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Welcome to the Secret Garden. Please take off your flip flops and leave them outside the entrance. Inside you will find a sanctuary of peace and quiet where you allow yourself to be nurtured by the angels, faeries, Mother Mary and Lord Buddha.

This is a refuge of quiet contemplation, and you can forget about the outside world for awhile. So shrug off your many thoughts and feelings and leave them with your flip flops outside the door. Let yourself sink into a place of deep peace like you would a fluffy, feather bed. Ground and center yourself. Take a nice long deep breath. Quiet yourself.

Now that you are tucked into the garden sanctuary and relaxed, click on any of the links below for short, delightful stories. Some have been contributed by others as true stories, some are written by myself and some are links to wonderful articles on the net.

“As we move into this new time, it is not about figuring out anything or even doing something different; the most important thing is to release old and unworkable patterns at the baseline of our consciousness, and to align with the heart of our truest and deepest Self. This will mean, then, that the great energies coming to Earth in the next decade can energize what we really want-what is positive and magical-rather than magnifying the past programs of limitation, stress and disharmony that we have been playing out.”

Brooke Medicine Eagle from Buffalo Woman Comes Singing

Check out More of My stories below

Dolphin Story
Archangel Michael
First Terra Star Newsletter
