What Love Overcomes Ch 14

Disclaimer:This story is not written by or affiliated with anyone who works at ABC, General Hospital, Marisa Ramirez, and Coltin Scott.

Few months later...It's now a few days after Thanksgiving, you'll be glad I moved up the time later. This chapter is mainly giving an idea of what's been going on these last few months, the main focus of the story will be back in the next chapter.

   Gia is in the kitchen of the cabin finishing up the dishes she was too tired to do last night, waiting for Luke to show up. He called her on that cell phone he and Roy had given her to let her know he would be at the cabin soon. Sighing, Gia turns off the water and sits in the recliner near the fire, planning to take a little nap before Luke showed up. As usual, her baby picks a time when Gia's trying to sleep to start kicking. She doesn't mind though, it's just her baby's way of letting Gia know he or she is there. She couldn't believe she was seven months pregnant already, her pregnancy has seemed to go so fast, which is partly a good thing because her heart, unfortunately is still broken over leaving Nikolas.

   Wasn't time supposed to heal all wounds? Instead, she misses Nikolas more everyday, especially with each little kick her baby makes. She feels so guilty about not even telling Nikolas about the baby, but it was either tell Nikolas about his child and have Helena try to kill the baby or leaving Port Charles. Gia doesn't regret leaving Port Charles to protect her baby, she'd do it again in a heartbeat, she just wishes Nikolas was here with her, anticipating the birth. Just then, Gia hears someone fidgeting with the door, for precaution, she grabs the gun out of the cigar box on the mantle and stands ready. As expected, Luke comes in, not surprised to see Gia with the gun trained on him, she's been doing that from the beginning.

Luke(closing the door): Hey, Braids. (looking at her) Well, we've grown a little since I last saw you, haven't we? I got you some more groceries.

  Every time either one of them comes, Luke and Roy bring her plenty of groceries to last her until the next visit.

Gia: Thanks. So, how are things in Port Charles?

Luke(shrugs): Same old, same old. Nothing ever changes in that sleepy little town. Lulu's class did their little Thanksgiving play a few days ago...Pilgrims and Indians...you know. (Gia nods) Anyway, she got to be the Indian chief's wife and got quite a few lines and she didn't mess up one.

Gia(smiles): That's good. I miss Lu and Laura and everyone. I even miss arguing constantly with Emily and Elizabeth. My one regret is never calling them the Bratty Twins to their faces. (bitter smile)

Luke: And here I thought you had left all the sarcasm and attitude back in Port Charles.

Gia: Oh, I'm still sarcastic, I've just got no one to give attitude to. Other than you and Roy of course. How's my Mom and Marcus?

Luke: Well, from what Roy tells me, since he's at the Brownstone much more than I am, they're still worried sick about you. Your brother got the police involved and they did some whole big investigation, not finding anything of course. They especially were checking out Helena and even Emily and Liz some, since they hated your guts.

Gia: Hated? As in past tense?

Luke(shrugs): Well, they see how worried Nikky is and they've begun to care where you are, at least in front of him. Especially after he blew up at them at the club when they said I told you so, and said how much better his life would be now.

Gia: How is Nikolas?

Luke: Better, I guess. According to Lucky anyway. Me and Nikky aren't exactly the closest people in the world. He still misses you and he's been spending a lot of time baby-sitting NEddie Maine Ashton Quartermaine and Alexis's kid, though. He says it keeps him busy and his mind occupied. He still looks like his heart was ripped out and tossed in the river, but he's making it.

Gia(kinda offended): At least Roy is sensitive about it, at least describing it to me.

Luke: Well, I'm not going to sugarcoat everything for you. I'd think you'd know that by now.

Gia: It's just very hard for me to hear how much Nikolas is hurting. How come you didn't tell me about Marcus bringing the cops in on this sooner?

Luke: What could you do from here other than worry which I know you're doing plenty of already. (sighing) All right, I don't come here to make you upset. Tell me, how are you doing? Roy says you're struggling over names for the kid.

Gia: Totally. I have like 3 or 4 ideas for a boy or girl, but I can't pick.

Luke: Well, you know, Luke is a very nice name, and Luka's been used for a boy or girl.

Gia: I don't think so. I have middle names down, first names, forget it.

Luke: Well, by the time I leave you will have a named picked out for the little baby who for argument's sake, we'll just call Luka for right now. (Gia glares at him.) What? Do you want to name this baby or what?

*************************************************** Port Charles......

   Nikolas is leaning over the coffee table going over some contracts for L&B. It seems like that's all he's been doing lately, work. L&B is the only thing that can take his mind off Gia for a little while, so he throws himself into his work whenever he can. Nik glances over at the chair where Calypso is sound asleep. When he first got that dog, it was for Gia's protection, now however, Calypso has become his best friend. She sleeps on the floor by his bed every night, he trips over her every morning, she greets him every day when he comes home from work, and Calypso is just constantly by Nikolas's side ever since Gia left. Nik never thought he would get attached to a dog, but he has. Nik is about to go back to the contracts when the doorbell rings. He answers, with Calypso on his heels, finding Taggert on the other side, a very serious look on his face.

Nik: Taggert, is something wrong?

Taggert: Can I come in?

Nik(stepping aside): Sure. Have any of your sources been able to find anything at all on Gia?

Taggert: No. Look, are you sure you have no idea where my sister is?

Nik: If I knew, I would be with her. I've been trying to find her just like you. It's like she just vanished. (the worst is just now dawning on him) You don't think she's...

Taggert: Honestly? The more time that goes by the more it's a possibility. But hey, if my sister could be in Port Charles for months without me or our mother knowing, then anything's possible. When she was 8, she decided she didn't want to live in Brooklyn anymore, she was a grown up who could be on her own. So she ran away, and made it all the way to our grandmother in Oregon and was gone for almost a week before our Mom realized she was gone.

Nik: I'm guessing your Mom isn't very careful?

Taggert: Actually, I was supposed to be watching her. But I was in my early 20's and just visiting and didn't want to watch my kid sister while my Mom was out of town on business.

Nik: Your grandmother didn't call?

Taggert: She didn't know Gia was there. Gia stayed in the hayloft in the barn. Grandma kept a small fridge out there for whatever reason and there was an outhouse that they used many years ago that still worked. So Gia was set. If she wants to disappear, she can do it very well.

Nik: Your Mom must've flipped.

Taggert: Oh, yeah. I may have been 21 years old, but she started beating the heck out of me in front of my friends. It was so embarrassing. My Mom may blame you, but I don't. Gia will turn up eventually, she always does.

Nik: I hope you're right.

Taggert(sincere): I am. She loves you too much to stay away forever. I'll see myself out. Goodnight.

Nik: 'Night.

   After locking up, Nik, now too tired to go over any more work, treads up the stairs and goes to bed.

**************************************** Port Charles, a few days later..... (Luke's office)

Luke: Come in!

Roy: Yeah, how was the trip?

Luke: Pretty good. I was think....

Roy: No, please don't think. Nothing good ever comes out of it.

Luke: You'll like this one.

Roy(sitting down, sighing): Fine. What is it?

Luke(rubbing his hands together, smiling): Let's just say I know the perfect Christmas present to give to Braids.

End of chapter Fourteen, Please e-mail any feedback by clicking on the mailbox below :)

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