It was a warm night, and Prue Halliwell sat in the living room of the Victorian house that her and her sisters share. Prue hadn't gotten any sleep, because she was busy packing for a trip that her and her youngest sister, Phoebe, were going to take. They were going to go camping. Prue was going through her list outloud. "Ok,...we've got..rope?..check... oh, we might need food..wait..." Prue looked around...not seeing any food... "We're going to need food..." Just then...she heard the clock strike midnight...and she heard footsteps.. A familiar voice followed those footsteps, "Prue?...Phoebe? ...You still up?" It was the voice of their sister, Piper. Prue walked over to her to greet her. "What are you doing home?...Your not supposed to be here for another week..." "Well...I decided to come home case there was any important things going demon hunting..." Piper had been in Hawaii for the past 4 weeks, she said that she needed to for `work` , but Prue and Phoebe knew that she just needed to relax..."Where's Pheebs?" "Well...she got on my killed her.." Prue was obviously kidding. "Please tell me that your joking..." Piper wasn't so sure... "I am...Phoebe's asleep, leaving me to pack." "Pack?...Your not going to leave me, are you?" Piper asked her sister. "Oh...well...I'm sorry, but we kinda decided to go camping...we thought you wouldn't be here..." Prue said...then she added..."You can come" "Me?! Camp?!.." Piper never really liked camping..because of the snakes and bugs...and... well, thats mostly it. "Oh...please come!! We...well, I want you to be'll be demon hunting at all! the worst thing we would deal with would be...snakes..." Prue knew that Piper didn't like she kinda mumbled `snakes`. "Oh...thats nothing..but..ya see...I don't like snakes..." Piper said. "Well...we'll protect you..." Prue said. "'ll torture me..." Piper had remembered that Prue and Phoebe could always try and scare her.... "No...I..we...won't...I promise..." Prue said, sincerely. "Ok...I'll long as you and Phoebe promise not to scare me, and to drop me off at the nearest hotel..." Piper was semi-serious. "Piper..I'll be nice, I promise..." Just then Phoebe walked into the room. "Piper...I hear Piper..." Phoebe stumbled into the room, obviously very sleepy. " she coming us with camping?...camping us with? ...With us camping, yeah...thats it...well, is she?" Prue laughed a little. "Yeah...and we're going to be nice" "Okay..." Phoebe was still tired... "Prue?..Did you pack my stuff?" "Phoebe?....are you telling me that you haven't packed yet?!" Prue said as she gave Phoebe an irritated glare. "Well....kinda......" Phoebe said."I thought you would..." "Phoebe!....Your supposed to be packed and ready so we can go have NOTHING packed?!..." Prue started to get very irritated. "I'm sorry....." Phoebe said in a somewhat shrill voice. "I'll go pack now....and Piper has to pack too, seeing that she is coming with us now..." "Alright....ok, I will long as you want me to be there..." Piper really wasn't to sure if she was wanted there or not. "Of course we want you'll be soooo much fun....camping....outdoors...sports... do you remember when we were little....and our attempts to play tennis?" Prue started to smile as she remembered 3 little girls throwing a raquet around...and kicking tennis balls...she really missed that... "That was fun...." Piper also started remembering how they would try to play tennis in the driveway...Phoebe was probably to little to remember...but they were only 6...and Phoebe would watch them, as the tennis balls would go flying in the road...She could still picture a little image of Prue...running in the middle of the road to get the ball. "I don't really remember....but I do remember Grams getting really mad at you, Piper..." Phoebe started to giggle. "Uh..." Piper then thinks....and remembers....when the tennis ball went in the middle of the road, and she had run after it....and of course...Prue had made her...and Grams said that they were never to run in the road...and a car came..."Oh....that time...." Piper had an innocent look on her face. " made me do were to scared to get in trouble... and i always listened to you" "Oh yeah....I'm sorry..." Prue hugged Piper. "I got grounded for a long time...I had to sit in the corner for an hour!" "I'm still glad grams never found out that was me..." "I would have never done that to you...." Piper said to Prue "....but you would to me...." Phoebe started to remember when Piper ate the oreo cookies and blamed Phoebe.... "I don't believe I remember...." Piper looked at Phoebe with a puzzled look on her face. "You don't remember that?" Phoebe looked at her.... "`Who stole the oreo cookies?`... `Phoebe did` `your cookies for a week` .....that was torture" "You remember that?!...I don't even remember that......" Piper said..."Do you want me to buy you a box of cookies for a trip?" "Yea....I do" Phoebe smiled, then started to walk out of the room. "Ok...I'm going to go pack....Piper, you coming?..." "Yup..." Piper followed Phoebe as they walked up to Phoebe's room. " help me first....then I'll help you pack" Phoebe opened up her closet door, taking out a big bag, a few shirts, and a hat. "Alright...what exactly do we need to bring?