Title: Revelation
Pairing: C/7
Rating: G (I think)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Chakotay discovers that he and Seven are not searching for the same
Feedback: Yes please. On list or off is fine.
Author: Joanie M.
Archive: Go right ahead.
"Chakotay I have no wish to procreate." Seven stated disdainfully.
"But Seven I thought that you wished to experience all humanity." Chakotay
Seven looked at him coldly.
"I wished to experience sex Chakotay nothing more." Chakotay felt hurt, he had
been duped by a blond Borg once again.
"I suggest that you look elsewhere for someone to carry your .....
offspring. Perhaps you
shouldn't have been in such a hurry to rid yourself of the Captain, she abounds
with... motherly instincts." She said distastefully, turning to leave.
"She would truly love our child." He thought, "spirits what have I