Street Interviews

Each day on The 11 O’Clock Show, one of the team hits the streets to interview the public on matters relevant to the day or the past few days. Until recently, it was always Iain Lee or Daisy Donovan. However in Series 4 we have seen Ricky Gervais doing short street interviews whilst the closing credits play through and we have also seen Jason Priestly make his first appearances on the show and he has been very good so far.

The street interviews always raise a good laugh. The members of the public that are asked simple, double meaning or silly questions don’t tend to be all there, and this frequently results in them looking completely stupid and making us viewers laugh. All interviews were done in London until Series 4, where Iain has ventured out to Cardiff, Bristol and Manchester in his quest to make people look foolish. Although the interviews are of similar ilk, there are subtle differences and these tend to depend on the interviewer.

Iain Lee always interviews people on a topic or issue relevant to the day, such as the seemingly forever raging North – South divide debate, shortcomings in the police force, the Gay Olympics and anything that will make a good interview that can be found in the morning papers.
His interviews often involve (especially Series 3 and 4) references to homosexuality, homophobia or occasionally both. Iain has a way with the microphone that enables him to easily confuse his interviewees, such as the Chinese/Japanese/Korean (look, I don’t know!) gent in Series 3 who kept saying a judge should get pulled off in court if he misbehaves only for Iain to ask how having a wank would help procedures. Superb.

Daisy reliving her student days (Women and drink)

Daisy Donovan’s interviews are primarily concerned with women’s issues, such as salary discrepancies, work prejudice, flirting, women drinking more etc. On occasion though, she deals with other subjects, such as keeping secrets and the NHS. Whilst Daisy’s interviews are not usually directly related to a news item, they are on subjects that have recently been in the news for one reason or another.
Daisy’s best interviews in my view are when she is doing them on women’s issues. Particularly memorable ones are the ones on flirting and women drinking more now than in the past. In these interviews, Daisy tends to become a funny, nice monster – where she flirts with old and young men, becomes drunk and aggressive, ‘fires’ people by telling them “You’re fucking fired” and such like. Brilliant. Having said this though, the interview on market researchers (March 16th) was excellent too. Daisy’s street interviews are now the best part of the show since Ali G and The Angel of Delight have gone.

Ricky Gervais has a short interview once a week during the closing sequence. Introduced for Series 4, he talks about serious issues, such as whether porn should be allowed to be shown before the watershed. He sounds all serious to the interviewee, but we viewers know why he’s really asking those questions and we’re in on the joke. Rather unusually for Ricky, these interviews turn out to be subtlely funny unlike his no holds barred reporting style. If you know what he’s on about, you get the joke. If you don’t scratch at the surface it seems deadly serious.

Don't moan at me! (Complaining)

Also new to doing street interviews for the show is American actor Jason Priestly. Whilst starring in a Broadway musical, he’s so far done two street interviews for the show in Series 4. Both have dealt with American issues, both have been done with people who have little knowledge of American news in The Elephant & Castle and both have been very funny. Let’s hope he does more for the show, as he’s not only a nice change from the usual items on the show, but he’s also very good.

A colleague of mine at Garbled Communications, Paul Monk, came across Daisy doing her market researchers street interview in London during his lunch hour. Here's what he had to say...

Dear Simon.

Just a bit of 11 O'Clock show news. This lunchtime I saw Daisy Donovan (wearing no make-up!!) doing one of her witty interviews. I stood around hoping I would get interviewed but I obviously seemed too eager as I was ignored (also I thought I'd better get back to work before I got told off).
She was shouting at people with a megaphone which seemed to put people off talking to her and also lots of people recognised her which didn't help. I only saw one person interviewed and then I couldn't hear the questions.
Interesting that they were using the same location where Ali G got shot just a few weeks ago.
Just thought you'd like to hear about what you're missing not being here in London.

Yours Daisily,
Fellow GCUK writer Paul Monk

PS. I think the 11 O'Clock show Sucks!

A little insight into how the street interviews work there. Thanks to Paul, who isn't a fan of the show but seems to like Daisy. Then again, who doesn't like Daisy? He's wrong when he says the show sucks though, aint he...


NHS (Daisy as a nurse!)
Flirting (Daisy)
Women Drinking (Daisy)
Pain (Daisy)
Money (Daisy)
Skirts (Daisy)
Animals (Daisy)
Relationships (Daisy)
Short Is Stupid (Daisy)
Laughter (Daisy)
Annoying People (Daisy)
Daisy's got a cold?!
Daisy Wants YOU!
Taking liberties in New York (Daisy's Choice)
Daisy and Flash (Daisy's Choice)
You stupid American (Daisy's Choice)
How y'all doin? (Daisy's Choice)
That hurt (Daisy - Pain)
It's for you-hoo (Daisy - Women bosses)
He's hung like a Chinese mouse (Daisy - Laughter)
You're fucking fired! (Daisy - Women bosses)
Super Tuesday or Superman? (Jason - Super Tuesday)
This woman will give you a right hander (Iain - Sexual harassment)
I had my fingers up my bum (Iain - Smell)

More Pictures

You thick fucking bastard (Iain - Behaviour)
Used car stereos for sale (Iain - Thieves)

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