What Graphhix Should I use?.....You Decide!
I am sorry I havent updated in a while, but I am working really hard on a Site Directory called "Last Resort", the layout is like a rainbow of the band "Kittie". It is gnarly so far, but not done, asaif(as soon as I finish), you'll will be the first to know:) I am happy to report that I am an official member of Faith Club. I also made a new section(actually old but I'm way too busy 4 now to add it to all the sections) Songs. One more thing, I have gotten NO feedback 4 this site! E-mail me @ SailorSun182@aol.com, PLEASE!!!(p.s.thanks arika for being the first and thus far only to give feedback, You are actually the reason I've been updating!) Also join Eliza Elite
Anyways, look around, have fun!
Slayer Pride
Eliza Interactive
Faith Online
Art of the Slayer
Eliza Elite
Dushku Designs
Dark Beauty
Five By Five
Eliza Dushku.co.uk
Everlasting Eliza
Slaying Beauty
Amazing Eliza