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Wyoming's Certified Brain Injury Specialist Program Homepage

WYOCBIS Program Objectives & Important Dates for Certified Brain Injury Specialist Applicants

Your home on the web for news, study guides and updates on the Wyoming Certified Brain Injury Specialist Program located in Lander, WY. The mission of the American Academy for the Certification of Brain Injury Specialists(AACBIS) is to create a better future through brain injury education and training. Contact Mike Aurand,CBIS/CI-CE, for more information at 307.335.6849 or LAST UPDATED ON 05.09.07: Continuing in 2007, I will be administering exams on an individualized basis. There are no set exam dates. Please contact me when you, or your group, is ready to sit for the exam and we will make arrangements to complete the process. New from AACBIS: a new training manual is now available. Changes in the Performance Based Assessment and online testing are being developed. The Clinical Examiner designation will be changing to a Certified Brain Injury Trainer(CBIT) designation. A new AACBIS website is being developed, see the new link below. New fees and renewal guidelines can be found at the new website.


Brain Injury Association
Brain Injury Assc. of Wyoming
State of Wyoming
Wyoming's ABI Waiver Program
CBIS Application(includes Letter of Rec form & Emp. Verification form)
CBIS Training Manual
Free Adobe Acrobat(needed for AACBIS forms)
CBISs in Wyoming
AACBIS Homepage