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Admiartion *A Charmed Fansite*

Season One:

"Something Wicca this way comes"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"I've got you under my skin"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"Thank You For Not Morphing"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"Dead Man Dating"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"Dream Sourceror"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"The Wedding From Hell"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it. (Hecate)

"The Fourth Sister"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"The Truth is Out there...And it Hurts"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"The Witch is Back"
In this episode, there is a warlock, and they vanquish it.

"Wicca Envy"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"Feats Of Clay"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"The Wendigo"
In this episode, there is a wendigo, and they vanquish it.

"From Fear to Eternity"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"Secrets and Guys"
In this episode, there is not a demon, and they do not vanquish it.

"Is there A Woogy in the House?"
In this episode, there is a woogyman, and they vanquish it.

"Which Prue is it Anyway?"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"That 70's Episode"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"When good Warlocks go Bad"
In this episode, there are warlocks, and they vanquish 2 of them....

"Blind Sided"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"The Power of Two"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it...but only prue and phoebe do, because Piper is in Hawaii.

"Love Hurts"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"Deja Vu all over Again"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.
Season 2:

"Witch Trials"
In this episode there were a lot of demons, because there was a demon who brought back all the demons/warlocks/woogymen that they vanquished before, so the vanquish it all!

"Morality Bites"
In this episode, there is not a demon, and they don't vanquish it.

"Painted World"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"Devils Music"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"She's a Man, Baby, A man!"
Self Explanatory

"That Ol` Black Magic"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"They're Everywhere"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

In this episode, there is a water demon, and they vanquish it.

"Ms. Hellfire"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"HeartBreak City"
In this episode, there is an evil man who hates love, and they vanquish him.

"Reckless Abandon"
In this episode, there is a ghost and a baby, and they vanquish it(the ghost, not the baby).

In this episode, there is a tropical disease, and they vanquish it...but then it spreads throughout the hospital, and then the only way to save everyone else is to make Piper have the disease again...which will kill her...

"Animal Pragmatism"
In this episode, there animals, that they turn into people... and then ... yea....

"Pardon My Past"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"Give me a Sign"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"Murphy's Luck"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"How to make a Quilt out of Americans"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"Chick Flick"
This was one of my favorite episodes, and it has to do with horror movies, and this demon (the Demon of Illusion) and he makes the killers come out of the screen... yea... it was an awesome episode! (of course so were all the other ones, I was just to lazy to give them descriptions)

"Ex Libris"
In this episode, there is a demon, and they vanquish it.

"Astral Monkey"
This episode was sad(well..I cried), and there were monkeys and stuff... but it was a good episode...

"Apocolypse, Not"
In this one, the four horsemen of the Apocolypse are out to make the end of the world... and then one horseman and Prue get caught up in this weird vortex type Piper and Phoebe need to either save the world or their sister... dun dun dun...

"Be Careful what you witch for"
In this episode, there is a demon and a genie...and they vanquish the demon, and free the genie...and at the end, Piper goes with Leo...
Season Three

"Honeymoon's Over"
Another great episode, I loved it, it also made me cry...but this episode, There are these demons, called guardians, who inhabit a criminals body and take souls from people. But Piper still hadn't Phoebe and Prue were angry, because it had been a month... then Piper returns, and thought that it had only been one day that she was gone... and then she told Prue that `they` said that her and Leo couldn't be together...and she was upset... then Leo asked Piper to marry him...and then stuff happened, and Piper said yes at the end... (I cried)

"Magic Hour"
A very good episode, starting off with, well Piper, seeing a lot of like...signs of weddings. Bride magazines... some girl with an engagement ring... some girl just married and stuff... and this obviously upsets her because she wants to marry Leo, but if she does then it has to be they'll have to elope. Then Kit(their cat that is like...never in it!), brings an owl to the door, which immediatly turns into a guy. Then there is a plot... yada yada... and then end was sad!! AHH!! mean!!!
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