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Car Crash III Todd Manning and children, that's always, always been fascinating. No matter who the child, CJ, Sarah, Eli (remember him?), his own daughter, Todd's a different being entirely when he's with a child. Or maybe he's not so different; maybe he's just -- more who he should have been. Who he could have been had things turned out differently. There's this moment in this scene where CJ asks Todd 'Promise?' And Todd Manning, who up to this point has never promised anybody anything without it being a lie, simply agrees. And, he's not lying. Maybe that's the essence of Todd with kids -- he doesn't lie to them. Because he knows what lying to children does to them.

Then, there's the second half of this scene, Todd's interaction with Cord. Cord Roberts was A Good Guy, capital letters intentional. And, he was neither a hypocrite nor a sham, he was the real deal. You couldn't help but like Cord even as you rolled your eyes at his old-fashioned cowboy manners and his country boy accent. He and Todd had a fascinating dynamic; even later during all the stuff with Blair, Cord seemed to almost -- well, respect may be too strong of a word, but he did attempt to see him without prejudice. And, I think that began here. Cord saw the world without shades of grey; if you saved someone he loved, then there was something good in you. Period. And, from this point on, his conception of Todd was colored because of Todd saving CJ and Jessica. And Marty. On a final note, there's a line Todd says to Cord "It's too easy for kids to slip away. For them to go -- astray". And watching that, it hit me -- maybe what Todd Manning's story was all about, in large part, was fathers and their children. Whether the father be Peter Manning or Victor Lord and the child be Todd or the father be Todd Manning and the children be his own. For me, that one line delivered in a quiet, honest voice to Cord Roberts, it said more to me about Todd Manning than any revelation of childhood abuse ever did. Nice touch, Mr. Malone. Thanks.

"Car Crash: Part III
CJ slips into Todd's hospital room after Cord's told him he can't see his 'genie'.

CJ: Ali? Ali-ali-out!
T: (whispers) CJ.
CJ: Ali, it's me; I'm right here.
T: (turns to look at him) CJ, my buddy. . .
CJ: Hey Ali.
T: (half-smiles) Hey.
CJ: They said somebody shot you (sits on Todd's bed beside him).
T: They did.
CJ: Wow!!
T: How's Jessica doing?
CJ: She's okay.
T: That's great. And -- Marty?
CJ: She's already home. Ali, you saved us. (Todd makes small noise of negation) You're a hero! They just gotta forgive you.
T: Listen to me, CJ. I'm gonna tell you something that I want you to try and understand the best you can.
CJ: Okay.
T: I'm gonna go far away (resigned). There's nothing they can say; nobody's gonna 'forgive' me. They're gonna send me far away for a long, long time.
CJ: No! You're my best friend.
T: I'll still be your friend. No matter what, that's not gonna change. We'll always be friends. Good friends.
CJ: Best friends? The best friends ever?
T: Best friends.
CJ: Promise?
T: (meaning it) Yeah. Yeah, I promise. Just like I promised I'd always protect you, the same kind of promise. Okay, CJ?
CJ: Okay. (Cord comes to the doorway, unseen by either of them. CJ pulls out a super-hero toy from his pocket and holds it out towards Todd) Then you take this. It's my favorite toy.
T: No, you hold onto that, okay CJ?
CJ: You've gotta. (puts it in Todd's hand) He's a hero, too. And, he's good luck.
T: He is, huh?
CJ: So you keep him, okay Ali? (Todd doesn't answer, just twirls the toy in his hands) Okay Ali?
Cord: (stepping forward) CJ. (CJ turns around and slips off the bed) Wait outside, son.
CJ: Daddy, Ali and me --
Cord: I know. Wait outside. I'd like to talk to your genie (looks at Todd) in private.
CJ: (to Todd) Don't forget about me, Ali. And come back soon.
T: Don't worry, I won't forget you.
CJ: And I won't forget you, ever (starts to leave).
T: 'Bye CJ. (as CJ leaves, Todd looks at Cord and the walls come back up) What? What're you looking at me like that for?
Cord: (pauses) Thank you.
T: (disbelieving) 'Scuse me?
Cord: For saving my son's life. And Jessica's. And -- Marty's too, for all I know. I couldn't let things go without, without saying something.
T: So, you said it.
Cord: Yeah (turns to go) That's all I had to say.
T: Hey! (Cord turns back) I got something to say to you. I don't know you at all, but I know Sarah and I know CJ, and you got two great kids. Do yourself a favor. When they screw up, tell them they're okay, and that you love 'em. And when they need you, you be there for them. (quietly) It's too easy for kids to slip away. For them to go -- astray.

(Cord looks at Todd for a long moment, his face confused, then almost nods and leaves)