosmic cycle is closing, and our Spirit bags are packed! I’m feeling the sparks of remembrance and hope that are flittering like iridescent faeries around the actions and words of doom and gloom. These sparks keep coming into my email box nearly every day, and they are shining pearls among the more prolific messages of despair, fear, insanity and anxiety. It is important to note that the energies that are hitting the earth right now will energize whatever you are focusing on, so remember to PIVOT towards positive emotions/actions should you get caught up in negativity. For those of you that are sensitive and already focusing on the Inner Beloved and your spirituality, these new energies will make everything work out even better than before. Most of you who are reading this newsletter have already gone through this period of adjustment, a life with more joy, abundance, fun and success in every area. You have been merging with your divine nature or what I like to call your Inner Beloved. Many of you have been developing special skills and training at night during your dreamtime and will soon be using these abilities in the New World that is coming soon. You will have different jobs: perhaps planning new family structures, new clean technologies, new art forms and new forms of government. The redistribution of resources so that there is equality will give everyone a chance to work with their truth and from their heart. Some of you have been hit with some hard lessons, and it is ok to reach out to others to ask for balance in these. You will discover that there are many who can assist you to adjust to the new vibrations, and in turn, you can pay it forward when you meet others that are disturbed and seeking to re-balance. We’re all in this together! These are times of high weirdness, and we have to support each other as we deal with these eventful times.

I loved the following email because it is so apt for the Turning Times we are experiencing. The author is anonymous as far as I know. If anyone knows who the author is, please let me know and I’ll give him/her credit!

“Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah’s Ark….One: Don’t miss the boat. Two: Remember that we are all in the same boat. Three: Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the Ark. Four: Stay fit. When you’re 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big. Five: Don’t listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done. Six: Build your future on high ground Seven: For safety’s sake, travel in pairs. Eight: Speed isn’t always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs. Nine: When you’re stressed, float awhile. Ten: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals. Eleven: No matter the storm, when you are with God, there’s always a rainbow waiting.

This newsletter is intended for those of us who are able to comprehend simultaneous time and can shift our perception right now to experience this ‘waiting’ rainbow!

And to all my kin in the One Heart, I wish to add this Hopi message:

“There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart, and will suffer greatly. Know that the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open and our heads above the water.
And I say, see who is there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey halt. The time of the lone wolf is over!
Gather yourselves. Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the ones we have been waiting for.!
The Power of Yes!
By Ashie Nielsen

People often ask me what I feel/think is going to happen to the future of this planet as they know I have been studying and exploring sacred prophecy for some time. In the past I would often cite well-known prophecies and timetables from indigenous people and famous seers. Indeed there are many predictions that could easily apply to the current times, and so it seemed appropriate to quote these.

However, in recent years I have been influenced by the thoughtforms expressed in the books: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz as well as the teachings of Abraham through Esther Hicks.

Paying attention to and feeling our indwelling abiding Presence rather than being thrown into fear by the noisy racket of war-drums, news of economic downturns, tragedies, and prophecies seems to me the preferable approach these days. There is a sense of being at the crossroads, and how do we best relate to this critical juncture. How do we deal with life in the most empowered way whilst such conditions exist? How do we regenerate ourselves to be the best we can be at the same time these conditions exist? How do we live in the world while being conscious that we are not of this world?

I suggest the Power of Yes!

The Power of Yes came to me in a healing spiritual dream. In this dream, Chevy Chase’s wife was my guide and instructor. Her position was as a human- potential seminar leader, and during this seminar, she took me by my hand and walked me around touching physical objects such as a table, lamp or food. Each time we touched something, she told me to say Yes to it. As we did so, the objects glowed. Everything she said was sacred, and everything was welcoming acknowledgment. At some point in the dream, I awoke within the dream as is often the case when I begin to lucid dream, and thus, I began to grok the significance of the dream on an entirely different level. This dream has stayed with me and reverberates inside of me to this day.

I would like to elaborate upon the significance of what I feel was being conveyed to me for I feel saying Yes is the key to unlocking the door of the timeless Now and ALSO the solution for the powerlessness so many are experiencing in the world today.

Saying Yes changes your perspective of everything instantly. Saying Yes allows everything to just ‘be’ without judgment. Saying Yes allows one to be free!

Saying Yes negates resistance, for it’s our resistance to what is that creates our pain. Most of our emotional pain that we experience in our lives is caused by our difficulty and lack of desire to accept what is. We feel that the situation or person, law or ‘whatever’ isn’t right, and we object! However, by saying Yes we are able to accept the things we cannot change, and this is the path to inner peace.

