Fitzgerald "Bill" Gee, Jr.
Height: 5 foot 11
Weight: 180 pounds
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Born: 4 July 2234
Birthplace: Kingstown, Jamaica
Parents: William Gee, Sr. (Deceased) & Andrea Gee
Siblings: None
Married: Saavik (24 January 2290)
*Son: Joshua Gee (2291)
*Daughter: Sarah Gee (2292)
Present Rank:
Rear Admiral
Starfleet Career
Junior Engineering Officer, U.S.S. Hood, NCC-1713 (2256-61)
Assistant Engineering Officer, U.S.S. Lexington, NCC-1709 (2261-68)
Chief Engineering Officer, U.S.S. Lexington, NCC-1709 (2268-71, 2286-90)
Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Lexington, NCC-1709 (2271-86)
Co-Designer, Excelsior and Pearl Harbor (Lexington) class starships (2271-86)
Chief Engineering Officer, U.S.S. Lexington, NCC-1709-A (2290-2309)
Executive Officer, U.S.S. Lexington, NCC-1709 [-A] (2290-2309)
Entered Starfleet Academy: 2252
Graduated from Academy: 2256 Class rank: Valedictorian
Major: Starship Engineering Systems and Operations
Minor: Warp and Impulse Engineering Systems and Operations
First Assignment: U.S.S. Hood
First Command: U.S.S. Lexington
Major Events
* Participated in disastrous M-5 wargame incident
* Assisted Admiral James Kirk and Captain Alexander McKnight with Voyager 6 incident
* Youngest person ever to be promoted to Chief Engineer of a ship of the line (age 34)
* Promoted to Captain in 2271 and assigned to command of starship Lexington
* Co-designer of the Excelsior and Pearl Harbor (Lexington) class ships
* Logged in 3 1/2 tours (Tied Captain James Kirk and Admiral Alexander McKnight's record)