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 All the fanfictions posted here so far are from Final Fantasy 8. Most of them are post-game and thus contain spoilers. They are also yaoi which means that they have relationships featuring two men. None of the posted stories have sex scenes since it's forbidden on my server (and since my family views the site). For those that are indicated as edited, you may email me and I'll send you the full version.


Do Over (SeiferxZell)
Seifer gets the opportunity to set things right before they even go wrong. I think this is one of my finest works.

Painting a Picture -EDITED- (SeiferxIrvine)
Irvine takes up a new! And who is his model? Seifer!
Regarding Seifer -EDITED-
A Mystery Pairing, but still yaoi of course. Seifer's brain is toasted and he must learn all over again with the help of Zell and Irvine. The inspiration was Regarding Henry. has a character death.
Road Trip (SeiferxSquall)
Seifer gets a new car, and the guys know what that means... This seems to be the net's collective favorites. I've gotten requests for this story to be hosted on other sites. None of my others have. Figures, the one you spend the least time on... You can check it out with a prettier background Here

Thanksgiving Grief  (SquallxIrvine)
This one is so sad, I warn you. Squall mourns the loss of Irvine. And now complete with sequel! (In doc format again)

Cold Feet (SeiferxZell)

This was an experiment. There are no descriptions, it's entirely dialogue. Squall is marrying Rinoa: Squall is nervous, Zell is jealous, and Seifer is devious like we like him.

Fan (SelphiexZell)

Okay, so they aren't all yaoi. This was a lark. Took about five minutes to write, but in the grand tradition of writing, my family likes this one a lot. Go figure. I slave for months over Regarding Seifer and they like the the three pagers. Anyway, Selphie wants Zell's Sephiroth doll.

Invasion of the Body Snatching Sniper (I have no idea what pairing)

Irvine finds a body switching machine and uses it to switch bodies with Rinoa so that he can seduce Squall. Very silly.

Garden Legends (SquallxEveryone)

This is the first in a series of urban legends starring the garden kids. In this one, Squall eats a few too many green M&M's. Heh heh. This was fun to write.

Squall and the Beast (SquallxSeifer)

A twist of the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast. Seifer is the moody monster in the castle, Squall is the loner in a small town, and Irvine is the lecherous Gaston.

Quirky - EDITED&UNFINISHED - (ZellxSeifer)
Homosexual tension awakens Garden to the fact that their world is less than complete.