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This is not a particularly long sequence nor a very poetic one. Yet, there is this one moment during this scene that give me goosebumps every, every time. When Bo yells "Noo!" when his officer shoots Todd, I just -- it gets to me. A few months earlier, a few weeks even, Bo may have pulled that trigger himself, no looking back. He came pretty darn close to doing so on more than one occasion. The fact the he doesn't, that he protests another man's doing so . . . Wow! The physical drama in this scene is good, but the psychological drama is outstanding.

The Car Crash: II

(Todd is in middle of climbing cliff face when Bo comes out of the woods behind him)

Bo: Manning! (he shines flashlight on Todd, then raises his gun) Climb on down Todd. It's over. Listen, Todd, I know you've got a gun in your pocket. Just ease it out real slow and drop it to the ground (Todd doesn't move). Manning! Don't be stupid! Todd, there's no way out. I will shoot you if I have to!

T: (out of breath) Maybe that -- would be the best thing fore everybody.

B: No.

T: Why not?

B: Look, if you think what happened tonight's going on your rap sheet, you're wrong. We know the accident wasn't your fault!

T: (looks over shoulder) What?

B: We know you didn't have anything to do with that wreck. And, we know that Marty and those kids probably wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you. But this running, it's gonna stop, and it's gonna stop right now. So drop the gun! Todd, listen you know this is your last chance (Todd shifts slightly), you know it! Do it! (slowly, Todd reaches for the gun, holding it out, about to drop it when a young officer comes on the scene. He sees Todd with a gun in his hand, and fires automatically)

B: (as he fires) Nooo! NO! (Todd falls slowly and almost gracefully, hitting the ground on his back)

B: (rushing to his side) Hold your fire! Hold your fire! (kneeling) Todd, can you hear me?

Young Officer: (frantic) He, he had a gun! He had a gun!

B: I know. Go, get an ambulance crew right now. (Checking out Todd's wound) This is bad. (presses cloth to his chest, and takes off his jacket, placing it under Todd's head)

Lt. Manzo: (coming thru woods) What happened? I heard a shot.

B: (grimly) Manning's down.

Young Officer: I, I saw a gun!

B: (to Manzo) Get an ambulance crew, now! Take the trooper with you. (they leave) Hang on Todd; we're gonna get you help! (Todd struggles to speak, shaking and Bo bends down to him) What? I'm listening -- go ahead.

T: (shaking, barely able to speak) Re--Rebecca. . .

B: Yeah?

T: T-tell . . . Rebecca . . .

B: Tell Rebecca what?

T: Tell . . . everyone (whispers) I'm sorry . . .

B: (gently as Todd moans, then loses conciousness) Okay, Todd. Hang on, hang on. Hang on.

at the hospital; Todd's wheeled in as Rebecca, Powell and Nora watch; Bo follows him in, heading directly for Nora who holds him tight

Nora: (holding him) I was so scared! I didn't know if you were alright; I didn't know anything! Rebecca: Bo, is Todd going to be okay? (Marty comes in in time to hear Rebecca's question)

B: (he looks at her) I don't know, Rebecca; that's a question the doctor'll have to answer. (He and Nora talk quietly for a moment; Rebecca interrupts, almost unable to help herself)

R: Bo, Bo, (under control, but barely so) who shot Todd? Why did they shoot him?

B: (slowly) I asked him to drop his weapon; he still had it in his hand when another officer showed up on the scene. He thought Todd was going to shoot me, so he shot him first.

R: Well, was Todd going to shoot you?

B: I honestly don't know. Maybe he was; maybe he was gonna drop it.

R: (needing to know) Well, what do you think he was going to do?? (Marty shakes her head)

B: (looking into her eyes) I think he was gonna give himself up.

R: (moving away from Powell impatiently, upset) Well then why was he shot?!?

B: Rebecca, when you're in a confrontation with the police with a gun in your hand, things can go wrong.

R: Did he say anything?

B: Yes, he did. Right before he passed out, (he pauses, looking away then at her) he asked me to tell you he was sorry.