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Welcome, this page is devoted to bringing you rare photos of the USS Enterprise studio models. Most of these images are propority of the IDIC page (link below) unless otherwise noted. This page may take a while to load. Please be patient.

These are pictures from 1974 of the 11 foot studio model before being fixed up. If you look on a table in back of the Enterprise you can see the miniature of the Tholian ship.
Below is a picture of Gene Roddenberry with the original 3-foot studio model.
Here are some pictures of the 11-foot studio model as it was displayed in 1984.
Here's a detailed photo of the top of the saucer taken in 1977. Notice part of the first 'S' in USS is missing.
Here is a picture of the Enterprise being filmed for the series.
This is how it appeared in 1991, note the added gridlines on the saucer.
Do these angles look familiar? These pictures where taken during production of the show.
I was hopeing to find pictures of the original decal sheets used on the show but they are appearantly hard to find, if not impossible. If you find anything please contact me using the link on the homepage. Thankyou.


The IDIC page