Welcome to our thank you page.
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We would like to thank the following people for there help, support, patience and understanding
for what seemed to some as complete madness!
We hope you will continue to support us, we need somwhere
to live when we return. And if anybody knows of any well paid job's then drop us a line.
The list is not in any order of presedence and if we've missed you off, were sorry.
Thanks again and don't stop visiting the site!
- Andy Parry - For all his help in getting the Pics up and running.
- Ruth Holland - Thomas Cook for sorting out the mess.
- Jen Haslum
- Mike Haslum - especialy for picking us up!
- Tim Haslum - for being a big brother.
- Joan Brewer - i will miss your cooking.
- Lionel Brewer - Giving me a roof over my head.
- Lonley Planet - providing all the maps and info.
- Jenny Morton - All the Gossip.
- Vanya Lizza - For all the Guiness.
- Angelfire - for their web space.
- Benson - for keeping me awake at night with his snoring.
- Van & Pauline - for all your support.
- Everyone at Boot's Kiddy
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