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All forms must be filled out completely to be considered. Potential players should read the Obsidian Fleet Players guide section and the Standing orders section prior to filling out this form. Applications will be judged on creativity, content, continuity, and language skills/abilities. Make certain that you are aware of the time that this ship sails when doing your bios,the year is 2377 (less than 3 years after the Dominion War). The GM reserves the right to deny any application deemed as not meeting above standards.

Personal Information

Player's Name:

Primary E-Mail Address:

Secondary E-Mail Address:

Player age:

(note that USS Odyssey is a PG-17 rated game--no players under the age of 17 will be accepted)

How did you hear about this game?:

List any experience you have with other RPGs or PBeM games, and your level of knowledge regarding Star Trek terminology.

Basic Character Information

Character's Name:



Physical Information

If other, please specify (will require approval of GM):

Age: (Cadets must be a minimum of 21 years old. Ensigns should be at least 23 at the start of play. Civilians may be younger than 21 pending approval of GM.)



Height: (in feet and inches)

Weight: (in pounds)

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Skin Pigmentation:


Physical Description (include any distinguishing features, including frequent body language or speech mannerisms):

Character Background and Personality

Personal History: (This should include your character's history up to and including joining Starfleet, attending Starfleet Academy, etc.)

Psychological Profile (include likes/dislikes/mannerisms/habits):

Education and Other Background Information

Education (Starfleet Academy):



Education Other: (Include civilian schools attended or significant non-traditional education. Also, if Science was an Academy Major or Minor, specify what fields were studied):

Prior Starfleet Assignments (if any):

Living Family Members: