Quicksand Ch 23

Disclaimer:This story is not written by or affiliated with anyone who works at ABC, General Hospital, Marisa Ramirez, and Coltin Scott.

Chapter 23

"Just tell us where you were!" Alexis demanded, shutting the open file. "The most important part of Dara's case is the fact that you had the opportunity to kill Emily!  Don't let Elizabeth put you in jail."

"I wasn't anywhere. Weren't you listening? I left Nikolas and just walked around."

"Stop lying, Gia!" Nikolas said from across the room.

"How do you know I'm lying?"

"Cause I know!"

"All of a sudden you can read me? Where was all this intuition when I was playing you like a chump-"

"Don't do this!  Don't throw my stupidity in my face, okay? I'm trying to help you. "

Gia softened. "I shouldn't have brought it up. I know that you and Alexis are just trying to help me."

"If you know this, then tell us where you really were."

"I already did."

"Where're not getting anywhere," Alexis sighed, getting up from the table. She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I'm going to get some coffee," she announced. She left the interrogation room.

Nikolas moved to take Alexis' seat. "I know that you weren't just walking around. I saw how upset you were when you came back. Something happened-"

"Maybe I  did kill Emily! I really don't know. All I know is that I need to get out of here."

"I still can't fathom why the judge would deny you bail."

"Cassadines pay well. I should know. I'm sure Helena greased his palm."

Nikolas took her hands in his own. "I am so sorry that she would do that. I feel responsible."

"Don't. It's my own fault.  I made some bad choices...the worst was when I kept lying to you. I should have told you everything the moment I knew you loved me."

Nikolas shifted his eyes. He knew what she wanted to hear. He just couldn't bring himself to say it.  He wouldn't allow himself to forgive her.  "Please, Gia, let's not dredge that up."

"It's been a week. Can't you forgive me a little? I mean, you come to see me everyday-"

"Don't read too much into it. I believe in your innocence. Not in you!"

Gia shed fresh tears. "I love you!"

Nikolas dropped her hands. "Did you give Dara the same alibi you gave me?"

"No, Alexis told me not to answer any question regarding my alibi."

"Then let me be your alibi."

"You will not lie for me."

"It's not a lie. You did spend the night with me. When Elizabeth came over, we were both in the apartment. Alexis can shed doubt on  Elizabeth's claims  when the trial starts. The jury will believe me when I say that you never left my sight."

"No more lies!" Gia yelled.  "You will not lie for me."

"Then tell me where you really were! "

"I can't! "

"You mean you won't?"

Gia averted her eyes. It was best for everyone that the truth remain concealed. It was definitely best for her. 

"You're throwing your life away," Nikolas said with less venom. "Why?"

"I don't have a life without you, Nikolas."

"I'm no longer apart of your life, Gia."

"Then why the hell are you here!" She raged.

"That's a good question," he bit off before he stormed out of the police station.

Gia kicked the leg of the table.

"What was that all about?" Alexis asked. She sat down to the table with  a Styrofoam cup filled with black coffee.


"I could see why you would say that...Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable?"

"You can get me out on bail. That' s what I need. There is no reason I should be stuck in here."

"The judge is convinced that you're a flight risk."

"How can a broke girl from Brooklyn be a flight risk? I have no money and nowhere to go!"

"Helena's a smooth operator. I doubt there's anything I can try that I haven't already. It took the last of my favors to keep the D.A. from prosecuting Stefan for his numerous crimes. Maybe if there was some kind of circumstance where being in jail was detrimental to your health..."

Gia ran her hand down the length of the table. She didn't know what to do. She wanted out of jail, but she wanted to be able to tell Nikolas herself. "I..I'm pregnant. Will that do?"

"What! Tell me this is hypothetical."

"It's the truth."

"Oh God! Nikolas...how did he take it?"

"He doesn't know and I'm not telling him. Not yet."


"Can you get me out on bail?"

"I'll see if your...condition helps. Don't you think you should tell Nikolas about the baby?"

