After Our Breakup (Part 2)

"Their Love Has No Bounds"

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After Our Breakup
by Janelle,
Meanwhile, at her own house, Gia Campbell was also sitting on her bed in her room, and she could hear the radio from her big brother's room, too. It was the same soft rock station that Nikolas can hear everyday and sometimes in his brother's room. With tears in her eyes, she could feel anything that Nikolas had treated her very bad on that night three years ago that she gave up on him. The night of their breakup was the saddest day in her life, too. It was also the night that Stavros, the very nice guy, and the father of the prince had comforted her on that very same night after she was dumped by Nikolas. Right before she moved to somewhere else-the Port Charles Hotel-just right after she said goodbye
to Nikolas.

How much heartbroken that Gia could be feeling after losing her prince Nikolas for all these years? Gia knows that she's still the friend of Lucky, Elizabeth, Zander, Juan, Jason, A.J., Emily, Skye, and also still working her career as a model, and the Face of Deception, and a student who dropped out of Columbia University, and she knew she's still the same girl who arrived from Brooklyn when she had blackmailed Emily. And another thing, she is Florence's daughter, and she's also the little sister of her big brother and cop, detective, and private investigator, Marcus Taggert. Her mother was so proud of her that she was doing her modeling success for the Face of Deception. It was the very best thing she can do really good when she even poses for photo shoots as if he was her wonderful friend, and he was such a very great photographer, that he took pictures of her, and he can also even take pictures of his dream girl, Elizabeth, just like that.

Come to thinking of Nikolas, the man she loved all of her life, was still separated and far away from her. She knows that he lied to her and he wouldn't be able to tell her the truth at all like he's supposed to tell her. She could imagine those three years back on the day of their breakup for how much he yelled at her really loud. He also did hurt her feelings and her heart, and she could still be feeling heartbroken after he had broken her heart into many pieces. Maybe she would hear him apologize to her for doing it all of that, and he might have to regret going back to the family. Of course Nikolas was her royal prince, a rich boy, he calls her by the name of Sparky as her term of endearment, he had a job at the L&B record company, and she was his princess. But she also knew that he was also Lucky's half-brother, who that he always wanted to save his life and tried to protect Lucky from Helena.

Gia continued to sit there trying to think of a way how to get him back after he had been connected to her friend, Elizabeth Webber while she was connected to her other friend, Lucky Spencer for a long time since both couples had been broken up. Gia knew that she's the right and appropriate mate for him that Nikolas always wanted, but she thought that Helena told him she wasn't. Her friend Elizabeth knew what Helena said. She thinks Elizabeth should've been his new dream girl, but instead, he belonged to Gia, not Elizabeth. Lucky wanted to marry Elizabeth so bad, but he just couldn't have the chance to do it.

She met Nikolas before Lucky. Forget Lucky. She liked Nikolas, loved Nikolas, and couldn't stand to be away from Nikolas. But yet she still loved him, and he still loved her. She should've never broken up with him on that day of July 19th, 2001 as she might have been remembered, the day he decided he had to go back to the family as his final decision. Of course that's the day they ended their relationship, and that's why Nikolas has to go back to his crazy and stupid family, the Cassadines, who are his interest in the money, their royalty, and their Greek heritage. He said that she didn't fit into his world. She wanted to fit into it, but she doesn't. After she said that she doesn't want to fit into his world, she also slapped him in the face after she said "screw you" to him and telling him to be the prince of nothing, and she walked away, and left him behind all alone on the roof of General Hospital while she went to Wyndemere all by herself.

~*Flashback*~ ~*Day of the breakup*~ ~*On the roof of GH*~

"Tell me you were kidding. Give me some explanation that makes sense. You can't go back to that awful, dangerous family of yours. I mean, not after what's happened to Lucky. Nikolas, this is me, remember?"

"I know what I said."