-How long are we going to be away?" Piper had forgotten to ask that before. "We're going to be gone for a week....all you need is.... clothes.... a sleeping bag... other stuff... ya know....sunblock...." Phoebe could have gone on with the list....but figured that Piper got the picture. "Ok....what do you need my help with?????...." Piper asked... "Well...what should I bring..?" Phoebe said, taking out at least 30 shirts " have a lot of clothes...uhm...I'd say...clothes that.... feel comfortable... and nice warm clothes...and.....well....yeah." Piper started to roam around Phoebe's room... then she came across a really cute picture of the three of them when Phoebe was about 8. They had been up at a camp site with their grams, and they all got dirty and wet from the lake... and for some reason, Prue hadn't been upset about the lake, even besides the fact that their mother had died about 7 years earlier from drowning...The picture made Piper happy.... but she also remembered when Prue really tried to scare her... they were about to fall asleep in the tent, and Prue ordered Phoebe to make scratching sounds outside of the tent...Piper refused to ever share a tent with Prue again....but why was she going to now? ... She really hoped that Prue has changed... Piper was really caught up in her thoughts to hear Phoebe talking to her... untill finnaly Phoebe tapped Piper on the shoulder. A startled Piper jumped up and said "Huh?...what?!..." "Where were you....what were you thinking about?" Phoebe asked. "Camping....and how Prue was so happy... even though we were near a lake... it just strikes me odd....why was she happy then?" Piper usually thinks to much... "Now that I think of it....she did seem happy then, that is kind of odd... " Phoebe continued packing up her clothes....she was only overpacking a little...well, actually.... maybe a little more than a little... " told me we were only going to be gone for a week.... why are you packing like we're going to be gone for an eternity?" Piper had seen that Phoebe can't even fit all of her clothes in the bag... " could never pack to taught me that" Phoebe said "No I didn't....and if i did...I'm ashamed..." Piper looked at Phoebe, knowin that she did not teach that to Phoebe...Piper had always thought of herself as a light packer... "Then it must have been Prue..." Phoebe laughed a little, then attempted to close her bag... " won't close..." Scene 2: The next day The Hallwell sisters are sitting down for breakfast...Piper had made pancakes and coffee. To them....that was a treat. Prue sat there reading the newspaper, Piper was cleaning up the kitchen, and Phoebe...was still half asleep with her face practically in the pancakes. "Pheebs?....wake up...." Piper said, tapping her sister on the head. A very sluggish Phoebe looks up, with maple syrup on her face..."What? ....huh?" "Pheebs....hows the pancakes?" Piper asked, with a grin on her face. "Oh...uh..." Phoebe then ate the pancakes rapidly. "mmmmmmmmm" she said, her mouth half full of pancakes. "Oh...ew...thats disgusting..." Piper reacted. "I'm very tired..." Phoebe then decided she should get ready for least she has packed...but now....she has to figure out what to wear today.... "Ok...Pheebs, go get dressed and then we can go" Prue said, putting the newspaper down, and drinking the rest of her coffee. "Ok....alright..." Phoebe stumbled out of the room and into her room....she decided she was going to curl her hair today....but she didn't know where the curling iron was... "WHERE'S THE CURLING IRON?!" Phoebe screamed down the stairs... She soon heard a response, "IN THE BATHROOM!!!" "THANK YOU" Phoebe stumbled into the bathroom, taking the curling iron, and curling her hair sloppily, and kind of messed up... when she was done she just threw the curling iron on a towel.... forgetting the little `OFF` switch.... Scene 3: Car, on the way to camping The three siblings sit in the car, Prue driving, Piper next to her, and Phoebe in the back. They sit in silence....until... "Okay....this is to quiet for me...." Phoebe said, breaking the silence. "What do you expect?.....a sing along?" Prue asked, sarcastically. "Well.......yeah" Phoebe replied....then she started singing `Old McDonald` , hoping for everyone to join, but not being successful... "Why???????......." "I'm to tired..." Piper said, laying her head back against the seat. Then Phoebe just turned her head, and started to twirl her hair.... then, getting a premonition. A house....their house....on fire. There are firemen...but its no use... she can somewhat see what caused the fire....a....curling iron. ""Phoebe said. "We need to go back.......NOW!" "Why?!..." Prue asked....she really didn't want to turn around for another one of Phoebe's petty excuses... "Because our house is on fire..." Phoebe said Piper quickly put her head up "WHAT?!" "Phoebe?......why?!" Prue asked, in shock. "Well....I kinda...forgot..... to....uh...." Phoebe clears her throat..."turn off the curling iron." "Phoebe!!!!?!!! the hell could you be so irresponsible?!, nevermind...why should I expect anything more from you...?" Prue said bitterly, as she turned back. "I really didn't mean to...." Phoebe said... "I'm an idiot..." Before Prue could say anything mean, Piper decided to try to