Chapter 10: WAR (pt. 2) The Cassidine/Spencer Saga cont.
(Scene 1: Nikolas is at the table signing the papers. Starvos is still
holding a gun to Gia's neck.)
Starvos: Sign everything.
Nik: I'm signing, will you just please move that gun away from Gia, please.
Starvos: Not until every paper is signed and in my hand.
Gia: Nikolas, I'm sorry.
Nik: Don't be. I love you. This is a small price to pay for your life.
Gia: This isn't right. You fought hard to get out of this family.
Starvos: Make the talking cease now! Or by this gun I shall. (Gia starts
tearing up.)
Nik: I'm almost done, OK. (He finishes the papers and hands them to Starvos.
Starvos doesn't let go of Gia.) Let her go, now!
Starvos: No, my son not until the big finale.
Nik: What big finale?
Starvos: Oh, you shall see soon enough. Revenge is upon us Nikolas. The
Spencer's will all pay with their lives.
(Scene 2: Laura is tied up in one of the dungeon rooms. Luke creeps down the
hallway to find her. He hears her murmurs inside of a room.)
Luke: Laura, Laura is that you? (He hears Laura trying to speak with the tape
on her mouth. He goes inside of the dark room. Without notice the door locks
behind him and the lights come on in the room. Luke is trapped in a
transparent cell. He tries to get out. Laura and Helena are outside of the
cell. He looks on the ground to find a recorder playing Laura's voice.)
Laura: LUKE! OH, PLEASE LUKE! (The guards are holding her back. Helena walks
up to his cell.)
Helena: My son had to live twenty years of his life in a cell because of you.
Don't worry. I shall not make you go through that. No, what I have for you
is much worst. In fact I will put you out of your misery quite soon.
Luke: Your son is dead Helena.
Helena: NO, he isn't. He has been resting and I have been waiting, waiting
for this moment. To see you helpless. It was worth the wait. Guards call
in young Spencer. (The guards bring Lucky inside.)
Laura: Lucky!
Helena: (They stand Lucky in front of Helena.) The time draws near Lucky.
Laura: Lucky don't listen to her. Look at me sweet heart.
Helena: There's no use Laura, Lucky can't hear you. He knows what he must
do. He must protect his queen. And how do we do that Lucky?
Lucky: By getting rid of the king.
Helena: That's right. Guards call for Starvos. The moment we have been
waiting for is upon us and I would hate for him to miss it. (The guards
leave. Helena walks up to Luke's cell.) Tell me Luke, how do you think
this night shall end?
Luke: I see lots of blood.
Helena: So do I.
Luke: Pouring from your son. I've killed him once, and I won't hesitate to
do it again.
******************Lost Time**************************
Last Chapter. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
If you liked it PLEASE WRITE BACK! I love to know what my readers think of
my fanfics. Thanks
Chapter 11 WAR (pt. 3) Ending A Saga
(Scene 1: Starvos, Nikolas and Gia come into the room with Lucky, Laura,
Luke, and Helena.)
Helena: Starvos, it's time.
Starvos: Finally.
Helena: Lucky here, shall do what he's been told.
Gia: Lucky, you can't. (Lucky looks over at Gia and gives her a slight wink,
that she notices. She gets quiet.)
Starvos: What are we waiting for?
Nik: No, Lucky don't! (The guards grab Nikolas.) No Lucky!
(Helena walks up to Lucky, she hands him a gun. )
Helena: Guard, the princess please. (The guard hands her the ice princess.
She flashes it in front of him.) OK Lucky. The time we have been waiting
for has come. Are you ready? (Lucky nods.) Wonderful. Guards, put Lucky in
the cell. (The guards take Lucky, they open the door to Luke's cell and they
put Lucky inside.)
Laura: No, Lucky don't.
Nik: No! (Nikolas gets away from the guards. A guard shoots at Nikolas.
The bullet skims Nikolas' side.) AHHH. (Nikolas falls on the ground.)
Gia: NO! NO! (Gia pulls away from Starvos and kneels next to Nikolas.) He
shot him. Aren't you going to do something?
Starvos: The bullet didn't hit him, now lets get on with it!
Laura: You always where cold hearted. That's why I couldn't love you.
(Starvos gives Laura and evil look. Laura puts her head down in fear.)
