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New! Just added 04/11/00

I have also awarded the Artist of the week for the
following week (02/15/00-02/23/00) to Ravynne of the site "Charmed I'm Sure"
Here are her answers to the questions....
1. How long have you been watching Charmed?
Since the first episode. Haven't missed one yet!

2. Do you have a favorite sister and why?
That's a toughie. But I would have to say that Prue is my favorite
sister because I can relate to her more. She and I are of the same
age. Plus I admire her independence and strength.

3. What made you start doing the collages(wallpaper)? Do you have a
fav?? I'm an artsy-fartsy person by nature. LOL And when I learned how
to do some of these collages via a software program, I went completely
craft crazy. My favorite collages (yes, there are two) are the Charmed
"Witches at Work" and my Practical Magic one.

4. What software do you use for your work? Was it hard to learn?? I
first used NetStudio for the earlier ones, which was easy to learn.
Very Windows compatible. Now I have upgraded to Microsoft's PhotoDraw
2000 which kicks some serious butt! And anyone can use it who knows
how to operate Windows. Very straight forward and simple. Some of the
others (like Adobe PhotoShop Pro) are so complicated with layers and
vectors and whatnot.

5. Do you have a website so people can enjoy more of your work? If so,
what is the URL? Do you update it regularly? ( I know I have your
banner but you can put another one here if you want:o)
My site is called "Charmed, I'm Sure"
( it's date
of birth was back in June '99 (I started the art thang back in
November). I try to update it every two weeks since my only access to
a computer is here at work. :-)