"So, Stefan was making it up, right? Just hoping you'd come back? It's just another scheme, right? You're making me nervous, Nikolas. This can't be what you were planning on telling me, can it?"

"Yes, I am going back to the family."

"What did I miss? How -- how could you even -- no. You know what? It -- it doesn't matter. Whatever Helena said or did, it doesn't matter. I love you and I won't let that happen, and that's all."

"There is nothing you can do. Ok? The decision has been made."

"Nikolas, this is just you and me now. I am asking you straight out, don't go back. Don't even consider it."

"I know how you feel, Gia. I know exactly what you want. It doesn't matter anymore."

"Stefan was right. Helena did something to you. I mean, she had to. You would never walk back into that freak show unless you had to."

"I realize that I can't give it ill up, Gia -- the money, the power. It's my heritage. I'm a prince. What I am doing is crazy. It's beyond absurd. You've said that yourself. Why should I pretend to be poor?"

"We're not poor, Nikolas, not even close."

"You just can't understand. You have absolutely no idea what it's like to be a Cassadine. You're not royalty, and that's part of the problem, ok?"

"I wasn't aware we were having any problem."


"I mean, you and Lucky, sure, but--but not you and me. Nikolas, we love each other. Helena is the problem, and you've been acting weird ever since she started coming around again. And you've actually been speaking to her and listening to her. And that is the part that I don't get. Nikolas, the woman brainwashed your brother."

"How can you even go near her?"

"We do not know that."

"Since when?"

"Because all we have is Luke and Lucky's word, ok? And when it comes to my grandmother, neither one of them are very objective, all right?"

"So suddenly you're the one who knows her? You know what? That's it. I will go up against her on my own if I have to, but I will not let that witch hurt you."

"There's nothing you can do! You and I are over. We are finished."

"We can't be over. Nikolas, we're just getting started."

"Well, I'm sorry. All right? I let it go too far. How can you blame me with a woman as beautiful as you?"

"What are you saying? That I'm superficial, a look? That I'm not a person?"

"Gia, you are a -- you are a terrific girl."

""A terrific girl." You told me you loved me, and you made me believe it."

"I did care about you, ok? I still do. And I held on as long as I possibly could. All right? You were fun, really. I will not forget you. But I am a Cassadine. You just don't fit in to my world."

"No, there's something wrong. You're not like this."

"Gia, I don't want to hurt you, ok? But you must have seen this coming! This relationship could have never lasted. I tried, but our backgrounds, our lives -- they are just too different, all right?"

"Yeah, you know what? You're right. I don't fit in to your world, and I don't want to. So screw you, prince of nothing!"

~*End of Flashback*~ ~*Back to Gia's room in the future*~

Gia could see her mother, Florence, entering her room as she sat down onto the bed with her daughter and asked, "Gia, what's the matter? Are you okay, Honey?"

"I miss Nikolas so much, mom," Gia answered as tears roll down from her eyes to her cheeks. "I haven't felt connected to him in a long time since the day he dumped me three years ago."

"How much do you miss Nikolas?"

"For all of this long, long, long time. I can't believe he was stuck to Elizabeth, and I was stuck to Lucky during those three years ago today now at this time."

"I know it's hard to keep the right person you only loved all of your life until he ended his love to you. Marcus had the same thing when he tried to keep his girlfriend to stay in town, but she had to leave."

"I would've stopped him from going back to the family. I can't believe he told me we're over and we're finished is just because he said it. I tried to get him to come back to me, but he won't listen to me and he wouldn't even take me back. Anyway, what kind of grandmother like his has to be really evil that she has to control everybody and make them do as she says?"

"The reason why he had to go back to the family is that"

"It's all because of the Cassadine money, royalty, and their Greek heritage. And he has to go and protect Lucky to save his life. He wanted to stay with me so bad. But instead, he made the wrong choice."

"I know he wanted to stay with you, but it doesn't mean that he has to go back to his crazy and stupid family. Then after that, he had to kick you out of the cottage where you used to live together before he sent you away by packing your bags and moving out because Helena said so."

