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Biography for Fleet Admiral William Teagarden
Fleet Commanding Officer

William Teagarden

Name: William Teagarden
Age: 35
Fleet Admiral
Species/Gender: Human/Male
Place of Birth: Seattle Washington, Earth
Parents: Father - Admiral Benjamin Teagarden, Former Commanding Officer USS Enterprise-F
Mother -Captain Elizabeth Teagarden, Chief of Starfleet Medical
Siblings: Brother - Fleet Captain Benjamin Teagarden Jr, Captain USS Saratoga
Sister - Captain Catherine Teagarden, Captain USS Hippocrates
Height: 6 feet 3 inches
Weight: 200 lbs
Position: Commanding Officer First Fleet
Commanding Officer USS Enterprise NCC-1701-G
Duty Shift: Alpha
Marital Status: Divorced - Captain Sarah Henshaw
Children: Son - Michael Christopher Teagarden

Distinguishing Marks

  • Dark eyes.
  • Jet Black hair.
  • Has a scar on his right hand.
  • Has a scar on his left foot.
  • Various small scars.


  • Computer Science
  • Military History
  • Earth History
  • Federation History
  • Starship Model Building
  • Card Games
  • Chess
  • Swimming
  • Running

Personality Profile

  • Admiral Teagarden has been described as a well rounded person. He has been known to joke with his fellow officers and is well known throughout the fleet. He cares about what happens to the crew under his command and has a high drive. He has been known to do whatever it takes to win. He is considered by some to be a natural leader. However most younger officers are intimidated by him.




William Teagarden was born in 2375 to Admiral B. Teagarden of Starfleet Command and Commander E. Teagarden of Starfleet Medical. Shortly after his birth he and his family were forced to leave Starfleet Command San Francisco during the Dominion onslaught and that was when William Teagarden first saw Earth from the other side, he still jokes that he began his career that day. In 2380, while aboard the Starship Enterprise-E, he began to attend school and was put into advanced classes which proved to be more than he could handle. He remained with his family when they were assigned to the Enterprise-F for several years and in 2388 he was accepted into Starfleet and began his training.

Enrolling in Advanced Tactical and Flight Control with a minor in Starship Design he quickly became well known throughout the fleet for his tactical ability. He graduated from the Academy in 2392 with high honors and was quickly posted to the Starship Pioneer as a Junior Conn Officer with the rank of Lieutenant (J.G.).

In 2394 he was promoted to full Lieutenant after saving the Pioneer during a skirmish with a Cardassian Keldon class battlecruiser in which he piloted the ship and operated that starships tactical array. Later in that year he transferred to the USS Constantine and became head of her Tactical Department. In 2395 Lieutenant Teagarden left the Constantine and, at the recommendation of Captain Hoshi Mar, began training at Starfleet Command School. In 2396 he graduated early from Starfleet Command School and was posted to the USS Einstein as Chief of Tactical/Conn Officer and also served as the vessels second officer. In 2397 he received the Pike cross for exceptional bravery after saving Commander Tankala from a Jem'Hadar Prison Colony and was promoted to Lieutenant Commander. In the following year he resigned his position aboard the Einstein and transferred to the starship Galaxy as Executive Officer. While aboard the Galaxy he was given the rank of Commander and was even offered Command of the Sabre class Starship Repulse, but he turned down the position to remain XO aboard the Galaxy. He later took Command of the Galaxy after the death of Captain Rixx and was given the rank of Captain. He remained in command of the USS Galaxy until 2404 when the Galaxy was retired he requested that Starfleet keep the vessel in reserves but they had other plans, they placed him in command of Starbase Utopia Planetia with the rank of Fleet Captain and he was placed in command of First Fleet assigned to protect Earth. While aboard the Starbase he designed the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-G of the Enterprise class and, while well designed, starfleet command put the project on the backburner until the T'saz threat of 2406. The threat brought about the construction of the Enterprise because of the need of a ship that could wage a war on her own, and William Teagarden was overjoyed that Starfleet chose his design and even kept the name that he had decided upon, Enterprise. In 2406 the Enterprise keel was laid down by William Teagarden's orders and he remained with the project until 2407 when he assumed command of the Proteus a long range Tactical cruiser. During his short stint on the Proteus he was awarded another Christopher Pike Medal of Valor, the Kirk Cross, and was given the highest commendation a Starfleet Officer can be awarded; The Presidential Medal of Valor. He assumed Command of the Enterprise-F in its final year and was going to resign his commission when the Enterprise-F was retired. However in 2410 when the Enterprise-G was nearing completion Starfleet Commander Jean-Luc Picard approached him to Command the new Enterprise with the rank of Commodore and he immediately accepted. At present he is serving as Captain of the Enterprise with the rank of Admiral. Shortly after the events of the Enterprise's shakedown cruise he found himself in the year 2413, enveloped by the War with the Romulans and the T'saz. He was given command of First Fleet yet again, which was redesigned to serve as a static fleet to protect the Federation. He still commands this fleet from the Enterprise.

