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Beast Wars Playstation 2

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Beast Wars: Transmetals. On Playstation 2.

The following are rumors. Some fact many not... Read at your own risk...

Sources from Japan tell me that Beast Wars on Playstation 2 is not just a dream. It is infact going to be released in the USA, Canada, and most likely other places like Europe. I have spent days online Japan Video Game sites. Emailing them hoping they speak english. Some lucky answers came though. Here is what information I collected from those people.

Beast Wars Playstation 2 Info and Rumors...

Some old and new characters will be returning such as...


Optimus Primal TM, Rattrap TM, Silverbolt, Cheetor TM2, and Blackarachnia TM2.

Secret Characters

Optimal Optimus, Depth Charge, and Tigerhawk.


Megatron TM, Tarantulas TM, Quickstrike ,Rampage TM, and Dinobot TM2.

Secret Characters Megatron TM2, Ravage, and Starscream. (original body)

There are supposed to have more CGI scenes like inside the Ark, he Nemesis including some scenes with the G1 Transformers in the Ark. (in stasis lock of course) More ineractive CGI scenes as well. The CGI scenes that show TM Rhinox, TM Waspinator, and Inferno who is Scavenger TM in the Game. There are Under Water Levels also, which even more proves that Depthcharge is in the game. However its probablly only a special mode or against Rampage.

Beast Wars for Playstation 2 is coming out September 2, 2001. Pre-Order the new Beast Wars PlayStation 2 Game.


I've been hearing that the new game will be action based, but not like the original Beast Wars TransFormers Game. You select either Maximal or Predacon for your team faction. Then battle it out againt each other. There are some action levels, where you have to move over mountains, swim through water, and fly over lava to get to catch your enemy, since the levels are very much spread out.


DESCRIPTION: A fighting game which requires fast action and faster thinking! Players will take command over the forces of the Heroic Maximals or the Evil Predacons as they battle for galactic supremacy. The awesome line-ups include Optimus Primal, Megatron, and other characters straight out of the television show. More powerful than ever, these Cybertronian warriors can convert into 3 modes, beast, vehicles and robot. Players will not only be required to act quickly, but also to think quickly as each transformation comes with a variety of new attacks, defenses, combos and other advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, the game contains an endless variety of game play in which players can unlock secret characters and hidden modes of play or compete in various mini-games.

FEATURES: Easy combo system allowing players of all skill levels to compete. Multiple super-attacks for each character. 3 modes of transformation for each character. Characters use their trademark attacks and gestures from the TV show. Bonus Mini-games such as Quickdraw, Race and Disc Capture.

MY THOUGHTS: I think this PS2 BW Game may be a combination of Beast Wars Metals Psx and N64, but some of the rumors above may still be true.
