Here are the Original Series Slips. I have tried my best to put the episodes in order. Enjoy!
Charlie X -Kirk is called to the bridge to speak with the captain of the space. Kirk enters the turbo lift wearing a plain-front gold uniform. When he exits the turbo lift on the bridge he is wearing an olive green wrap around uniform top. Charlie sure has strange powers.
Shore Leave: A little Kirk line messup. So Kirk is doing his ever-famous 'Captain's Log' and he can't seem to remember the number after the...uh...point. "...uh...point three" Well, Kirk, spit it out already!!
Balance of Terror- Ok, the Yeomen walks in to Kirk's quarters and asks him if he would like coffee. The two shot shows that both of Kirk's hands are resting on his stomach, but in the close up he has one hand behind his head on the pillow. What happened there?The Space Seed: When Kirk finds Khan he runs over to look and his Phaser falls out of his Phaser poutch (or whatever it's called?). How can a space ship from 1996 have artificial gravity, chryogenic freezers, and a bunch of other futuristic crap? Beats me, unless Captain Kirk meant to say 2096, which whould make no sense because Chochranes warp flight was in 2063, but then again it took 50 years after the warp flight to get rid of poverty, disease, and war, that whould place it at around 2116. Oh well.Return of the Archons - A few minutes after the landing party beams down the Red Hour starts. They are attacked by a mob. As they are running away a rock the size of a canteloupe hits a security guy on the head. It bounces off and he keeps running. Wrong show Superman.Cloud Minders: Kirk gets in a fight inside a cave. Kirk throws the Stratus leader (what's his name) into the cave wall and the cave shakes.Elaan of Troios(how ever you spell it): Kirk recives demands an explenation about the Enterprise's delay. Kirk replies: Demand, demand, what delay. This may or may not be a common William Shatner line messup.A Piece of the Action: This is yet another Kirk line-slipup! Kirk(Koik) is talking to Scotty and after he finishes talking to Scotty he says " got all that, uh...Scotty!" Kirk never had problems remembering peoples names, maybe he had a memory block.The Tholian Web - At the beginning of the Episode the Enterprise makes visual contact with the Defiant. Spock gets out of his chair to get sensor info from the computer. He turns to Kirk and gives his report. The scene shifts back and forth between Viewscreen to Kirk and then shots of Spock standing. In all the shots towards Kirk you can plainly see Spocks chair empty. When Kirk announces it is the Defiant, Spock leaps out of his chair. The effects of that area of space sure act strange.