The World View of the Grade V Hypnotizable Person
Marie McKenize
Submitted to HYPNOS
On October 1, 2001
For Inclusion in "Case Notes, Techniques & Anecdotes"
Key Words: Hypnotizability, Absorption, Disbelief, Grade V, Psychic
Published in Hypnos, Vol.28, No. 4, December 2001, pp 207-208
I am a Grade V hypnotizable woman. I have been so since birth and continue to be so to
this day. During hypnotherapy from 1978 through 1981, I spent most of my two hours of therapy
a week being age revivified. In my psychiatrist's office, I was the eight-year-old girl whose father
had just killed my dog to destroy the only living creature who loved me.
In the past few years, I have co-presented seminars on hypnotic techniques to therapists in
Japan, Mexico and Germany. Few therapists I met had any awareness as to how we Grade V
persons view the world. The reason is simple - therapists must be Grade 0 to III only, or they
would become psychotic seeing severely emotionally upset people hour after hour, day after day,
year after year. We Grade V persons are "emotional albinos," as we are strongly affected by the
emotional states of those in our personal space. We cannot stand being around negative people
for long and have to leave for our own survival.
We Grade V persons make up only 4% of the population. We can dissociate more rapidly
than anyone else and develop what you therapists call "hysterical" symptoms. We are the ones
whom the stage hypnotists choose out of the audience to come up on stage and show off. If you
are a teacher of hypnosis, you want one of us as your demonstration subject. We can do any
hypnotic maneuver listed in any textbook on the subject.
Traits of Grade V Hypnotizable Persons
Trait One - Absorption:
All Grade V persons become completely absorbed while
watching a movie, television show or other such performances.
When I watch a movie, I am totally engrossed in the actions and story. I hang onto my
friends, hide my eyes, wince in terror, cry, get angry, and frustrated. I actually live the movie
with the characters. One friend, who is only Grade I or II sometimes comments, "Why doesn't
the cameraman save the hero?" He can't understand how I get absorbed. I can't understand why
he can't just accept and enjoy the show.
Another friend, who is Grade III, always tells me to "get a life," to stop being so involved
in the movie. When the show stops and the lights come back on, I know it was only a show and
make believe.
Trait Two
Complete Suspension of Disbelief: During a magic show I attended, the
magician sawed his assistant in half. I actually believed that he cut her in half and put her back
together again. I wondered how he did it without killing her.
We Grade V persons get drawn into experiences so that they become real while they are
happening. We accept the illusion as reality.
Trait Three
Psychic Self Defense: We can read other people's auras, thoughts, and
mannerisms. We are able to tell much about a person by the colors of their auras. When a person
is saying one thing, but their thoughts and aura say just the opposite, we are unable to cope with
the lies and deceit that person portrays. As a result, we have to be physically, mentally, and
emotionally prepared before attending large group gatherings, such as fairs, parties, holiday
shopping, shows, or sporting events.
My best friend invited me to go to a movie in one hour. I wanted to see this show and
spend time with my friend. But, without any time to prepare for the crowd, I could not attend. I
told her I would go with her another time.
The same friend asked me to go to a dance and refused to take "No" for an answer. When
I arrived at the dance hall, I went into a panic attack. I could not breathe, my chest hurt, and all I
wanted to do was run. Angry, frustrated people filled the hall. Auras were one big blob. Not
being able to read anybody in that room, I could not tell if I was going to be hurt in some way. I
felt vulnerable and had to protect myself at all costs, even if it meant losing a friend. It is vital for
my well-being not to be forced to be in crowds. I had to leave without saying a word.
Trait Four
Psychic Empathy: On the other hand, I am able to quickly put people at
ease. People feel comfortable around me and soon act as if they are my best friends.
At a restaurant, I have often seen a waitress who has just had a horrible experience with
another customer. She is angry, hurt, and disgusted with people. She is also my waitress and
comes over to give me water, treating me in an unpleasant manner. I smile and tell her that it is
okay, that I am not like the other customer whom she just served. She looks at me with a
surprised look.
A few minutes later, she comes over and asks if I have decided what to order. I start
making small talk and let her know how she is feeling and why. She tells me that she feels
comfortable with me. I give her my order, and she leaves. A few minutes later, she comes back
just to talk. She does not know why she keeps coming back. During the entire time I am there,
she keeps coming back to my table and telling me more about the troubles in her life. Sometimes
the waitress becomes so comfortable she sits down at my booth and talks to me about her
personal life. In 20 minutes, I hear the entire history of her life.
When I get ready to leave, she comes over and thanks me for being there and asks me to
come back. While leaving, I see her smiling and singing as she goes back to her job.
Trait Five
Being Aware of Energy Fields in Nature: The energy fields in nature have
a profound impact on a Grade V person's life. Everything in nature has energy, trees, plants, and
oceans. All have positive energy which makes us feel better. We are able to draw on this energy
to bring about peace and contentment in our lives.
We feel the same way with domesticated animals, such as dogs and cats. When we have
them in our homes, they bring positive energy, which we need to combat the negative energy that
humans bring into our daily lives.
Animals bring us much needed peace and tranquility. With animals in our homes, we do
not have to protect ourselves. The animals are a type of "pressure release valve." Animals give
love unconditionally, which the Grade V appreciates. Both help each other. The Grade V person
has to be able to recharge her psychic energy while at home, and animals in the home help with
that process. All Grade V persons need to spend time exposed to nature, seeing the positive
energy fields that trees and plants give out. After a Grade V person has had time to be alone, to
become filled with this energy, she is able to face crowds and day-to-day tasks.
Summary: Grade V persons are psychic, and they cannot be lied to. All Grade V persons
constantly read body language, mannerisms, and auras in other persons, and they will become
quite alarmed if they perceive stark differences with the words the person is saying.
It is vital that Grade V persons have time to themselves and not be forced to go
somewhere or do something which causes them extreme anxiety. Energy forces are vital for
Grade V persons, as we are emotional albinos, and, without enough positive energy, we are
unable to behave appropriately in the world or do our required day-to-day work.
The Grade V person's world is "normal" to them, just like your world is "normal" to you.
I trust that I have been able to give you a glimpse into what it is like living as a Grade V
person, and that this information will help you be a more effective therapist in the future.
Marie McKenize webpage
Background is actual wallpaper