The Wish Ch 2

By Alicia

Disclaimer:This story is not written by or affiliated with anyone who works at ABC, General Hospital, Marisa Ramirez, and Coltin Scott.

A horn sounded just behind, bringing her back to reality. Agrhhh! Those cars! She hated them! She kept walking. The horn sounded again. Ok...that's it. When she turned, all the words froze in her mouth. There right beside her was a Jag. A black Jag. Turning her head slightly to the left, she found herself looking into the warm, brownish eyes of Nickolas Cassadine. Everything stopped, except the insistent pounding of her accelerating heart. 'Ok, get it together....words, I need words,' she thought.

      "Hey, Niki, what's the Prince doing out on a day like this?" Ok, not exactly what she wanted to say, but she did say something.
      "Very funny, Gia. I'm headed to L&B. You need a lift?"
      "No, actually, I was headed to PCU. You go ahead. I'm fine." She shivered. But not from the cold.
      "Right, your fine. Then why are you shivering?"
      If you only knew... "I'm not shivering and if it appears so, you're wrong."
      "Gia, for once could you just humor me and let me give you a ride?"

      He sat there in his car with a half smile, half frown on his face. He just knew that she was going to say 'no' to his invitation, so she decided to surprise him.
      "Ok. Niki, whatever his highness wants."

      And before he could take his next breath, she was in his car, bringing the sweet smell of coldness, sunshine and pure Gia. Sitting there with her within the warm confines of his now incredibly warm car made him more than a little uncomfortable. She turned to look at him and for once, he was speechless.

      "Hello? Anyone Home? Nik!?!" A car horn blared loudly behind them.
      "Huh? Oh, sorry. I was thinking about something." No, someone. You. "Buckle your seatbelt because the ride may get a little bumpy for you."

      She snorted. As he put the car in gear, she looked at his hands as he slightly gripped the stick with the same confidence that she encountered the first time she met him. She looked at him. 'Hmmm.... not bad', she told herself. Nik was one of a kind. He truly was tall, dark and handsome. When he walked into a room, you'd know it before glancing his way. He had midnight black hair, an olive complexion and raven wing eyebrows. His lips were like melons that looked juicy and sweet, especially when he smiled. His eyes were brown with specks of hazel in them. She looked at his throat, which was a thick column that gradually evened out to a nice pair of brod shoulders. He was muscular without being muscle bound. Definitely her type of man. 

      Nik could feel her eyes on him. It took everything inside him not to look over into those eyes of hers. Those eyes. Big and brown, it felt like they saw right through to the heart of him. He was sick of denying his attraction to her. Sick of all the light banter and teasing. Not to be egotistical but he just KNEW she felt the same way. He was about to make the biggest chance of his life....

      "Gia, I wanna ask you something."
      "What is it?"
      "Are you still having problems with you're Calc?"  
    "Yeah, why?"  
    "I have some free time after Ned's session tonight. Did you want to get together to go over some problems?"  
    "Ok. What time?"  
    "Around eleven."  
    "Kinda late for a study session, don't you think?"  
    "It's a late jam session. What's the matter, 'fraid to be alone with me?"  
    "Right, I'm afraid. I'm game. Pull over right here." She got out, taking her warmth with her. She turned around and bent to look him straight in the eye. "You remember where I live? Good. I'll, um, see you tonight."

      And, with a whirl of braids, she was gone.Nik sat in his car for a long time, staring at the steering wheel. His hands tightened around the wheel until his hands turned white. Eleven o'clock tonight. Him and Gia, alone. What the hell had he done?

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