Broken Frame Chapter 2

Disclaimer:This story is not written by or affiliated with anyone who works at ABC, General Hospital, Marisa Ramirez, and Coltin Scott.

Chapter 2 Getting To Know You Better

(Scene 1: Nikolas is in the cottage on the couch working on his idea paper.   He hides it when he hears her.  The slammed door is warning enough that Gia is upset.)

Gia: You know Nikolas, how come when I try to be nice and have a descent conversation everything always has to swirl out of control.  Maybe that doesn't happen to anyone else, but arguments seem to follow me everywhere.  I cannot do right by people. Especially my mother, who believes everything I do except LIVE, is wrong. I mean, I am complementing her and she BITES my head off.  Can you still see my head, because if it's not there I wouldn't be surprised. (After rambling on Gia stops to breathe.  She flops down next to Nikolas) Well aren't you going to say something?

Nik: Bad day.

Gia: FUNNY very funny. (She playful swings a pillow at Nikolas which he dodges by getting up.)

Nik: No, No, no,  Violence is not the answer Gia. (They chase each other.   Nikolas finally gets to one end of the couch.  They stand in stalemate until the other tries to move again.)

Gia: Oh, come on Nikolas.

Nik: No Gia you got a heck of a swing.

Gia: Wimp. (Gia says it under her breath)

Nik: What did you say?

Gia: Nothing (She throws down the pillow.) I'm unarmed. The prince can arise from his, Gia's gone crazy, shelter.  (She goes over and kisses him.) I'm sorry Nikolas it's just my mother not only pushes my buttons, but controls them.  One wrong word and I'm set off like a land mine.

Nik: (Nik speaks under his breath) Tell me about it.

Gia: (Gia flashes him playful, angry look.)

Nik: Hey that was four words. (Gia starts to laugh) There's that smile. Come here (They kiss again.  Then Gia lays her head on his shoulder. Nik begins to rub her head)  So what happened with your mother?

Gia: What didn't happen. I mean I don't know what's going on, but something has got my mother really upset. She will tell me soon enough and if she doesn't I'll do a little detective work on my own.  I mean my Mom never hides her feelings or thoughts from me.  I just wonder why this is different.

(Scene 2:  Lucky bumps back into Willow by the docks. She has her camera in hand and is taking pictures.)

Lucky: I didn't know you were a photographer. (Willow puts down her camera and turns towards Lucky.)

Willow: I think photographer is to professional an adjective to use on me.  I take pictures for fun. Nothing relaxes me more than to capture nature unharmed and so fragile.

Lucky: I know what you mean.

Willow: You do?

Lucky: I'm a photographer.  In fact. (Lucky takes the camera and begins to snap a few pictures).   You look beautiful, oh, wonderful.  OK turn a little to the side for me.

Willow: (She smiles) You really are a photographer.  Thank you, those are going to be some of the only pictures I have of myself.

Lucky: (Lucky hands her back the camera) You're saying your mother or father never took a picture of you just for something to remember a special occasion by.  I mean my Mom has a ton of those embarrassing Halloween picture you never want anyone to see.

Willow: My mother and my father died when I was young.

Lucky: Well, would you like to remove the foot out of my mouth or would you rather I do it.

Willow: It's OK Lucky really.  I mean my mother and my father are still in my thoughts, and my memories of their smile and their faces are right where I want them, in my heart.

Lucky: Wow, that was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.

Willow: Yeah well I'm sort of a poet on the side. You know any jobs hiring a poet slash inexperienced photographer?  If there even is such a job.

Lucky: Trust me there are more out there than you'd think. (Lucky paused for a while) You know what, my brother is having a party on Friday, around eight for his girlfriend. I would love for you to come, take a break.  I would really like to see you have fun and realize you don't have newcomers bad luck.

Willow: You don't have to do this for me.

Lucky: Please Willow.  I would love for you to come.  Plus you can meet some people, mingle a little bit.  Dance. (Lucky starts doing the funky chicken dance, Willow laughs.) Come on it would be fun.

Willow: Will you be dancing Lucky?

Lucky: All night long.

Willow: Then I'll come, because your funky chicken will brighten up my Friday.

Lucky: Good. I'll see you later OK.

Willow: Yeah, bye. (Willow watches him leave, she smiles to herself.) I think I'll be looking forward to knowing him better. (She smiles to herself and then leaves the docks)

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What secret do you think Gia will uncover when she goes snooping?
 Does Lucky have a thang (and I do mean thang) for Willow?
 Please write in and tell me what you think.
                                                     *** Michele ***
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