"Yes, that's what he did to me. Now he wouldn't take me back, mother."

"How come, sweetie?"

"Psycho Granny is keeping him away from me, and he won't ever see me again for the rest of my life and the rest of the future."

"It's going to be all right," Florence wipes off the tears from Gia's face. "Maybe he might be wrong about you. He should've wanted to stay with you instead of returning to the family."

"Yes. Psycho Granny had kidnapped Lucky for years. She wanted him to stay away from Elizabeth, too. How could she tell her grandson that I'm the not right woman for him, and she thinks Elizabeth is the right one, and he tried to steal her from Lucky since I told him that she can have him, but I don't think he should. All he really wants is just and only me. But he does not want Elizabeth. I just want to move back into the cottage. That one and only cottage we lived in together until he kicked me out after we broke up. Mother, can I please pack up and leave this house?"

"All right, Gia, you can leave the house. But I really have to go back downstairs. Go get your suitcases and start packing them and head to that cottage."

Gia watched Florence get off her bed and she had to stand up again back on her feet. She left Gia's room and she went back downstairs. Suddenly, the radio was still on in her brother's room. So the radio was playing a song which is mostly her favorite. The song was "Never Had A Dream Come True" by S Club 7, but it sounded like it was different for a new version. It was brand new by this other British band called Steps, and they just had done the remake of it. Of course the new version was sung by two of it's members Lisa-Scott Lee and Faye Tozer, and it's just the same tune like it was still the same that Nikolas could hear it, too. Nikolas loved the song, too, and Gia could ever think of him ever way back and she might still feel how hurt she was after he had to hurt her three years ago on their breakup today.

Gia got off her bed when she stopped crying, then grabbed some empty suitcases out of her closet, and she started to pack her clothes, and some of them from her job as the Face of Deception. She also packed her CD case in where all her CDs are stored, and all of her other things, too. She might think of remembering how the love that Nikolas shared the love with her before he dumped her from the past years. Besides, her leaving the cottage was basically Helena's idea of breaking up with Nikolas before, and that was the other day after the night of the breakup before she said "Goodbye, rich boy" to him, grabbed all of her bags, and headed out the door. Then, she left Nikolas behind and all alone by himself. Suddenly, she was still packing, and she grabbed the last things she needed, and her own radio. Finally, her bags were all packed and she's ready to go, back to the cottage where she used to live with Nikolas until she left because of their past breakup.

"Marcus!" Gia called. "Can you please come up here and help me take my bags to your car? Just because you want to drop me off at the cottage."

"Sure, Gia, no problem!" Marcus responded. "Of course I can help you. And I'll drive you to the cottage!"

As Marcus went upstairs to Gia's room, he grabbed some of her bags, and Gia also grabbed her other bags and they went back downstairs. Gia putted her bags down to the floor, she hugged her mom, and said, "Goodbye, mother. You're the very best mom who can make your daughter proud."

Florence replied to her, "Gia, you're the very best daughter I've ever had." She had to let go of her daughter because Gia picked her bags back up from the floor after one minute.

Marcus had to put the other bags down and he had to hug his mom, too. "Mother, it is great to let your son to drop my sister off back to the place where she and her true love used to live. I'll see you later." Then his mom had to let him go, and picked up Gia's other bags.

She and her brother went outside to his car, and they had to put all of Gia's bags into the back of the car. At the front, Marcus opened the door to his side of the car, so he got into his seat, and putted his seat belt on. Gia also opened the door to her side of the car, she also got into her seat, and she had to put her own seat belt on. They closed their doors and Marcus pulled the handle back and his car was starting to move, and it was ready to get to the cottage where Gia should be moving back in right now. Just like Nikolas moved back into the cottage before, since he missed her after he had done all the things to break up with her and his return to the family.
Part 1 of After Our Breakup
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Last Updated October 17