What Love Overcomes Ch 13

Disclaimer:This story is not written by or affiliated with anyone who works at ABC, General Hospital, Marisa Ramirez, and Coltin Scott.

Few weeks later......

   Nikolas is at the gatehouse with Ned and Alexis. Tonight is the Nurse's Ball and he volunteered to watch Daniel for them since he had absolutely no plans of going. Alexis is trying to talk him into coming.

Alexis: I think it would be good for you to get out, Nikolas. Ever since Gia took off for parts unknown, you've been moping around not doing anything. If you worked for anyone else but Ned, you'd be fired by now.

Nik: Thanks for your concern, but I'm still not going.

Alexis(sighing): Fine. Do I look all right?

   Alexis stands in front of the mirror debating how good she looks in the dress. It's a strapless, pale blue silk gown with a matching wrap. It has an empire waist that carries all the way down to the bottom of the dress, which grazes the floor. Alexis also has her hair pulled back into a French twist/bun thing and she is wearing very natural looking make-up. Nikolas hadn't seen her look so beautiful since her wedding.

Nik: Alexis, you look gorgeous.

Alexis: Are you sure? You can tell I had a baby a few weeks ago, can't you? (running her hand over her stomach, smoothing the dress) It's funny, I still touch my stomach expecting to feel Danny kick. (walking over to the bassinet) But then I'm glad I get to just hold him and cuddle the most adorable baby in the world. (making baby talk the longer she goes on) You're such a cutie, aren't you? Yes, you are, and you know it. (picking up Daniel) Hi, Sweetie.

Ned(coming downstairs in his tux, looking rather handsome): Alexis, I don't think it's wise to hold him right now, especially since he just ate.

Alexis(handing the baby to Nik): Right, baby spit up doesn't exactly go with this dress. Ned, do I look all right?

Ned: How may times do I have to tell you, you're stunning.

Alexis(smiles, kissing his cheek): Thank you. Come here, your tie's crooked.

   Nik stares at Ned and Alexis with a bittersweet smile on his face. He's glad Alexis finally has the happiness she deserves, but this is the happiness he pictured with Gia. He looks down at Daniel who is just laying contentedly in his arms studying Nik's face. Alexis is right about Daniel being a cute baby. He has these huge brown eyes that seem so full of life, Alexis's lighter brown hair covering his head, Ned's dimples, but definitely Alexis's face. He does look much more like a Cassadine than a Quartermaine.

Alexis: Oh, let me say bye-bye to my son. Bye, Honey. Mommy will be back in a few hours. Be good for Nikolas okay? (kissing Daniel on the cheek) Call me if the slightest thing happens. Coughs, sneezes...anything.

Ned: Basically just count on Alexis calling every 10 minutes because she'll get worried when you don't call.

Alexis: It's my first time away from my son, of course I'm going to be worried.

Ned(grabbing her arm and dragging her out the door): Bye Nikolas.

   When they leave, Nikolas glances back down at Daniel, who now has this mischievous grin on face. Nik can't help but smile a little at that, as he sits down on the couch and turns on the TV, glad to be watching Daniel tonight, his little cousin is an excellent distraction. Especially when he starts crying 5 minutes into Nik's favorite TV show.

Nik(over the crying): Hey, I'm supposed be your favorite person. I shoulda known you were up to know good with that grin. (sighs) It's going to be a long night.

******************************** Helena's Yacht......

   Helena is sitting at her vanity placing a few more bobby pins in her hair and then she will be ready for the Nurses' Ball. She didn't really want to go, but the Cassadines are backing the hospital, besides, it would give her a great opportunity to check on Nikolas. Andreas walks into the room, taking Helena out of her thoughts.

Andreas: Are you almost ready, Madam?

Helena: One more minute, Andreas. Have you been able to trace the origin of that letter from Ms. Campbell?

Andreas: No. All that is known is that Ms. Campbell wrote the letter.

