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Disclaimer: Paramount owns all, no infringement intended.

Author's note: I wrote this on the plan ride back from Washington, reading
Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. I remembered Kathryn's holonovel and thought to
incorporate them both. Janeway and Chakotay might seem a little
non-characteristic; I blame it on Bronte's diction. lol Anyway, sorry for the
corny fic, but it was begging to be written. So enjoy, and feedback is welcome.


Happily Ever After

Chakotay entered the holodeck. He had been looking all over the ship for
Kathryn, and an inquiry to the computer had answered his question. As he
entered, the scene around him was that of a large room in a house, gorgeously
decorated. He thought maybe circa 1800s. He surveyed the room, and found
Kathryn in the corner, sitting on a sofa, between two children. She was dressed
in an old fashioned dress, something quite usual for her attire.

Kathryn, looking up, perceived Chakotay's presence.

"Computer, pause program."

"Program paused," was the monotonous reply.

"Chakotay, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for you of course," he said, smiling. "Everyone is supposed to be off
the ship and on the space station in an hour. And here you are, engulfed in a

"I needed something to keep my mind off of everything," she told him, standing
up from her previous position.

"And exactly what is the purpose of this program?" he asked, taking another
quick glance around the room.

"No purpose I suppose, just to keep my mind clear," she told him. "It's a
gothic novel actually."

At that Kathryn received a chuckle from Chakotay.

"Something along the lines of Bronte's Jane Eyre?" he asked.

"Oh, so you've read it?" she inquired, intrigued at the idea of Chakotay
reading an ancient romance novel.

"I do enjoy renowned Earth classics every now and then."

"I see."

"So, where are you in the novel at the moment?" he teased. "Have you and Mr.
Rochester fallen madly in love? Or have you yet to discover the mystery that is
lurking upstairs?"

Kathryn responded to this with a laugh, as well as a playful slap aimed at
Chakotay's arm.

"Well, it ends happily ever after," she stated. "Even though the main
characters are encumbered by dreadful events, in the end they finally fulfill
their wants of each other."

"Very true," Chakotay responded. "If only it were that easy in real life."

"Seven years has made a pessimist out of a once very optimistic person," she

"No, it's just put some realism into his cup of idealism."

"Well make sure that cup doesn't run empty of that optimism."

"I thought it was idealism?"

"Same thing."


"Where were we?"

"Happily-ever-afters I believe," he said.

"The lack-there-of or the idea that the possibility exists?"

"I'm not quite sure," he replied. "Though the latter seems doubtful."

"How would you know?" she asked, looking him into the eyes. "Have you ever
attempted the latter?"

"Yes, kind of. But there has always been an impediment to extinguish it."

"Well it's not because you were already married, like Rochester? Or a poor
governess, like Eyre?"

"No," Chakotay responded with a laugh. "The women I wanted this happy ending
with could never commit to it, to find the time. I don't blame her though, I
understand her reasons."

"Maybe they were excuses, possible out of fear?" she offered with regret.


"Why did you never move on? Find another?"

"I think I've always harbored the hope that my ending with her would come."

They stood there for a moment, contemplating the conversation at hand.

"Anyway," she started, smiling a little. "Maybe you should pursue her again?
Maybe she has run out of excuses and has come to find that she too wants the
happily ever after ending."

"But is it with him?"

"Well of course," she smiled at him. "It wouldn't be happily ever after if it

"Ah, I see."

They shared another short, awkward silence.

With a fake cough he began, "So, is that why you ran this program?"




"How would you presume that the aforementioned pair should gain their
idealistic ending?"

"Slowly," she said." "Take it one step at a time."

"Beginning with?"

"Dinner perhaps."

"Any plans tonight?"

"No, just searching for my ending."

"Imagine the coincidence, so am I," he replied, smiling his dimpled smile.

"Imagine that," she smiled back.

"Dinner then? Tonight?"

"Of course."

With that they walked out of the holodeck, in search of their happily ever
after ending.

The End