Zine 9: Optical Illusions III Edition
Collated by Bill Hillman

Impossible Triangle
Impossible Triangle
Think you can build this?
Is it moving and shimmering?
Look at this illusion for a while and it will appear to be shimmering and moving. Also: Follow the outermost groove and watch it change from a groove to a hump as you go around the wheel. 
Please wait a moment until the spiral has finished loading. When it's spinning smoothly, stare at the center of the spiral for about a minute. Then look at the back of your hand... It will appear to be twitching & moving, as though bugs were crawling under your skin! 

Right side up it's a giant bird...  Upside down it's a guy catching a big fish...

Who's that?
Stare at the center of the weird flag for about 1 minute.
Don't move your eyes. Then look at an empty white sheet
 of paper, anf you'll see the red, white, and blue flag. 
Looks like Ex-President Bill Clinton and his Vice President Al Gore, right? Wrong... It's Clinton's face twice, with two different haircuts.

Can you find the 13 hidden faces?
Can you find the 13 hidden faces?

Which soldier is taller?None. They're all the same size.
Do you see an old man's face or two lovers kissing? 

An island, right? 
Turn it upside down, and you'll see what it really is: 
a crater. 
The Face On Mars
Photo taken by Viking 1 in 1976.
 Is it really a face or just an illusion?
Here's the most recent picture that has been taken of the same rock formation. 
Doesn't really look like a face anymore, does it?

Take a look at this picture of some ancient ruins...
Notice anything unusual about the mountains?
When you tilt the picture, you suddenly see a huge face
Doesn't this remind you a little of the Face on Mars?

Hillman Eclectic Studio