   (Before they left the cabin, Gia gave Roy and Luke a letter to give to Helena that states exactly what Gia thinks of Helena. It's been driving Helena crazy, especially since Gia's no longer in town and Helena can't go threaten her.)

Helena: Can you believe Nikolas actually blames me for Gia's disappearance? (chuckles) Then again, if I were Nikolas I would probably suspect me, too.

Andreas(holding open Helena's coat): You are one of a kind, Madam.

Helena(sliding into her coat): Don't I know it. Let's go get this bore of a ball over with. My one good deed for the year will be done.

************************** Port Charles Hotel Lobby......

   Luke and Roy are in the corner of the lobby discussing the situation with Gia.

Roy: So, do you know how Helena reacted to the letter you left on her yacht from Gia:

Luke: Yeah, and she's not happy about it at all. Especially considering Braids is no where to be seen. That was one clever idea Braids had, leaving some nasty letter for Helena. Some nice little good-bye token to show her affection for Helena. (snickers) Almost wish I'd thought of that.

Roy: Nah, you're not that smart. (whispering) What's next on the agenda? Who's going to make the first trip to Switzerland?

Luke: I'll go. You have that father/daughter annual trip thingy you take with your kid. I'll leave next week Tuesday and be back by Thursday, Friday at the latest.

Roy: What did you tell Laura?

Luke: I'm going out of town and will be back in a couple days. She don't wanna ask.

Roy: Are you sure it's smart to be talking here in public where anyone can hear?

Luke: We're in the corner of the room, with no one within 10 feet of us. (tugging at his collar) I hate these monkey suits. (sees Ned and Alexis) Hey, look, it's Natasha and NEddie Maine Ashton Quartermaine or whatever his name is this week.

Ned(cordial): Luke. Hello, Roy.

Alexis: Hey, Luke. So, you're actually here in a tux?

Luke(kisses her hand): I heard you were coming and I just had to see what you'd be wearing. You sure you just had a baby?

Alexis: Haha. Yes, I have the dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep to prove it.

Luke: Well, you look smashing. If my wife weren't here and neither was he (points to Ned) who knows what would happen. (sneaky grin)

Alexis: I'd beat you over the head with my purse.

Roy: Nikolas isn't here?

Alexis: No. He volunteered to baby-sit Danny for us. He's still broken up about Gia. I can't believe she just left him. (sighs) Well, if you'll excuse us, we have to say hello to Lila.

Luke: See ya, 'Tash. (turning to Roy) So, Nikky's still heartbroken, huh? I say we just knock him out and toss him on a plane and bring him to Switzerland. This way I won't have to hear how much she misses him and how he misses her and blah de blah de blah.

Roy: You're a real sap, ain't you Luke.

Luke: Oh, I'm the sappiest. Well, we better get in there. I hear the music starting and you never know when Lucy will end up in her underwear. (raises his eyebrows)

   On their way into the ballroom, Roy and Luke run into Helena. And of course Luke being Luke, can't miss a chance to torture Helena.

Luke: Well, Helena Cassadine at a charity event? What would the witches counsel think of that?

Helena: The Cassadine support the hospital I have to come.

Luke: Right. (sees Helena scanning the ballroom) If you're looking for your precious Prince Nikolas, he ain't here.

Helena: Oh, the poor dear is still heartbroken about Gia leaving him. I warned him that she was no good for him. It pains me to see Nikolas hurt, but this is a lesson he had to learn. You'll have to excuse me, I must go discuss some things with Miss Coe. Luke, Mr. DiLucca.

Luke: See you, ya Old Bat.

Roy: You know, if we weren't behind this, I'd swear Helena had kidnapped Gia.

Luke: Yep. I bet she's wishing she'd kidnapped Braids when she had the chance.

Roy: At least Gia is safe and away from Helena. We just have to make sure it stays that way.

End of chapter Thirteen, Please e-mail any feedback by clicking on the mailbox below :)

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