"What good would it do?" Gia asked, the sting of Nikolas' earlier rejection still weighing heavily upon her mind. What if he never forgave her? ~*~   ~*~  ~*~

Nikolas went into the Port Charles Grille and sat down at Stefan' s table.


"I need your help. Gia's been denied bail and  I want you to get her out before they transfer her to county."

Stefan took a sip of wine. "What makes you think I could get her bail?"

"You have contacts."

"You're asking my help?"

"Apparently," Nikolas replied coldly.

"Does this mean that you have forgiven me?"

"No, it means that I need your help."

"But you've forgiven Gia?"

"I haven't forgiven either of you!"

"Lower your voice. We're in a public place."

"Don't lecture me on etiquette, Stefan. I'm not in the mood. I just want Gia out of jail. Will you help me?"

"There's nothing I can do. Alexis has already tried. Helena has her bases covered."

Nikolas  stabbed one of the rolls on the table with a butter knife. "Why is she so obsessed with destroying us?"

"Not us, Nikolas. Me. She wants me to pay for not dying when  she declared it my time.  She's getting exactly what she wants."

"How? You're not going to be charged with anything. From what Alexis says, Chloe still doesn't know. No one's paying but Gia."

"You hate me. That's enough. Her whole plan was designed to alienate you from me. It did exactly that. You even turned to her in your time of need. What more could she ask ?"

"How did you know that I went to Helena?"

Instead of replying, Stefan took another sip of wine.

"When are you going to stop trying to run my life?"

"When Helena is dead. Until then, I will protect you with my life. I will do what I have to do to keep you safe... And your baby. I will not let her win."

Nikolas' head snapped around.  He must be hearing things. "My baby?  What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the baby. Do you deny that the child that Gia is carrying is yours?" 

Nikolas reached out and grabbed Stefan's glass. He downed the remainder of the burgundy liquid in one gulp.  In an unnaturally high voice, Nikolas inquired, "Why would you think Gia's...ummm... pregnant?"

He didn't know.  Stefan had suspected as much. He almost felt guilty for manipulating him again, but  it had to be done before Helena struck once more. Nikolas and the next heir had to be protected. "She told me so.  Naturally, I didn't believe her, but Dr. Neuman confirmed it for me."

"That was confidential information."

"Dr. Neuman values her position at the hospital."

"It's true..." Nikolas' head was swimming. A baby? Gia was pregnant?  The baby would be their own. A life that they had made together. " Nikolas," Stefan started sternly," I know that we had this conversation a few years ago, but it seems as if you were not paying attention.  The use of prophylactics is very important when engaging in sexual intercourse with a woman. Not only does it prevent pregnancy, but it also  provides protection against many STDs. I thought that you had learned your lesson after  the Katherine fiasco, but if you need a refresher, I still have the pamphlets-"

"She's already pregnant, Stefan! What good are pamphlets now," Nikolas said smiling.

"Good point."

"I  really need to get her out of jail, now. She's pregnant with my baby. That makes her a bigger target than before. If Helena found out-"

"She won't. I've taken care of that."

"What did you do?"

"Do you really want to know?"

Nikolas stared at him. Stefan would never change. He had to ask himself if he wanted him to? "No, I don't really want to know. I just want Gia out of jail."

"How bad do you want her out of jail?"


"How far are you willing to go?"

"To protect my child? As far as necessary," Nikolas stated steadfastly.

"Then we have once again found some common ground. Call me in the morning. I'll have a plan by then."

"A plan?" Nikolas muttered uncertainly, as he left the table.  He wondered how long it would be before he also started coming up with convoluted plans to thwart his enemies. He wondered how long until he became Stefan.  Would it be futile to try to avoid that fate?

Maybe the urge to become like the one who had made him was too powerful. Stefan was more like Helena than he wanted to be. Perhaps Nikolas would one day be just like Stefan. Maybe  he shouldn't take on a fight he couldn't win.

If you can't beat 'em. . . . . .
~*~  ~*~  ~*~

End of chapter Twenty Three, Please e-mail any feedback by clicking on the mailbox below :)

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