Starvos: Must I do this myself. (He walks past Nikolas.) Guards open the door
to the cell. I'm going inside.
Helena: Starvos, no.
Starvos: SILENCE MOTHER! I want to see Luke bleed as I did. Guards open the
cell door now! (The guards open the door. Starvos goes inside with his gun.
He makes Luke kneel in front of Lucky, with his hands behind his back. He
stands behind Luke over to the side of the cell.) Continue Lucky.
(Lucky draws the gun and holds it to Luke's head. Luke feels the barrel of
the gun on his forehead.)
Luke: Don't do it Cowboy, please.
Lucky: I have to protect my queen.
Helena: That's right Lucky. Protect your queen.
Laura: NOO! Lucky, don't do it!
Lucky: (Lucky whispers only Luke can hear him.) To bad for Helena, that my
queen is Elizabeth. (Luke gives him a confused look.)
Helena: Shoot him LUCKY!
Luke: As you wish my queen. (Lucky moves the gun away from Luke's forehead
and turns it towards Starvos. He shoots Starvos three times in his chest.)
Helena: NO! NO! (Lucky drops the gun and hugs Luke.)
Luke: Cowboy.
Lucky: Dad. (They hug.)
Helena: NO! NO! My life's work.
Gia: What's that noise? (Helicopter noises get progressively louder.)
Laura: I hear it?
Luke: Do you hear that Lucky?
Helena: (Takes a gun from a guard.) GUARDS open the cell. I'm going to do
what I should have done along time ago. (The guards open the cell and they
make Luke and Lucky get on their knees.) Any last words Luke.
Luke: Yes, actually, to little to late, Helena.
Helena: (Helena laughs and then places the barrel an inch from Luke's face.)
Good bye, Luke. (Luke closes his eyes.)
(All of the sudden Taggert, Stefan, and interpol arrives.)
Laura: Taggert, your OK. (She smiles.)
Helena: NOOOOOO!
Taggert: Helena Cassidine you are under arrest for attempted murder and
kidnapping. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do
will be used against you in a court of law. (Taggert runs to the cell and
hand cuffs her. The rest of the police takes Helena's guards out. Stefan
unties Laura. Nikolas gets up and opens the door for Luke and Lucky. Lucky
and Nikolas hug. Gia hugs Lucky also.)
Luke: Steffy what took you so long? We were about to become fish food.
Stefan: I found interpol on the shore and I figured they might want to know
what was about to happen.
Luke: Who called interpol?
Stefan: I haven't the slightest clue.
Lucky: Elizabeth did.
Laura: What?
Lucky: It's a long story.
Luke: Well Lucky for you, we have a long flight home. ( Laura, Luke and Lucky
leave. Taggert comes in and hugs Gia.)
Gia: Thank you for finding me.
Taggert: I'm just glad your OK sis.
Gia: Thank you so much. I'm never going to be able to live this down, huh. I
owe you big.
Taggert: Your my sister. Protecting you comes with the title.
Gia: Lucky for me. (She hugs him and then turns to Nikolas.) Nikolas, I
don't think words could express how much I love you, right now. (She kisses
Nik: It's OK, I think I know what you're feeling.
Gia: Thank you for saving my life. (She smiles.) Now lets get your side
checked out and bro, how about we leave. This place gives me the creeps.
Nik: OK, just give me a second OK. You two can go ahead.
Gia: I'll be waiting. (Gia and Taggert leave. Nikolas notices Stefan is
standing in front of Starvos on the outside of the cell.) Uncle are you
Stefan: Yes, just give me a moment, with my brother
Nik: OK. (Nikolas is about to leave, but comes back and gives Stefan a hug.)
Thank you uncle.
Stefan: Nikolas I will always protect you.
Nik: I know, I know.
Stefan: But only if you want it.
Nik: (Nik smiles and gives him another hug then he leaves. Stefan stares at
Stefan: Brother your fate twenty years ago was your destiny. Now you and
mother must except it. Good bye Starvos. (He kisses his hand and touches the
outside of the cell. Stefan walks away.)
(Starvos lays there alone. He wasn't able to make up for lost time. He's
Starvos: (His head falls to the side and his eyes open.)
(Or is he?)
The End
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