Sarah Alexander Interview

Following on from the Jon Holmes e-mail interview, here is one with the gorgeous Sarah Alexander received on Tuesday 7th November, 2000. Although for some reason there are a couple of questions without answers. I don’t know if this is because Sarah did not want to answer them or if it was accidental. Anywho, a big thanks to Sarah for taking the time to answer my questions.

Hello Sarah. How YOU doin?

The beginning is where things normally start, so why be different? What were your early years like?
Wake-up, bus, school, hockey practise, bus, home, bed.

Who was your idol when you were growing up?
Frank Spencer.

Why television? What made you decide that the entertainment industry was for you?

You’re previously appeared in Smack The Pony and Armstrong and Miller. What roles did you have in these shows?
Many different roles. As both Smack the Pony and Armstrong and Miller are sketch shows, I play different characters every few minutes.

How did you get to be Daisy’s replacement on 11OCS?
Our Producer Phil Clarke asked me.

Are you enjoying life on the show and as a presenter?
Life is great at the moment.

I was at the first pilot where you presented with Iain Lee. How do you think it went?
OK, but he was very tall. Probably still is.

Can you spill the beans on the Producer v Iain Lee argument that led to Iain walking?
I think Iain snogged the producer’s wife.

You didn’t work with the lanky twat Iain for long, but what impressions did you get?
Same as yours.

And what do you think of short arse Jon Holmes?
He’s under the impression he’s taller than me – he certainly isn’t. And he wears two inch heels.

The public on Channel 4’s Forum page gave the two of you a lot of criticism at first for the show’s apparent drop in standards. How did you/do you feel about this?
You expect criticism on a show like ours. However perhaps it was from Iain and Daisy’s bank managers.

Where did Waugh on Sport come from? Being a sports nut I love that segment. Nice hair by the way!
I’m so glad you like Waugh on Sport. She’s such an idiot!

As I expected, the show is really loads better now Jon and yourself have experience together (albeit sooner than I thought!). What are your thoughts on this?
Well, as you know, we get on very well and really have a laugh. It makes the show a pleasure to do. Apart from when Jon starts dribbling.

Where does Sarah Alexander see herself in the next few years?
I’d like to be the first British curling champion!

Away from the show now, what things do you treasure in life?
The dog I don’t have yet but will do soon.

What are your pet hates?
Jon dribbling.

What do you do with your spare time?
Practise my curling and walk the dog I don’t have.

What is/are your favourite euphonism(s)?

What has been your most embarrassing moment?
In Rome, working, bit lonely, saw Andi Peters in the street and in a rather desperate manner ran up to him and kissed him. I thought I knew him. I didn’t.
[Note – If I was Andi Peters I’d have thought it’s my birthday!]

What is the funniest thing you have seen or heard?
Jon saying he is five foot four.

And lastly, are you in a relationship or do you enjoy single life?

Thank you so much Sarah, it has been a pleasure.
Thanks Simon, I’ve enjoyed it!

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