Fan Fiction for Phoebes Songs

You Pick the Topics! You make up the songs!

First Topic: A song about Chandler and Monica's relationship by Phoebe

He was afraid of commitment
She was a freak of tidiness
It happened as an accident
But it all lasted, for the best

At first they kept it a secret
For fear their affair wouldn't last
But just had not let show to fast
They fell in love when they first met

And now they're happy together
Seems like their love is forever
And what words only can't express
Is what they've come here to confess -
By Adeline

I saw you two through the window,
It wasn't a pretty sight,
But eventually I got used to it,
And now I think it's right.

'Cause our Chandler isn't afraid anymore
And Monica got her groom,
So even though the six of us are pretty weird,
Within our group true love can bloom....

Lalalalala.... - By Ariel

Second Topic: Misc.

The one where that guy gets knocked down

I saw a man in the street
And Monica whistled him over He had brown hair and a real cute
But seconds later he got run over.
We visted him at the hospital
And hoped he still had his head on
Then i thought up a special name
I called him Egamemnon. - By EgaMeMNon

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Disclaimer: "Phoebe does not belong to me, but to Bright, Kaufman and Crane Productions and Warner Bros. Their use is not intended for profit, only for entertainment."