Alex Lowe

Alex’s Biography

I don’t know much about 30 year old Alex. Alex has written a number of films/plays and adapted 2 of Simon Garfield plays into one man comedy shows. Alex debuted in The 11 O’Clock Show in Series 3.
Alex is one of the shows roving reports reporting from exotic locations which are usually really just in or around London or even within the studio with the picture digitally added behind. He also discuses the news with Iain after he has done the report. Alex is a stark contrast from Ricky’s no holds barred style and Paul’s in your face style. Alex is far more subtle than Ricky and Paul, and I find him very entertaining indeed. In Series 4, Alex has done a number of fake charity appeals for the show, which always end in “Don’t be a c…” And the editors cut off the unt from cunt before the appeal is shown in the studio, it’s not just done for TV.

Alex’s Awards/Achievements

Alex has written the plays Peter’s Friends, Much Ado About Nothing and Frankenstein and Haunted.
He has also adapted two Simon Garfield plays into a one man comedy play, Wrestling and Radio One.
Reporter for The 11 O’Clock Show.

Alex Himself

Can’t comment, as Alex was not in the studio on either of my visits to the tapings of the show.

Alex’s Future

Nothing has been announced or even rumoured at present.

Other People

Ali G
Daisy Donovan
Iain Lee
Other current people
Past people
Paul Garner
Ricky Gervais

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