No serious medical conditions in the past


Academy Majors

  • Starship Command
  • Piloting
  • Starship Administration
  • Advanced Flight Control
  • Advanced Tactical

Academy Minors

  • Engineering
  • Emergency Medical Techniques
  • Federation law
  • Intelligence Techniques

Previous Assignments

    -2392- USS Pioneer, Lieutenant (JG), Junior Conn Officer
    -2394- USS Pioneer, Lieutenant, Deputy Conn Officer
    -2394- USS Constantine, Lieutenant, Chief of Tactical
    -2395- Starfleet Command School, Lieutenant, Training
    -2396- USS Einstein, Lieutenant, Chief Conn/Tactical Officer
    -2396- USS Einstein, Lieutenant, Second Officer
    -2398- USS Galaxy, Lieutenant Commander, Executive Officer
    -2400- USS Galaxy, Commander, Executive Officer
    -2401- USS Galaxy, Captain, Commanding Officer/Captain
    -2404- First Fleet, Fleet Captain, Commanding Officer
    -2407- USS Proteus, Fleet Captain, Commanding Officer
    -2409- USS Enterprise-F, Fleet Captain, Commanding Officer
    -2410- USS Enterprise-G, Commodore, Commanding Officer
    -2413- USS Enterprise-G, Admiral, Commanding Officer

Awards and Medals

  • Federation Medal of Honor Ribbon
  • Federation Medal of Valor Ribbon
  • Federation Distinguished Combat Ribbon
  • Federation Distinguished Service Ribbon
  • Starfleet Act of Distinction Ribbon
  • Starfleet Command Meritorious Service
  • Starfleet Purple Heart
  • Christopher Pike Medal of Valor X 2
  • Starfleet Good Conduct Ribbon
  • Starfleet Silver Star with Cluster
  • Starfleet Gold Star with Clusters
  • Starfleet Silver Cross
  • Starfleet Gold Cross
  • Starfleet Peace Ribbon
  • James T. Kirk Medal of Heroism X 2
  • Starfleet Legion of Honor Ribbon X 2
  • Starfleet 5 Years of Service Ribbon
  • Starfleet 10 Years of Service Ribbon
  • Starfleet 15 Years of Service Ribbon
  • Silver Palm with Cluster X 2
  • Grandkite Order of Tactics, Class of Excellence
  • Starfleet Command Deep Space Explorer Ribbon
  • Starfleet Starbase Service Ribbon
  • Starfleet Marksman Hand Phaser Ribbon
  • Starfleet Marksman Phaser Rifle Ribbon
  • Galactic Swirl
  • Starfleet Academy Graduation Ribbon
  • Starfleet Command Academy Ribbon

Special Quote

  To Boldly Go Where No Man, Where No One, Has Gone Before...