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GoLite Hex 3

Vin and Gwen carry the GoLite Hex 3 shelter. This is a light weight tent that requires no pole (it can be pitched by hanging the center from a tree, or a hiking pole can be used in the center). It is water resistant, but has no floor or screening. It must be staked out and is supplied with 9 stakes. The Hex 3 also comes with a tube of seam sealer. GoLite reports that the Hex 3 with stakes is 2 lbs. 1 oz. After seam sealing, we found it to be 2lbs. 3.5oz.; including it's stow sack, the stakes, cord to hang it, and the bag the stakes come in. The stakes, stake bag, and cord made up 5.6 oz. As we have no intention of carrying the bulky pole supplied with the tent, we didn't weigh it, but GoLite reports it as weighing 13oz. The Hex 3, along with it's bug nest, the Hex 3 Nest, was incredibly easy to pitch, taking us only a few minutes to pitch the entire system.

While the number of square feet covered by the shelter varies based on how high you pitch the center, it is definitely a roomy tent that is huge for 2 people and would fit 3 people just fine as long as one of them was shorter (5'6" or less). There is no vestibule when the Hex 3 is pitched over the bug nest, but there is more than enough room to pull in gear should the need arise.