If we’re longing to have or be something other than what we have or who we are, we take ourselves out of the Now which is the ONLY place that we can truly change anything. We reduce our ability to go where we want to go. Our focus on what we don’t want keeps us exactly where we don’t want to be, and as most students of manifestation know by now, WHAT WE FOCUS ON EXPANDS.

Ok, so we may know this Law to be true, but for most of us, application of this law is not always the easiest thing to do because we forget it! The challenges of stress, distraction or physical, mental or emotional pain throw us back into forgetting. Therefore, I have some recommendations to help you remember the power of Yes. Here’s what to do to maintain the perspective or help you get back there should you fall-out:

First, it really helps to have a buddy-system or a community in place, so that if you fall back into amnesia and the resulting fear that is the norm for a 3-D lifestyle, the buddy is there to wake you up! Sometimes the buddy also falls asleep, and this is where a back-up crew of friends, family and community is helpful to shift you back into your power.

Second, check in daily with your Inner Child. Your kid-within knows how to play which helps to distract your attention from fear-engendering local and world events. Your Inner Child will assist you to regain the innocence and memory of the timeless now. Once again your youthful and vigorous self can resume the stance of Yes!

Third, make one of your habits a power bath with healing substances and immerse yourself daily for at least 30 minutes. During this time, relax and release all toxins of every sort: mental, emotional and physical. At the very least, shower and do the same.

Fourth, avail yourselves of the services of an alternative healing practioner, especially one that clears deep cellular and emotional belief systems. There are many such practioners available, and their credentials and titles are varied. Find one that resonates with you. Sometimes we can have blind spots or places that we are stuck which a wise professional knows how to clear.

The Dancing Dolphin Press has an offer too good to refuse. Our VHS video AFRICA EARTH ENERGY filmed in Zimbabwe in 1994 is on sale now for $9 plus $3 shipping and handling (more for International Shipping) . It normally retails for $19.95, but with all the craziness happening in Zimbabwe in recent years, we have decided to cut the price of the video so that others will be enticed to purchase it! Reason: so that we CAN PROMOTE MANY FOCUSING on what is GREAT about Zimbabwe: the people, the spirits of the land, the beautiful, exotic animals, the spectacular Victoria Falls, The MUSIC, THE IMAGES, and THE NARRATION. Combined these create one powerful experience after another and an electrifying feast for the senses. The cover painting by the world famous artist Schim Schimmel is awesome as is the music including the Safari Lodge Choir of Hwange. Please email us with your order through our Dancing Dolphin Press website at: Click on the order icon, mention this special newsletter offer, and we’ll ship to you right away! We take Visa & Mastercard, checks or money orders.


If you or anyone you know wants to get married on Maui, contact me (Rev. Ashie Nielsen) as I am a Maui marriage celebrant! I’ve been officiating weddings, vow renewals and commitment ceremonies for nearly ten years. I am an ordained minister as well as an author, visionary artist, psycho/spiritual counselor and astro/numerologist. Contact me at for more information about weddings, and I’ll email or snail mail you a flyer, testimonials and business card. You can also browse my wedding information at Wedding Information site

Health & Healing Links:

The Gentle Wind project
Dr. Mercola
Hormone News
Ayurvedic Health
Altered State
Energetic Nutrition
Discounted Vitamins
FREE distant healings for animals in need
Suzanne Angelus
Raw Food Network
Living Nutrition
Theta Healing
GLN organization

Every Friday, the Madonna Ministry of Australia does absent/distant healings for those who contact them and make a prayer request. Contact them direct on Absent Healings & Prayer List

Watch this newsletter for developing details on an enlightening and empowering global event to take place in Australia in 2004. There will be an International Peace Gathering and Rainbow Gathering of Nations sponsored by the Madonna Ministry International Star Council in conjunction with the Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre, and yours truly will be presenting her latest research along with other noted speakers.

Copyright 2002 Ashie Nielsen of Terra Star
All rights reserved. This email newsletter goes out to those that have subscribed, family and friends. It has been scanned with Norton 2002 anti-virus technology and is sent with recipients blanked out for privacy purposes. If someone of your friends wants to receive it or if you want off, email me at OR you can go to the website and write unsubscribe. If someone wants to sign up themselves, they can go to the above website. The newsletter sign-up is right at the top of the page. Permission is granted to reproduce, but please credit the copyright.