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This section is where I am the judge of the best ED/F sites on the web, you have a ED/F site and want in? E-mail me. And from there I will review your site and tell you if you r in. These are what I consider to be the BEST Faith sites on the web, there aren't many, but hey, so here goes(They r all so great, I couldent pick a best so they r just listed):
1.Silent Tears
This site is really execptional, not only does it have great content and graphics, but it also deals with a really serious issue: Abuse, it is really a look-see if you havent been there be4

Great site with exellent graphics and very interesting content, the main reason for the title is that Faith is "Drowning in tears" which is true and very intreuging comparassion, a must-see

3.Fallen Grace
This site is cool for various reasons, it's got really cool section names(eg.Pics section titled "Kodak") and a really cute img map, its content is brilliant, its got great graphics, and a unique bio that is constructed of pics, a really exellent site

Now you may be thinking "Whats a Dahlia?" I was when I first saw this site, but it is great site, very interesting design, it has clubs, songs and much more, truly unique w/ great graphics(by the way Dahlia is a flower)

5.Eliza Interactive
This site kicks! It has got a really cute and funny IMG map, with a REALLY unique layout(the sections are really tiny squares, its sooooo cute!)Definitly a must-see!

I love this site! It has got great layout, desighn and graphics and the webmaster also owns EWA(Eliza Webmasters Asso.)

7.Faith Online
This site has Ezxellent content and origional graphics, it was one of the 1st ED/F sites out there

8.Everlasting Eliza
Great site, a really intresting layout centered around a pic of ED w/butterfly hair clip, totally cute pic to go w/ totally cute site!

Official UK site!, I love the font and all the graphics it has, you can see the effort in this site, check out the bio!

10.Eternal Eliza
If you have been there you know how great it is, if you havent go now, enough said

11.Forever Eliza
Very Great Site, right up there w/ Eternal Eliza, Great use of tables and EXELLENT graphics

12.Five by 5;The Rouge Slayer
This site has Eliza and more! GREAT graphics, exellent layout and well taken care of

13.Dushku Designs
I love this site, it reminds me of mine for some reason....great graphics and content(not cause that!), watch out 4 her new layout coming soon!