be nice... "Your not an idiot..." "Your a moron!" Prue yelled....she rambled on for a few...minutes....but to poor Phoebe, it felt like an eternity. "Prue?....Lets...just have a quiet ride back to our burning house,..please..." Piper interrupted. Phoebe loved when Piper would try to stop Prue's overreactions, which was often. Piper seemed to always be breaking up fights between her 2 sisters. " that this has happened, maybe we won't have time to go camping, we reserved the camping sites for a specific they might not save them for us." Prue just kept driving....untill they reached the house... "No fire yet....good sign..." Piper said, as Prue parked the car. They all simultaneously got out of the car. They all ran in the house. Phoebe got to the bathroom first...luckily, there was no fire...just smoke, at the moment. Phoebe then unplugged the damn thing. "I'm really sorry, you guys...I really was half asleep...I didn't realize that I was so careless..." Phoebe felt awful for what she did.. "It's okay Pheebs" Piper said, then went over and hugged her. "I don't really can't do this kind of stuff, ya know?! You really are very irresponsible...." Prue had calmed down a little that the house was still there. "I'm really sorry you guys...can we just go camping now?" Phoebe started down the stairs, followed by her sisters... Scene 4: Camping Site They had just arrived, and Prue was basking in the warmth of the sun, as Phoebe and Piper were talking. "Maybe we should start to unpack soon..." Phoebe said. "We need to put our tent up before dark..." "Yeah...we could just let Prue relax for once..." Piper said....and they went to the car. They had never really put up a tent on their own before...but they decided that it wouldbe easy. They took out about 30 long poles, a tent thingy, and a couple hundred plastic stakes. "This'll be.....easy..." Piper said, looking at everything they had to work with. "Uhm...we can do this..." A Couple hours later..... Prue had fallen asleep on a foldout chair...while Piper and Phoebe had gotten nowhere... "Ok....this is going to work...really...I know what we're do-" Phoebe was cut off when a big pole, bigger than her, started to fall on her. Luckily, Piper froze it in time, so Phoebe moved out of the way..." ....ok... this officially sucks..." "Well....ya know what?....I always thought it would be fun to sleep under the stars....for at least tonight...but tomorrow, we have to get the tent up." Piper decided to give up, hoping Phoebe would too. "Well...I guess so...but if we couldn't get the tent up now, how are we going to get it up tomorrow?" Phoebe asked. "Well....tomorrow we'll have Prue to help..." Piper said. Then Piper looked at her watch. She read that it was only 2:00... "Ok....lets go...hiking or something...go wake Prue up." "Me?...bu-but...she's cranky when she wakes up" Phoebe had known that from experience. "Oh....fine...." Piper walked over to Prue and lightly tapped her. "Wake up...Prue?....Wake up..." "Piper?" Prue was still in her little sleepy land. "Yeah..." Piper held out a hand for Prue to hold on to. "Come on... we're going to go hiking..." "I'm coming...." Prue said, getting up, with the help of Piper. "Why doesn't she ever yell at you when she gets woken up?" Phoebe asked,quietly to Piper. "shoooooooosh" Piper said. "Okay, okay....I'm going to go and get my hiking boots..." Phoebe walked over to the car and got her boots out. "Get mine to, please...." Piper asked, nicely...and of course, Phoebe agreed. They walked to a path that had a sign that said `trail` they followed the sign. A minute later, they decided that the trail was to boring... "I say we have some more adventure in our lives... lets go follow that trail...." Phoebe pointed to a really dark, dreary path..with a sign that said `Keep Out` and in little letters it said `Once was lost never to be found, was a little girl, she never came back...after she followed this...the same might happen to you` "Pheebs?...Your not serious are you?" Piper asked, a little to scared to go there.... "Oh....come on....please?!...Where did our sense of adventure go?" Phoebe asked... "Well...." Piper turned to Prue "Don't look at me...I don;t care either long as Phoebe can find us a way back...I don't mind" Prue then turned to Piper, seeing that she was a little upset...and she felt kind of bad. "Piper? ... come on.... we'll let you do whatever you want for the rest of the week..." Prue then saw that Phoebe didn't think that was a good idea. "Prue?...How about she can do what she wants for an hour?" Phoebe really didn't want to do what Piper wanted for the rest of the time. "Phoebe?...Do you want to go on this trail?" Prue asked. "Okay....alright.....fine....I'll go...but if we get lost or anything... Your both in trouble!" Piper never really like the woods...but....oh well. "Yay!" Phoebe then led the way through the path. They kept walking for about an hour.... "Okay....I'm getting tired....can we rest?" Piper asked, stopping by a little stream. "Already?...We've only been walking for..." Phoebe looks at her watch... "An hour...." "Yeah...and I want to rest now..." Piper sat on a rock... "I'm actually getting kinda tired myself....will this trail ever end?" Prue asked, sitting next to Piper.