R.W.B Site Updates

"A True Passionate Love That Tempts The Gods."

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I will be so glad when a new plot rolls around becuase this one is definately not one of my favorites, Ahh well at least Gia and Nik are together. As always feel free to send me anything your little heart desires (In terms of Nik and Gia:)

Site Updates Last Updated: Febuary 13, 10:20 PMcentral time
Febuary 13,
  • Added 3 new Angels, Added 5 new Song dedications.
  • Added a New Link
  • I started a new thing where I ask for everyones opinion on a certain topic, this week its the car accident plotline and what you think about it, just e-mail me at nik_gia@hotmail.com and I'll post it next Saturday!
  • January 6
  • Added an Angels e-mail, thanks Tamarva B
  • Added 2 new Song Dedications
  • Wished everyone else going back to school luck!
  • Febuary 4,
  • Added 4 new Angels, updated support addresses and news. I'll be adding more tommorow
  • January 6
  • Added an Angels e-mail, thanks Tamarva B
  • Added 2 new Song Dedications
  • Wished everyone else going back to school luck!

  • Last Updated Febuary 13th